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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think her heart seems to be in the right place, but maybe she needs to work on her manner a wee bit.

Yes thats true x

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've been watching Dance For Sports Relief and I don't know who half of the so-called celebs are.

Forgot it was on

So far, there hasn't been a stand out performance like Rufus Hound and Robert Webb's were.

Robert Webb was fantastic!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think her heart seems to be in the right place, but maybe she needs to work on her manner a wee bit.

Yes thats true x

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've been watching Dance For Sports Relief and I don't know who half of the so-called celebs are.

Forgot it was on

So far, there hasn't been a stand out performance like Rufus Hound and Robert Webb's were.

Robert Webb was fantastic!

He was brilliant. I'm smiling to myself, just thinking about it.

Sorry I missed you all, I had a busy day at work, got ready to go out for tea, read 3 pages of my new book, went out for tea.. And now I'm in my pj's Sweet dreams squiggle yogi & skylark Skylark; red's fade the fastest, so don't worry, your hair colour will soon calm down I would suggest that the problem could be one of 2 things.. A manufacturing error that caused a slight change in the colour.. Or your own hair has more white in it now in which case the colour would appear more red because it has no base colour- imagine one layer of paint on a wall.. It looks wishy washy. 2 coats of paint results in a lush, full colour. If you've been using the same brand and shade for a long time and it's always been alright, I would think the first suggestion to be more likely, and hope that the next batch will be ok again.
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Another sunny morning here - it must have been a clear night as there has been an early morning frost today.


Skylark, I hope your hair colour returns to how you want it. I may be the local tech man here but hair colouring isn't one of the areas I cover


I think the crunchie cake will make 8 portions so not too greedy


Summer, I haven't had the internal server message on this forum but sometimes a page seems to be taking longer to load than before.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Skylark, I got the error message last night, just before I went off for my bath.

You have given me the smit with your white goods problems.

At some point last night, our fusebox was tripped. We narrowed it down to the fuse covering sockets and eventually narrowed it down to the washing machine. There is a half-washed load stuck inside and I can't get the door open.

Tomorrow, I will need to get someone out to look at it (it's out of warranty)  and get an estimate for repair. Knowing my luck with washing machines, it will be a "bin it and buy another" job.


Summer, no my brother didn't put any candles on the cake

I've just returned from dropping him off at the railway station. We had a pleasant weekend - he's back again at Easter when it will be a slightly longer visit. He's off on holiday with a friend from college in a week's time, this time in Paris. Their holidays seem almost always to be European cities based with visits to various historical type places. He always comes back with dozens of photos. I can keep a track of where he's been over the years as he always comes back with a fridge magnet from the city he stayed in.


Skylark and Yogi, I hope your appliances get sorted out cheaply - Yogi, it may be fairly simple like a blown fuse.


El Loro

Eldest son checked all the simple things which could have been wrong with the washer, but no joy. So, Hubby decided to replace rather than repair the washing machine. We went out to chose one and we were able to put it in the back of the car and bring it straight home. Eldest son has installed it for me and it is now going through a test cycle before putting in a load of clothes. They managed to lift the old machine outside before forcing the door open to get the clothes out, so the kitchen didn't get flooded.

I'm happy to have a new washing machine but it's an expense we could have done without, with the car MOT due in March.


El, I have lots of fridge magnets. Mine tend to have little mottos and sayings on them e.g. "Middle age is when a broad mind and a narrow waist exchange places".

I'm pleased that you got a new washing machine yogi, it's rotten about the expense though well done to mr yogi & son for removing the old one, I know they're heavy! El, I'm glad you had a good weekend with your brother, shame you didn't have candles on your cake- its not too late though Sweet dreams squiggle I hope you're reading a good book Skylark, joyron & ros, hope you've all had a good weekend
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Glad you got the washer sorted out quickly Yogi although I do agree with you about the unwanted bills.  I have an avalanche of them at the moment, I am trying to 'keep calm and carry on'.


Signing out early, have a good evening, speak to you tomorrow.

I have a shopping trolley token with that ^^^^ on it.

I also have a Dig For Victory mug, as part of my WW2 homefront obsession.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I'm pleased that you got a new washing machine yogi, it's rotten about the expense though well done to mr yogi & son for removing the old one, I know they're heavy! El, I'm glad you had a good weekend with your brother, shame you didn't have candles on your cake- its not too late though Sweet dreams squiggle I hope you're reading a good book Skylark, joyron & ros, hope you've all had a good weekend

Thanks Summer. Have you had a good weekend?

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