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Sorry Summer, signing out now. Will catch up tomorrow.


Spotted your post before I signed out.

Leaving for Prague on Sunday (very early!)

My day was good and I managed to get another pair of trousers today, so I'm all set now.

Glad you enjoyed your new/old yoga class - much better than the one where nobody spoke.


Goodnight again.


Good morning everyone


Weatherwise, exactly the same as yesterday and the day before - just grey sky and dry.


And as Yogi's off to Prague I thought I would post a clip of a short piece from Antonin Dvorak who was Prague's most famous composer. The conductor is Seiji Ozawa who has been seriously ill over the last couple of years but yesterday pledged that he will be returning to work next year - he is 76.


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is quite mild this morning - and dry!

Thank you for the music video, El, I liked it.

I'll take some pics and post them for you, Squiggle.

Summer, thanks for brekkie, the pancakes were delicious. Enjoy your day off.

Skylark, I saw your Bulgaria thread, I'm sure your son and his friends will be fine.


Another one of my music postings . Yesterday I saw a Hairy Bikers programme on television. It was set in Norway and some of the scenery was spectacular. Part of the programme used music from Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt suite. During this the two men and a woman did a travesty of an act based on a bit of the music and I could have done without that. Anyway I thought I would post 3 parts of the suite here. The first two are well known pieces of music, the third less so. I'll post them in the order that they are played in the suite. (the suite was written to accompany Ibsen's play.)


The first is In the Hall of the Mountain King.


The second is Morenstimmung which means Morning Mood. You'll like the photographs which go with this one.


The third is Solveig's Song which is beautiful but more serious than the first two:

El Loro

Whilst I was looking for the above I found this clip. Although the title is in Russian I know that this piece is by J S Bach. It's his Chorale Prelude in F Minor (the classification number is BWV 639 - Bach and Mozart's compositions have been catalogued - Mozart's have K numbers)


I have posted the music before but a different clip and in a different context. This piece of music may only be 3 minutes long but I think it is one of the greatest pieces of music ever written. It conjures up a wintry feel to it and the photographs are very fitting.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I liked all three, El. I am familiar with the first two but hadn't heard the third. I think Morgenstimmung is my favourite of the three.


Chorale Prelude made me feel like I was in church, it had that sort of feel to it - if you know what I mean? The stunning snowy pictures were a beautiful accompaniment to the music.

I agree with all your comments, Yogi.

The title of the Chorale Prelude is "Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesus Christ" which means "I'm calling to you, Jesus Christ". That, coupled with the music being played on an organ, shows that it is a deeply religious piece of music. I think I was lucky to find that particular clip as the title being in Russian means nothing to me, and the clip has had fewer than 25,000 views. The clip I had referred to as having previously posted was from the original Russian version of Solaris - the scene where the music was playing was also snowy.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I liked all three, El. I am familiar with the first two but hadn't heard the third. I think Morgenstimmung is my favourite of the three.


Chorale Prelude made me feel like I was in church, it had that sort of feel to it - if you know what I mean? The stunning snowy pictures were a beautiful accompaniment to the music.

I agree with all your comments, Yogi.

The title of the Chorale Prelude is "Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesus Christ" which means "I'm calling to you, Jesus Christ". That, coupled with the music being played on an organ, shows that it is a deeply religious piece of music. I think I was lucky to find that particular clip as the title being in Russian means nothing to me, and the clip has had fewer than 25,000 views. The clip I had referred to as having previously posted was from the original Russian version of Solaris - the scene where the music was playing was also snowy.

I didn't know that. I am so pleased that I felt what the music was about.


Good morning everyone. It's cloudy and mild today.


Summer, I hope you are feeling better this morning.


Squiggle, I found this quote in a little book called Tips From The Old Gardeners, on the subject of moles.

"Be assured that nobody has found a solution, ancient or modern, which everyone will swear is effective, despite centuries of trying! It might just be that moles are smarter than us."



Good morning everyone, Summer I hope you are feeling better this morning Is it a repeat of what you had before?


Yogi I think you have it spot on.  I have given up now and just brush the earth away, it's a nuisance but at least it leaves the grass alive.  There is a ruddy great field next door too but my gardener says that moles are always the same they like nice smooth lawns   He also says there is a huge increase in moles around here.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, Summer I hope you are feeling better this morning Is it a repeat of what you had before?


Yogi I think you have it spot on.  I have given up now and just brush the earth away, it's a nuisance but at least it leaves the grass alive.  There is a ruddy great field next door too but my gardener says that moles are always the same they like nice smooth lawns   He also says there is a huge increase in moles around here.

If it helps, the book also says, "Not only do mole runs help the drainage, but molehills are a wondeful source of beautifully mixed up nutrients carefully brought to the surface as nice loose soil by the co-operative mole, all ready for you to scoop up and use beneficially in seed beds or other parts of your garden."

Talk about putting a positive spin on it!

Good morning it's sunny here Thanks for all your get well wishes I don't feel good but I'm nicely dosed up on medicine so should be alright until lunchtime No it's a different thing squiggle, I sudden got a sore lumpy throat yesterday afternoon and was aching all over by the the evening. I guess it's just my turn to catch the bugs.. Your moles really are naughty, they clearly like your garden don't they! there are lots around this local area this year, I can't help but notice them now
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I notice that the book doesn't say that the nice helpful mole also tosses up odd bits of stone and tile that HE doesn't want down in his nice tidy tunnels but I can have cluttering up my lawn and possibly breaking my mower

Nope, no mention of that - shall I chuck the book in the dustbin?


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I notice that the book doesn't say that the nice helpful mole also tosses up odd bits of stone and tile that HE doesn't want down in his nice tidy tunnels but I can have cluttering up my lawn and possibly breaking my mower

Nope, no mention of that - shall I chuck the book in the dustbin?




Summer auntie squiggle wants to make sure you're gargling with warm salt water to soothe your throat?

Thanks auntie squiggle I usually do that but didn't last night I will promise you to do it tonight I squeezed a whole lemon into a mug, added 3 spoons of honey, a shot of brandy and topped it up with hot water. I drank the lot and went to bed I'll do it again tonight too, and every night until I'm feeling better. I also put essential oils of black pepper, tea tree or lavender, and grapefruit into my bath. The black pepper oil makes you sweat out the germs, I swear by it El, I certainly hope it's cleared by the weekend, it's a 5 hour drive to my mums. Just being here with friends makes me feel brighter, thank you all Is everyone enjoying the lovely weather?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good afternoon everyone.    Well the sun is shining today, after three days of grey, overcast skies, so I'm feeling a lot brighter.


I've been busy potting up plants and clearing the moss from the patios.  That's quite a back breaking job but the patios do look so much better when they have been done.


Sorry to hear you are unwell Summer.  With all your remedies you will soon be on the road to recovery.  Hope you have a great time in Prague Yogi.  At least (hopefully) you won't get caught up in an ash cloud this time!!


Sorry to hear the moles are causing you problems again Squiggle.  El Loro, I've enjoyed listening to your clips.


To all my lovely buddies, and anyone else who comes into this thread,  much love. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good afternoon everyone.    Well the sun is shining today, after three days of grey, overcast skies, so I'm feeling a lot brighter.


I've been busy potting up plants and clearing the moss from the patios.  That's quite a back breaking job but the patios do look so much better when they have been done.


Sorry to hear you are unwell Summer.  With all your remedies you will soon be on the road to recovery.  Hope you have a great time in Prague Yogi.  At least (hopefully) you won't get caught up in an ash cloud this time!!


Sorry to hear the moles are causing you problems again Squiggle.  El Loro, I've enjoyed listening to your clips.


To all my lovely buddies, and anyone else who comes into this thread,  much love. 

Hi Joyron. I'm glad you are feeling a bit brighter.


I must admit I've had a couple of flashbacks to the ash cloud trip to Krakow, and have everything cossed that it doesn't happen again.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, although there could be a major eruption of Katia volcano in Iceland in the near future, there's no immediate signs of this, so you should be alright

*phew* That's a relief, thanks El.


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi joyron lovely to see you, I bet your patio looks lovely I love freshly cleaned up gardens, I find weeding very satisfying Yogi I too hope there's no volcanic ash to interrupt your trip

Thank you, Summer.

How are you feeling now, is your sore throat any better?

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