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Originally Posted by squiggle:

It was hard to make them out at first EL, but what is that one in the far left doing?

I'm not sure it is a sheep, I think it may be a wolf on sheep's clothing


A farmer in New Zealand last year where the Rugby world cup was held decided to dye his sheep in a variety of colours representing each of the countries taking part. I found this:

El Loro
good morning everyone I thought it was 8.30am when I woke, but it was 6.30 every day, work or no work.. Next week will be a struggle especially at meal times The rainbow sheep are tremendous I might lead a herd of them into the penthouse and see if baz goes mad I hope everyone has a good Monday, I've a busy day planned so probably won't be around much
~Sparkling Summer~
afternoon/evening all Hope you're having a lovely day. It's been a busy but lovely day, my 2 best friends & their babies were all in good spirits and a joy to be around My brother is late, let's hope he arrives without incident soon.. And I'm about to head out to a friends, sweet dreams to all who will be in dreamland before I get back
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
afternoon/evening all Hope you're having a lovely day. It's been a busy but lovely day, my 2 best friends & their babies were all in good spirits and a joy to be around My brother is late, let's hope he arrives without incident soon.. And I'm about to head out to a friends, sweet dreams to all who will be in dreamland before I get back

That reminded me of this :


It's been a quiet day here but weatherwise a vast improvement over last week. I hope your evening goes well

El Loro

Where indeed


But don't forget that before the series of Dixon of Dock Green was made that George Dixon was in the film The Blue Lamp and was shot dead by a thug played by Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven van den Bogaerde better known as Dirk Bogarde. What a name, I'm not surprised it got shortened by the film studios.



Ilyena Lydia Vasilievna Mironoff became Helen Mirren

Marion Michael Morrison became John Wayne

Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra became Meg Ryan

Issur Danielovitch Demsky became Kirk Douglas

Camille Javal became Brigitte Bardot

El Loro
Hi everyone. Just a flying visit. Having a wonderful time. Prague is a very beautiful city and the people are very friendly. Been to the castle and the cathedral today and went over the charles bridge. Summer, you would be proud of me, I have walked miles today. Went out for a lovely meal tonight and am absolutely stuffed! Love to everyone, speak again soon.xx. Thanks to velvet and scotty for your good wishes.xx
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Hi everyone. Just a flying visit. Having a wonderful time. Prague is a very beautiful city and the people are very friendly. Been to the castle and the cathedral today and went over the charles bridge. Summer, you would be proud of me, I have walked miles today. Went out for a lovely meal tonight and am absolutely stuffed! Love to everyone, speak again soon.xx. Thanks to velvet and scotty for your good wishes.xx

Sound lovely Yogi, wish I was there, you will never believe what is happening in Corrie, Sally is lying flat on her face after a confrontation with Franks Ma........still wish I was there in Prague ....have a great time xx

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Hi everyone. Just a flying visit. Having a wonderful time. Prague is a very beautiful city and the people are very friendly. Been to the castle and the cathedral today and went over the charles bridge. Summer, you would be proud of me, I have walked miles today. Went out for a lovely meal tonight and am absolutely stuffed! Love to everyone, speak again soon.xx. Thanks to velvet and scotty for your good wishes.xx

aww yogi it sounds gorgeous - glad you are having  awonderful time

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Yogi, I'm glad you are having a great time there


And for anyone who doesn't know the people in squiggle's post above, Frances Gumm = Judy Garland and Archibald Leech ( who came from Bristol) = Cary Grant.


Herbert Charles Angelo Kuchacevich von Schluderpacheru became Herbert Lom.

William Henry Pratt became Boris Karloff


James Leblanche Stewart had to change his name for obvious reasons. He became Stewart Granger.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning everyone x

Nice to hear you are having a lovely time Yogi x and Summer too x

I can see why Herbert Lom shortened his name 



Me too you wouldn't want to go saying Schluderpacheru when you've had a tincture of two would you?


Morning everyone by the way, a bit colder this morning and very grey.


I've been having fun and games this morning.


I turned my computer on this morning and there was a message from my antivirus s/w provider that there was a new version. So I upgraded it at no cost and restarted the computer to take effect. I then got a message saying that it couldn't start the real-time file scanner. Although that doesn't affect the firewall and the anti virus check on things like emails, it does mean that any files on my computer which get loaded for any program I use don't get checked. I did a bit of Googling and came to the conclusion that the most likely cause was a bit of confusion over the registry entries as that would contains entries for the previous versions of the A/v s/w as well as the new one. One of the reasons I did the upgrade was that it now includes a pc health scanner. I checked this out and saw that part of it scans the registry and sorts out any redundant entries and broken entries. So I ran the scanner, and restarted my computer and this time the real-time file scanner did get started. So hopefully I have sorted this out but only time will tell. I may also find that the computer works a bit faster than before. But all this took up time.


Now as part of my services to clients I run a few payrolls for them. I have been using the same software for years, had ordered and received the CD for this coming tax year and decided to install it this morning. The installation went without problem but I needed to register it with the PIN number I had been emailed to activate it.


It didn't work. I tried a few times but no luck. So I rang them and it turned out that the PIN number I had been sent was the wrong number. They gave me the correct one over the phone and I was able to activate it without a problem. It turns out that other users have been having the same problem. I had kept the email I had been sent and forwarded it to them for them to investigate to see if they can find out what had caused the problem.


It's just as well these things happened at a time when I'm not snowed under with work.


El Loro
Hi everyone. El, you did well to sort out the computer problem. If that had happened to me, I would have handed the computer to youngest son and said, "help!". We have done a lot more walking today, which should help to work off all the food we have eaten! We went to the Jewish quarter today and visited the cemetery and synagogues, too. We also visited a market - mr yogi likes markets. Hope everyone is well and your weather is nice and sunny like Prague's. Many thanks for the corrie update, I really appreciate it, syd. (thumbsupsmiley). Big hugs to everyone. xx

I've just returned from the last of this year's Lent groups at church. The reading this time was from John 12 20-33. Verse 25 reads "Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." That is on the surface a very hard verse, and I raised this with the vicar at the meeting. His immediate answer was to say that people who are self absorbed in their own lives risk not being able to give of themselves to others. Someone else was puzzled by this verse as well. I think I may have given the vicar something to think about and it will be interesting to see if on Sunday in his sermon he talks about this.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just returned from the last of this year's Lent groups at church. The reading this time was from John 12 20-33. Verse 25 reads "Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." That is on the surface a very hard verse, and I raised this with the vicar at the meeting. His immediate answer was to say that people who are self absorbed in their own lives risk not being able to give of themselves to others. Someone else was puzzled by this verse as well. I think I may have given the vicar something to think about and it will be interesting to see if on Sunday in his sermon he talks about this.


Gee whizz  


And not a satisfactory answer either  

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just returned from the last of this year's Lent groups at church. The reading this time was from John 12 20-33. Verse 25 reads "Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." That is on the surface a very hard verse, and I raised this with the vicar at the meeting. His immediate answer was to say that people who are self absorbed in their own lives risk not being able to give of themselves to others. Someone else was puzzled by this verse as well. I think I may have given the vicar something to think about and it will be interesting to see if on Sunday in his sermon he talks about this.


Gee whizz  


And not a satisfactory answer either  

I am hoping that the vicar will give more insight into this on Sunday. Anyone who hears this verse and isn't a regular churchgoer would be really baffled by this verse and could be put off. I think I've given the vicar something to think about.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning everyone x

Nice to hear you are having a lovely time Yogi x and Summer too x

I can see why Herbert Lom shortened his name 



Me too you wouldn't want to go saying Schluderpacheru when you've had a tincture of two would you?


Morning everyone by the way, a bit colder this morning and very grey.

Indeed squiggle, 

good morning Hope everyone slept well El I'm pleased you got your computer problem resolved swiftly and more so that it didn't happen in your peak times. As for bible passages, I'm afraid some of them leave me clueless, thank goodness there are vicars to help unravel those that we don't fully understand Yesterday was lovely, I was out walking in the morning and had to take my coat off! Let's hope today turns out the same It's my mum's 60th birthday and she's requested a day at the beach- done Yogi I hope you're having a wonderful time in prague, I can't wait to hear more for everyone, have a good day each of you x
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


That error message on my computer yesterday has not appeared this morning so it does look as if I have sorted it out.


Skylark, I think there have been intermittent server problems on this forum over the last couple of days - quite a few of us have been experiencing them.


Summer, I hope your mum has a great day today.


I'm out this morning at a tax course. Unfortunate that it is on the same day as the Budget which means that some of the course will be out of date by the time the course is over but I have another tax course to go to later on this year.


El Loro
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