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Originally Posted by squiggle:

I think you are so right Yogi, it's just peace of mind.  When something goes wrong with a beloved pet it can happen so quickly and the bills can take off and go astronomic, the last thing you want to do is to decide that you can't afford to make your pet well again

That's it in a nutshell, Squiggle.

Although, we would probably do whatever it took to save our girlie.


Hi all x

You will be glad to know i got dressed and made it on time  

Oh pet insurance, its a minefield Yogi. I have always had insurance for Kia . Have only claimed twice tho, one for when she ran after my daughter and got run over and broke her leg, another when she was running around in the park with a stick and it got stuck in her throat. She almost died and it came to around ÂĢ1500. That was about 4 years ago. I go mad now when i see dogs running around with sticks, and have told my story often to people i see doing it! Her last tummy bug i just paid cash. her insurance is now about ÂĢ12 a month, that includes everything. Worth every penny, particularly now she is getting on a bit. hope you find the right one for you x


Skylark, I have never given it a thought when I see dogs running around with sticks.

Poor Kia, that must have been awful for her and for you. Thank goodness it all ended well.

I'll be warning my son about it though, as Harvey likes to run about with a stick in his mouth.

Glad to hear you managed to get dressed before going out - we wouldn't want you to be the talk of the steamie.


Summer, I made pancakes tonight for Mr Yogi, middle son and his fiancÃĐe (and me!) and they were very tasty.


Goodnight squiggle, enjoy your book x

Yes , it was not the best of nights that one, Yogi, she now has a bit of a problem with her throat, i often wonder if she was stitched properly, but she is still with us, thats the main thing. The vet said she cant stress enough to people not to throw sticks at dogs, for them to retrieve bits of rotting tree, that can get stuck. 

Never had any pancakes today, hope you can forgive me Summer ! 

And no, wasnt the talk of the steamie today, always tomorrow tho  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Goodnight squiggle, enjoy your book x

Yes , it was not the best of nights that one, Yogi, she now has a bit of a problem with her throat, i often wonder if she was stitched properly, but she is still with us, thats the main thing. The vet said she cant stress enough to people not to throw sticks at dogs, for them to retrieve bits of rotting tree, that can get stuck. 

Never had any pancakes today, hope you can forgive me Summer ! 

And no, wasnt the talk of the steamie today, always tomorrow tho  

That's my girl!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Lol Yogi, if you see a strange woman on the news walking around Princes Street with her goonie on and nae baffies its me , cracked up ! 

That'll get you noticed.

 Clean nicks, hopefully ! 

El, will have fun googling them words tomorrow  



Yesterday evening I watched a television film I had recorded over Christmas called Lost Christmas. It is quite an unusual family film and is far more serious than what one would expect from a Christmassy film dealing mainly with the subject of loss on different people and a stranger who they meet. It is a film which is hard to watch at times but if you watch to the end you may find this quite rewarding. I hope the BBC shows it again as it is worth catching. The stranger is played by Eddie Izzard but this is him as a serious actor and very definitely not as a comedian.

El Loro

Summer, it's not that easy for me to give up something at Lent as I hardly have any biscuits or cake or sweets, drink only a little bit of alcohol, don't smoke etc, so don't really have those options. In the C of E, during Lent tends to be regarded as a choice rather than as an obligation. As an alternative people in the C of E may decide to take up some form of Lenten discipline. In our church we have a weekly Lenten course. I attended this last year and went to the first one this year yesterday afternoon. The courses vary each year. This time we are looking at the Gospel reading for the following Sunday. Those attending are split into small groups so that everyone will participate in reading it aloud and thinking about what parts of it mean to us. We are encouraged to talk about aspects of it, and it is possible that the vicar may incorporate some of what people said into his sermon on Sunday. Yesterdays' reading was from St Mark's gospel when Jesus is baptised by John in the river Jordan and immediately goes into the wilderness for 40 days where he is tempted by Satan. I picked up on the word immediately and made comparisons between that baptism and thhe present day baptisms in church. More often than not, the families, baby or whoever has been baptised, and friends go off to a party after the baptism party. But Jesus did the exact opposite - he didn't go back home or even down to the local inn for a drink with his friends, but away by himself into the middle of nowhere.

El Loro
El thank you for that, I didn't know Jesus was baptised before heading off in to the desert I'm going to use this time to read about lent, and it will hopefully educate me and spur me on. I see that different churches have different ways of doing lent, with some not including Sundays, some finishing on good Friday instead of Easter Sunday and some doing charitable things as well as sacrificing something..
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, windy and rainy here but hopefully it will cheer up tomorrow.


I love the words that God said as Jesus came out of the Jordan,


"This is my beloved son,
in whom I am well pleased."

Not surprisingly, that sentence was one which another member of my group selected for their sentence.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


I see that things have changed here since I was here last. Big font - I can read postings without wearing glasses


Mild, brighter than yesterday, and although no rain expected today, looking at the forecast several days with showers - looks like spring has arrived.


In case you missed it, Stephen Farrow has now been charged with both murders.



El Loro

Good morning everyone.    Lovely and sunny here today and SO mild; just like a spring day.  I love it.    I like the larger font.  Much easier on my eyes.


Well I've not been about on here because I've been watching all the episodes of Call the Midwife.  I really enjoyed the series and look forward to the next.


Hope you are all keeping well.  Lots of love. 


Good morning everyone, its quite mild here BUT it's so damp out there, misty drizzly and soggy.  I reckon it's definitely 100% humidity, I took the rubbish out and came in thinking it's as wet as a deep sea diver's hankie.


When do boys grow up?  My 2 grandsons were over the day before yesterday, the eldest is 20 his brother 18 months younger and what were they doing?  Chasing the frogs in the pond.  One found a frog with 5 legs and brought it round to show me through the window, a very startled looking frog indeed


Glad you liked Call The Midwife Joyron, I am looking forward to a new series.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
good morning It's chilly, windy and looks like rain could fall.. I have weather envy of those of you who have it nicer! Enjoy Joyron I'm glad you enjoyed call the midwife lovely to have you back Squiggle, did the frog really have 5 legs?!

Yep, he had 3 front legs and 2 big back ones (and a very startled expression having been whisked away from his party antics and clutched in a hot hand)


Morning everyone xx

Liking this new format, much easier on the eyes.They are the first to go for me when i am tired !
Couldnt get on yesterday, son got all the way to work , then told to go home, wind was too bad for him to work on the job he was doing, so he was on the computer most of the day! I still cant work the iphone, gave up and he uses it now !
Mild here today, but still a bit windy

 to all 

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