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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning Cloudy here, but not too chilly. Yogi I dislike clothes shopping too I only go about twice a year and I still dislike it. I have found that if I take pictures of myself in an outfit that I'm trying on (using the mirror) I can get a better idea of what suits me. I then delete the pics after You've just reminded me, I must make sure I've got all my best clothes clean ready for next weekend, I'll be heading to my mums! Thinking of you skylark And good morning joyron because I know you'll read this even if you're not posting

^^^^ What a clever idea.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I don't need to bother with changing rooms at clothes shops as I generally buy clothes at M&S and as I know my clothes size I know in advance if they will fit or not. One advantage of being a man is that style isn't really an issue for me.


Consider yourself lucky, El.

Believe me, clothes shopping for women of a certain age, is a minefield.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
You are lucky el I'm a different size on the top than I am in bottoms, which is fine until you need to buy a dress! Remember way back when, when people used tailors or made their own clothes.. The fit must have been wonderful!

True, I'm unlikely to need to buy a dress


I remember as a child that my mother would make her own dress. She had an adjustable tailor's dummy to base her dress on. She hadn't used it for many many years but she never threw it away and I came across it whilst clearing out their house. I don't know what happened to it as I left it behind for the purchasers to deal with.

El Loro

I came across this little poem in the paper today, if only it were true


I've never seen a calorie that I really didn't like
But I'm changing all my eating plans, which I hope will make it right.
So here's some useful tips I've learned to keep you looking slim,
If you follow these few golden rules, you'll always stay quite trim.

Always stand up straight and tall when eating chocs and sweets,
And then the calories miss your tum and slide down to your feet.

Always break your biscuits in two if to the tin you stray,
And if you scoff them out of doors the calories blow away!

Chocolate cake and fish and chips make dieticians frown,
But wash them down with a pint or two and feel the calories drown.

But most importantly of all with your culinary pleasures,
Careful storage is a must, so hide your foody treasures!

On top of all your wardrobes put the tins of naughty food,
Cos someone told me calories can't live at altitude!

Lol I'm liking that squiggle! I remember one day as a child, I needed a clean tea towel to dry up and me being a fussy sort, wanted to find my favourite towel. So I went to the drawer and worked my way down the pile of towels in search of my favourite.. Only to discover a whole pack of chocolate penguin biscuits hiding in there! I had uncovered my mums secret stash, one of many apparently lol
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol I'm liking that squiggle! I remember one day as a child, I needed a clean tea towel to dry up and me being a fussy sort, wanted to find my favourite towel. So I went to the drawer and worked my way down the pile of towels in search of my favourite.. Only to discover a whole pack of chocolate penguin biscuits hiding in there! I had uncovered my mums secret stash, one of many apparently lol

That reminds me of someone who used to hide cream eggs in her underwear drawer, and eat them when nobody else was at home.


Squiggle, I love that poem. If only it were true.


El, I sometimes think it would be so much easier if I could make my own clothes, but my sewing skills only extend to putting up a hem or sewing on a button.


I have been known to hide the odd chocolate or three  
I got caught out the other day, having a sneaky one, as i dont like granddaughter eating too much sweets, but she sussed me out, asking ..whats that you are eating, can i have some! 

I quite fancy a creme egg now ! I dont fancy the ice cream ones tho 

Hope you all having a good day. Its gone very dark here, think the rain isnt far away 
Hope you are well Joyron x

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I've seen it in shops el but never tried it, I love creme eggs but the ice cream doesn't appeal to me either. I've deliberately not eaten any creme eggs this year because I'd end up eating them daily I've got an upset tummy so have decided not to eat anything tonight, which only makes me think about food all the more lol

Aww, sorry you're not well. Do you think it was something you ate?


El, I've never tried the Cream Egg ice cream, and I agree with you that it would likely be a bit sickly.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi yogi thank you, I think it could be a bit of a bug, lots of local people have had it lately. I took some pepto bismal so feel better than I did this afternoon Are you washing crufts?! Gun dogs are up next

Aww, I hope the bug is short-lived.

I haven't been watching Crufts, but I love the gun dogs and the agility ones.

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