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Good morning everyone, quite chilly here again this morning. I am just looking forward to some warmer weather.


Hope you and your mum have a lovely day at the beach Summer, and I hope that you are having a great time Yogi.  Hope all goes well at the tax course EL, it seems silly that some of the info is out of date as soon as they have said it , I won't say have a good time because that doesn't sound likely on a course like that And I hope the site behaves itself for you Skylark.  A big hug for Ros, I am sure Yogi will be back soon


Good afternoon everyone


I'm back from my rivettingly exciting tax course . The lecturer said that because he realised that some of what he was saying could be out of date by the time the course finished he would be emailing us with revised notes.


I see that age allowances for those over 65 are to be frozen in future until the ordinary personal allowance for those under 65 catches up and then everyone will have the same personal allowance.


Summer, there is going to be a change in the way VAT is done as far as payments for renting a chair in a hairdresser's salon is done. Quite a lot of salons have been charging their stylists rent and claiming this is exempt. As from 1 October VAT will have to be charged. If this could affect you, I suggest you ask your accountant about this.


The biggest change as far as I am concerned is that it is intended that self employed people will in future (but not yet), if their turnover is under ÂĢ77k (the VAT registration threshold) then they can choose to do their accounts on a cash basis instead of an accruals basis. Motor expenses would be able to be claimed at a straight mileage basis rather than having to keep receipts for all their petrol and other expenses (actually although the government has announced that, businesses already can so that's a bit of political rhubarb). The chancellor has said that this will mean that those self employed people opting for the cash basis will be able to do their own accounts and tax return so that they won't need an accountant. My own view is that cash accounts are fine if the business is a cash business but are useless if they buy and sell on credit and have sizeable stocks. Cash accounts for those types of business will give a distorting result. As an example say a business with a turnover of ÂĢ60k does 4 invoices a year each for ÂĢ15k. On an accruals basis it would show ÂĢ60k income each year. On a cash basis if a customer paid late then in one year the business would have ÂĢ45k income and the next ÂĢ75k.

El Loro

I've had another one of those crooks ringing me to say there was a problem with my computer. I told him that he would have to wait while my computer booted up which would take several minutes and that I would put my phone down while it did. That's completely true as I had only just returned from the course. While my computer booted I put my lunch on to cook and laid the table. When I had done that my computer had booted up. He then told me to press the Windows button and R (which is the same as just clicking Run from the Start menu) and type in I knew that this would take me to the Logmein webpage which is legit. He then gave me a 6 digit code to type in the box and then click on the Connect to Technician button. I waffled on a bit pretending to type in the 6 digit code and click the button.


I then told him that I knew perfectly well that this was a well known con which had been exposed in the Guardian newspaper, That there was no virus on my computer, that if I gave him access then a virus would be put on my computer and that they would then charge me a sum of money for them to get rid of it. The phone went dead at that point. At least I had managed to waste 13 minutes of his time


They obviously don't keep any records of who they have rung in the past as otherwise they would realise they were wasting their time. These people didn't claim to be from Microsoft but something else but if I do ever get a call claiming to be from Microsoft I would intend to ask them to explain why they were monitoring computers which is against European legislation. I do know that if you ever get an error message from a program which has crashed asking if you want to send an Error Report to Microsoft, if you do, the information sent to Microsoft is kept confidential. It does contain your computer's IP address but their privacy statement dows state that this is not used to identify you or to contact you. So I would also ask them to explain to me how they were able to identify that my computer had a problem when their privacy document categorically says that they won't.


If anyone is ever interested in what is sent to Microsoft in an Error Report - link to their privacy document

El Loro
popping in to say goodnight, my mum has had a wonderful birthday El, thank you for the tip about the hairdressers tax changes I'll definitely make a note & look in to that Yogi, I hope you have a safe journey home, and am pleased you've had a wonderful time in Prague Squiggle & skylark, hope you're both having a good day and I'll catch up with you both real soon for joyron Sweet dreams all x
~Sparkling Summer~
morning After several poor night's sleep, I finally had a real good sleep last night- the sea air perhaps..? I'll be visiting friends throughout the day, and have kept some free time this morning to potter about the town- I'm hoping to pick up some fabric squares for a cushion project I'm about to start. Have a lovely day everyone and I'll see you in a bit
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, it looks like it's going to be a lovely day.


Ooh Summer are you going to do patchwork?  I love patchwork and I am fascinated by those American quilting circles and the wonderful quilts they produce.


Especially for the lovely Joyron, who we all miss terribly from this thread








Hi all x

Safe journey home Yogi x

Was very cold here thru the night so i put the heating on, and fell asleep only to wake up with a thumping head and the house roasting. Have taken some paracetamol and got the windows wide open.  

Love to Joyron 

Glad your mum had a nice birthday , Summer x


Last edited by Former Member

Thank you Renton for the Public Service Announcement Seriously we appreciate it and we like it when you come in and post, now don't be a stranger


Ooh Skylark that sounds an uncomfortable way to wake up.  The weather is a bit odd at the moment, it looks lovely but we have had an east wind down here that has felt very very chilly when you venture out, hope you feel hydrated now.

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

You are back!

Well done on going to the dentist, Pirate. Your mouth will feel a lot better tomorrow.

it was pretty painful

when the dentist said to open wide and id only feel a little prick, i just didnt care, at that point you could have put anything in my mouth..

thankfully it was only a needle


Did you need an antibiotic, too?



just got told not to smoke

so as i came out i felt a bit giddy and stood next to a newsagents noticeboard to get my balance lol

anyway, there was this letter in the window, an the woman who wrote it was announcing that contrary to rumours, she hasnt had an affair with a local schoolboy and its her ex spreading rumours etc..

i laughed that much it cheered me up and i had a fag

Originally Posted by pirate1111:


just got told not to smoke

so as i came out i felt a bit giddy and stood next to a newsagents noticeboard to get my balance lol

anyway, there was this letter in the window, an the woman who wrote it was announcing that contrary to rumours, she hasnt had an affair with a local schoolboy and its her ex spreading rumours etc..

i laughed that much it cheered me up and i had a fag

You are incorrigible.

Link copied to your clipboard.