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Hi all x

Hope your day is going well squiggle x I know what you mean about everything coming at once. Every time i get some money together, something crops up that has to be paid  

Watched Call the Midwife, last night, thoroughly enjoyed it, even Miranda and her typical clumsy character (that seems to be her trademark ) That was the last one,wasnt it? I suspect there will another series, hope so.



I enjoyed Call the Midwife as well. Becaause of its popularity the BBC has already confirmed that another series will be made. Jennifer Worth wrote a trilogy of memoirs: Call the Midwife, Shadows of the Workhouse, and Farewell to the East End. She did write a fourth book of her memoirs called In the Midst of Life but that was about her time at the Marie Curie Hospital in Hampstead caring for the terminally ill.

El Loro

Good afternoon everyone.    It's nice to be back.  Had a great time with No.2 son last week, and a very busy weekend.  Hope you are all well.


The sun has been shining today but there was a really sharp frost this morning.  It's supposed to be milder for the rest of the week, which is a good thing as my blood pressure has been going up and up (only kidding) watching the markers for the oil tank going down all the time!!


I have also heard on the news that we are supposed to be in drought conditions in this area and I'm sure there will be a hosepipe ban this year.


Will pop in when I can.  Take care.  Love you all. 


Further to my post about the drought areas, these are the counties which have been declared as drought areas:

  • Lincolnshire
  • Cambridgeshire
  • Hampshire
  • West Sussex
  • East Sussex
  • Kent
  • London
  • Surrey
  • Berkshire
  • Hertfordshire
  • Buckinghamshire
  • Oxfordshire
  • parts of Bedfordshire
  • parts of Northamptonshire
  • west Norfolk
  • east Gloucestershire

Gloucester is not in east Gloucestershire. My water supplier is Severn Trent, I think the part of Gloucestershire affected is supplied by Thames Water.

El Loro
*collects night owl hugs* Sweet dreams all Lol forget pancake day?! Not a chance! I've stocked up on supplies, including sugar free snacks for lent great reminders El, thank you I used to love those jif lemon ads where they squeeze lemon juice on an empty plate and then go "don't forget the pancakes on jif lon day" lol Welcome back joyron I'm glad your visit was good
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Lol yogi, I was thinking the same, I was picturing skylark popping up town in her pj's! My aunt actually went to the bank in her slippers once it totally slipped her mind and it wasn't until she was at the bank that she realised lol

A few years ago, Mr Yogi was sitting in the car at traffic lights when a woman ran into the back of the car. She was wearing her PJs, dressing gown and slippers. She said she was just popping round to her friend's so didn't bother getting dressed.

A lot more companies seem to offer pet insurance now, it's probably worth shopping around yogi let me know if there's any particular companies that look good I dreamt of bramble again last night; we were in my childhood home and mr summer was feeding her peanuts whilst trying to get her to sit lol she also had a very long bushy tail for some strange reason! It was a fun dream though I had pancakes at lunch
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, I wonder what your dream means - apart from the fact you want a puppy.

I've been rooting around and there are quite a few quotes which are about the same as we are paying now - and nearly ÂĢ10 per month less than the renewal quote. The problem is that all policies do not offer the same benefits. Some will only pay for an ongoing illness for a maximum of 12 months and others will pay for a lifetime's treatment, and the maximum they will pay out can differ greatly, too. My head is spinning with it all.


Not that I have a pet but I do wonder if pet insurance is a good idea or not. Like any insurance, the premiums which people pay goes into a pot. The money in the pot is then available for claims, to cover the insurance company's overheads, and the insurance company's profit. It therefore follows that the average person will over a period of time pay more in premiums than they will get back in claims. Someone will only have gained in the event of a totally unexpected huge bill, but unless that happens, they will have lost out.


The same applies to taking out an extended warranty on some electrical appliance - on average the customer will pay out more in premiums than they get back in claims.


Bear in mind that I am looking at this from an accountant's viewpoint and am ignoring the fact that for many, having an insurance gives piece of mind, and that piece of mind is more important than the cost of the insurance.

El Loro

Aww Summer, I'm sure you'll get a puppy soon.

Summer, Keira doesn't have any ongoing medical conditions and we've never had to make a claim, so far.

El, I think you are absolutely right when you say most people will pay in more than they get out of Pet Insurance. For us, it is a peace of mind situation, as we'd never want to be in the position of having to put Keira to sleep, purely because we couldn't meet the cost of an illness. One of our neighbours had a situation with their dog, where he contracted the canine equivalent of MRSA, following a hernia op. He almost died and the costs spiralled into thousands of pounds, which they wouldn't have been able to pay without insurance.

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