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Good morning everyone


Summer, I hope your tummy bug has gone


A for Skylark and family


I've heard Scottish bagpipes, Irish bagpipes and Northumbrian bagpipes (Kathryn Tickell is probably the best known player), but on the radio just now they had Swedish bagpipes. Just a Youtube clip I found, but only play if you can tolerate the sound of bagpipes.

El Loro

Good morning, really misty here, visibility down to about 50 feet. 


I don't feel really up to bagpipes yet EL so I won't click on the clip just at the moment - haven't had my first cup of tea yet   I do quite like bagpipes though and if you remember when I did the order of service last year the bride (from Scotland) wanted Amazing Grace by Spirit of The Glen which I was able to download for her.

Good afternoon It's very windy but sunny & bright here today Thank you I do feel much better today, I'm playing it safe by grazing on crackers and hope to have a nice normal tea tonight It's been a busy morning, it will no doubt be a huge surprise to hear my colleague has called in sick today she knows I was under the weather yesterday too.. Actions speak louder than words don't they. I hope everyone is having a good weekend, and if any of you aren't, I hope something good happens to make you smile today
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Glad you are feeling a bit better today Summer.  It occurs to me that your colleague knows nothing of what is maybe in the pipeline?  It should be a massive shock to her to realise that perhaps she might have cause to regret letting you down so much.

I do hope so. 

Glad you are feeling better, Summer.


Summer, I'm glad you are feeling better today. Onr of these days you colleague will ring in sick, no-one will believe her, and she really is sick.


Your comment about grazing on crackers reminded me of this piece of music. Most of the video is of still pictures - my favourite one is at 4 minutes 8 seconds. There are some bits which seem to have been taken from a programme about astronomy .



Although this clip is orchestral, this can be accompanied by a singer and I found this elesewhere:

"Sheep Can Safely Graze"--lyrics by Salomon Franck, 1713 (translated from German to English by Erica B.):

Schafe kÃķnnen sicher weiden, (Sheep can safely graze)
wo ein guter Hirte wacht, (where a good shepherd keeps watch,)
Schafe kÃķnnen sicher weiden, (sheep can safely graze,)
Schafe kÃķnnen sicher weiden, (sheep can safely graze)
wo ein guter Hirte wacht, (where a good shepherd keeps watch,)
wo ein guter Hirte wacht. (where a good shepherd keeps watch.)

Wo Regenten wohl regieren, (Where rulers govern well,)
kann man Ruh' und Frieden spÞren, (one can feel the serenity and peace)
und was LÃĪnder glÞcklich macht, (and what makes countries blissful,)
wo Regenten wohl regieren, (where rulers govern well)
Kann man Ruh' und Frieden spÞren, (one can feel the serenity and peace,)
Ruh' und Frieden, Ruh' und Frieden spÞren, (serenity and peace, feel the serenity and peace)
und was LÃĪnder glÞcklich macht. (and what makes countries blissful.)

El Loro

I read that Kate Humble won't be presenting Springwatch when it returns. Michaela Strachan is going to replace Kate.

Michaela gets on my nerves and ruined Autumnwatch for me.

I say, bring back Bill and Kate!!


Summer, I caught the repeat of Crufts this morning.

I agree with you about the poodles, they look daft and must cost a fortune at the groomers.

The agility dogs were brilliant to watch.

My personal favourites were the police dog, Obi and the RAF dog, Buster - such brave and clever dogs.

I'm home! my favourite place! It's been a busy day. Indeed my colleague is totally unaware of the pending situation, I'm not sure what can be done but clearly something needs to be done in the near future El thanks for the clips I studied German at school so appreciate those lyrics and the translations Yogi- I loved those dogs too, I think dogs in the forces are amazing Some of those poodle dogs look like blown up feather dusters, although I should appreciate the work that goes into the grooming of them lol I'm about to get my pj's on and then tune in to tonight's offering I too don't think spring watch isnt the same without Kate, I may stop watching! Also, remember our group chat about upstairs downstairs..? It seems lorraine Kelly shares our views, she wrote a small piece about it in her newspaper column this week. She thought the storylines ridiculous
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, I've just checked on the BARB website and last week's viewing figures for Upstairs Downstairs haven't yet been released.


For more on Kate Humble leaving Springwatch and Autumnwatch read this article. It looks as if it's due to other commitments including a farm which she and her husband took on.

Yes, I think she's really busy with other things, but Springwatch isn't the same without her, and (IMO) Michaela Strachan is a rubbish replacement.


Summer, it wouldn't surprise me if this series of Upstairs Downstairs is the last.

@ your feather duster description of the poodles.

El it'll be interesting to see what those ratings results will be! I think Kate humble was taken with the farming when she did lambing live, I don't blame her for getting a farm but she will be missed on springwatch Yogi, a Newfoundland dog just won the working dogs category, it's coat is stunning. A beautiful Siberian husky came 2nd
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm not a fan of Michaela Strachan either and whenever they replace a presenter they seem to go for someone worse, in my opinion.


I think the silly way they trim poodles is sort of unfair to the dogs.  Poodles are far from my favourite dogs but surely a silly cut is making it worse.  Like those ladies in America who dye their dogs pink and have their hair dyed to match.  Still it takes all sorts.


Nothing much on the box so I will go off and read, speak to you tomorrow.


I agree with you about the poodles, Squiggle. I feel sorry for the poor dogs, they look ridiculous. I missed tonight's Crufts, I'll try to catch the repeat tomorrow.

TV is rubbish on Saturday nights, you are better off with a good book. Goodnight Squiggle, sleep well.


Summer, have you been able to eat something, other than crackers?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I can't wait to see the terriers & hounds tomorrow yogi! I have to go out though so I'll record it. Yes, I tried a bit of stirfry for tea and it seems to have sat well, I think the noodles helped What did you have for tea?

I was on my own for tea, so I couldn't be bothered cooking.

I ended up with a tin of Heinz chicken soup.

That's pretty! I've not seen one of those before , do you have to split them with caution? My trough had crocuses and tulips in, they were times so that one load would bloom as the previous died off. They were great for 5 years and now just the crocuses come up. I'd like crocuses again but something else after, any recommendations?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
That's pretty! I've not seen one of those before , do you have to split them with caution? My trough had crocuses and tulips in, they were times so that one load would bloom as the previous died off. They were great for 5 years and now just the crocuses come up. I'd like crocuses again but something else after, any recommendations?

Are you looking for summer plants to put in it?

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