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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

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Staffies are such lovely, good-natured, loyal dogs. It's such a shame that thugs have hijacked them and given them a bad rep.

I know, i see it every day, people take a body swerve when they see her. She has never been aggressive in her life

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

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Staffies are such lovely, good-natured, loyal dogs. It's such a shame that thugs have hijacked them and given them a bad rep.

I know, i see it every day, people take a body swerve when they see her. She has never been aggressive in her life

I know, it's a shame.


oood morning everyone


Colder than recently, but the early morning frost has gone.


Saw this on Wiki:

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are big-hearted and usually affectionate towards humans. They express their affection through jumping up, nuzzling, lickingand pawing, and even when trained can still be 'fussy' with owners and others. Staffordshires are perhaps not suitable pets for those who prefer quiet, reserved dogs.

RSPCA chief vet Mark Evans said: "Staffies have had a terrible press, but this is not of their own making - in fact they're wonderful dogs. If people think that Staffies have problems, they're looking at the wrong end of the dog lead! When well cared for and properly trained they can make brilliant companions. Our experience suggests that problems occur when bad owners exploit the Staffie's desire to please by training them to show aggression."


El Loro

Good morning everyone, it seems like a nice morning, I haven't ventured out yet but it looks cold but lovely and sunny.


I agree about Staffies, my grandsons' dad had a female Staffie when they were growing up and she was very very patient with them when they were toddlers.  Horrible to think of rescue homes stuffed with them with no-one wanting to re-home them.  Hope you liked the end of your book Skylark and I hope you are enjoying your book too Summer.


Good morning everyone.

A lovely, bright and frosty morning.

El and Squiggle, I agree with everything you have said about Staffies.

One of Mr Yogi's work colleagues has adopted a wee Staffie from a Dog Rescue Centre and she is a wonderful addition to their family and gets on really well with their other dog. It's good to think that there are some people who are willing to give these dogs a second chance.


Morning xx
Very cold here  Yes indeed staffies are lovely dogs, mine puts her paws around my neck and gives me a cuddle, or she will sit on my knee with her head on my chest.She is very good with granddaughter, who annoys her terribly , but i would never, ever leave the two of them together. They can be a bit jealous, so i am always a bit wary.

Anyway, yes i am enjoying the book.almost finished.
Got a few things to do today , so probably wont be back on. Have a good day  

good morning, well what's left of it lol I've been out in the garden all morning, it's a beautiful day! Calm, clear, sunny, cold but not too cold.. I'm also testing out a pocket hand-warmer that mr summer gave me for valentines day. You fuel it by lighter fluid, keep it in a velvety bag and pop it in your pocket! When we're out walking it will help keep my hands warm It takes a few goes to really get it to work at its best, which is why I'm testing it out around the house I've groomed the rabbits, cuddled them, cleaned out their hutch and tidied the garden Now it's time for a walk.. Could one of you lend me a doggy please? have a lovely afternoon, see you shortly
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm sure you were all shocked by the news a few days ago about the Revd John Suddards who was murdered at his vicarage in Thornbury. I didn't know him and don't know anyone in Thornbury but Thornbury is in the Gloucester diocese. Needless to say, he, his family and the people of Thornbury were in our prayers today ay church. The service was held by our curate as the vicar was away. It turned out that our vicar was conducting the service at another church in Gloucester. The archdeacon of Gloucester would have been taking that service but was with the people in Thornbury trying to help them come to terms with what has happened.


A 47 year old man Stephen Farrow was arrested in Folkeston this morning following information from a member of the public. The West Mercia Police are also interested in the arrest to see if there are any links between this and the murder of the 77 year old pensioner Betty Yates in Bewdley, Worcestershire last month to see if the two murders are connected.

El Loro
Thanks for the dog El I called him Rudolph Our walk was lovely, I even had to use sun cream on my face I heard about the vicar case on the radio El, I knew it wouldn't be too far off your region. Very sad, very shocking, the only good to come of it is that he's now in heaven. I'm very glad someone had the courage to come forward with information that led to the arrest! I'm popping off for a bath, see you after
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Sweet dreams, Summer, sleep well.

From me too, I'm heading off to read too so hopefully catch up tomorrow (the plumber is coming first thing to fit a new shower, the old one developed a leak , and I have the lawn mower in for servicing and then I have to find the money for the car service and MOT why do they all come at once?)  Oh well keep smiling


Good morning everyone, up bright eyed and bushy tailed waiting for the plumber (he's a friend and fellow Christian from our church too which is nice).


Another nice morning and now we are being threatened with a hosepipe ban because of the dry weather   Can't say I have really noticed a drought.  Anyway I hope the sun will shine on you today wherever you are


Good morning everyone


Squiggle, what a drain on your resources with all those things happening around the same time


At this time of year over a period of a few weeks I have my car tax, car insurance, annual payroll software and annual accounts/tax software to pay - a total of around ÂĢ1,500 but it is budgeted and I have the money to pay for these so it doesn't cause a problem.

El Loro

Squiggle, I think you may have misheard the news this morning - it's the south east facing a possible hose pipe ban rather than the south west - that's what I heard.

Here's a link to the Environmental Agency map for England and Wales - it's recent but it shows that the south west is in the moderate risk rather than the high risk area.


The map doesn't cover Scotland and Northern Ireland but they've had above average rain so no drought there.

El Loro
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