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*early birds* Good morning all I'm just getting up, feeling better that I did yesterday morning- phew! I've made a decision too I was going to drive to my mums tomorrow night after work, (its a 5 hour drive) so we could spend all of mothers day together. She then agreed to go in to work, and we'll have dinner in the evening together. I've decided to drive down on Sunday morning instead, it all round makes more sense Hope you all slept well, and happy Friday *leaves trolley of fruits, juices, teas, toasts, cereals, and of course.. Pancakes! Yogi bear pancakes in fact*
~Sparkling Summer~
Greetings from lunch break, it's a lovely afternoon outside. A little chilly in the breeze but nice and sunny I've been tormenting myself by reading about dogs again this morning! I hope everyone is having a good Friday. What are the weekend plans? Except yogi, I know yours can Keira come stay with me for the week?! I'm guessing she's going to Harvey's..?
~Sparkling Summer~

Here it's still grey. In the last 5 days, apart from a couple of hours, the sky has been 100% cloud cover. As a result the temperature outside is 9 which although not cold isn't particularly warm and the blossom which came out a week ago on the cherry trees in Church Road is looking a bit sorry.


I hope everyone here who's travelling this weekend has a great time


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Greetings from lunch break, it's a lovely afternoon outside. A little chilly in the breeze but nice and sunny I've been tormenting myself by reading about dogs again this morning! I hope everyone is having a good Friday. What are the weekend plans? Except yogi, I know yours can Keira come stay with me for the week?! I'm guessing she's going to Harvey's..?

Summer, it made me laugh that you know us so well. Yes, Keira is going to stay at Harvey's - although my son (who is visiting today) reckons it's his house.

I know that Keira would love staying with you, and going on long walks with you and Mr Summer.


Your weather is much better than mine - it's wellies and umbrella day, up here.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Here it's still grey. In the last 5 days, apart from a couple of hours, the sky has been 100% cloud cover. As a result the temperature outside is 9 which although not cold isn't particularly warm and the blossom which came out a week ago on the cherry trees in Church Road is looking a bit sorry.


I hope everyone here who's travelling this weekend has a great time


I saw some cherry trees with blossom yesterday, they looked beautiful. It's a pity the blossom doesn't last a bit longer though.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol yogi will she be happy or sulky when you return? El, it too has gone very cloudy here, I'm expecting it to rain anytime I love cherry blossoms, they are so beautiful. Where I grew up they have big cherry blossoms in the church yard and look like natural confetti when they shed petals in the wind

I'm not sure Summer, hopefully happy.

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good evening everyone.    Sorry I've not been about much.  Still trying to clear one patio and there are three more to come afterwards!!!


Won't be about much over the weekend but wanted to drop in and say have a great time away Yogi.  Love you all.   Have a good weekend whatever you are doing.   

Aww, thank you Joyron.


Four patios to clear, you must have a large garden. I only have a small patio area in my garden - for which I am grateful at this time of year, when it needs cleaning.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Very beautiful video El, I'm sure that cherry blossoms will have a special meaning to the Japanese, they usually have a reason for choosing what they do

Summer you are correct, I found this:


"Cherry trees have long held significance in Japanese culture, and their blossoming season, which generally lasts only a few days, coincides with the beginning of Japan's governmental and educational calendars in April. The cherry tree, for many in Japan, symbolizes "the transience of life" primarily due to the short blooming time of the trees. The fallen blossoms on the ground can also be "likened to snow and later, as a metaphor for a warrior killed early in life," according to Spring Flowers in Japan's web site.

Everyday Lifestyle

  • Because cherry blossoms are representative of life's fleeting nature and hold significance with relation to fallen soldiers, depictions of cherry trees and their recognizable flowers are found on a wide variety of everyday Japanese items as well as numerous works of art. According to St. Olaf University's web site, because cherry blossoms are associated with the 1800s and samurai warriors, "the flowers appear in many objects of the day, such as folding screens, sliding doors, kimono and lacquer ware, as well as depictions of Samurai."

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