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Good morning, I just wrote a long post and it wouldn't process so I'm trying again without smileys! It's very icy out today, the roads were ok but pavements are dangerous, the rain is freezing as it hits the ground. There are no subtitles in the artist, title cards are used to clarify dialogue & add humour, but there aren't loads of them. I fancy seeing it again, I loved it that much Yogi those flowers are beautiful! Thank you, those are well timed cheery pictures
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, I hope your bolier gets sorted out quickly


Thanks Summer for confirming that there are no subtitles in The Artist. It's always a good sign about a film if you want to see it again.


The silent film Sunrise is available on Youtube

But it comes across better if you can see it on DVD. Other than The Artist, it is probably the best silent film ever made. It's a simple story about a man, his wife and the woman from the city intent on stealing him from his wife. Title cards rather than subtitles. It is also available on Blu-Ray and from all accounts the picture quality is exceptional. Dual Blu-Ray/DVD version available from Amazon ÂĢ14-99

El Loro

Good afternoon everyone.    It's is still bitterly cold here and the snow has not moved much at all.  Thankfully the roads are now clear and I managed to get to the shops this morning to stock up.  Won't need to go out again now until next week.  I only ventured to Tesco's as the paths around the village were not clear and I didn't fancy taking a tumble and hurting my knee!!


I have enjoyed reading all your posts.  Hope the boiler gets fixed soon Squiggle.  We've been having trouble with our heating system too.  Hubby fitted a new programmer, thinking that was the problem, but the heating still fails to come on sometimes so we have decided it must mean we need a new thermostat.  Both controls are over twenty years old so I suppose they have given good service.


I love what you have done with your decorating Summer.  I'm not much good at DIY and am glad I have a hubby who loves doing it.  Hope the cheque clears El Loro.  Your new client sounds rather strange and, as you say, will probably not be a client for long!!


Yogi, Skylark and Rosgirl, hope you are all okay and keeping warm and safe.    and  for all of you.


Hi all x
I am waiting for electric company coming to replace my meter, apparently it should have been replaced 4 years ago when the builders left    (its a new build) Anyway getting fed up waiting, i phoned and they said anytime up until 7 pm. Which is ridiculous !!! It will be getting dark soon, and it takes 45 minutes to replace. What am i supposed to do when they come, sit with candles on ??? 
Off to shut this down, hoping they will appear soon x


I've just popped out to get some food for the weekend from the local Co-op - frozen rather than fresh as at present I don't know if my brother will be coming here tomorrow or not. Frozen so that it will keep if he doesn't come. Heavy snow is forecast overnight in Gloucester, and with temperature at best 2 tomorrow and a sharp frost tomorrow night, I don't want to have to go out shopping either tomorrow or Saturday morning.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just popped out to get some food for the weekend from the local Co-op - frozen rather than fresh as at present I don't know if my brother will be coming here tomorrow or not. Frozen so that it will keep if he doesn't come. Heavy snow is forecast overnight in Gloucester, and with temperature at best 2 tomorrow and a sharp frost tomorrow night, I don't want to have to go out shopping either tomorrow or Saturday morning.

I hope the weather doesn't prevent your brother from visiting you, El.

Although, if the weather does get bad, it's only sensible for him to stay at home.


Skylark what a pain having to wait around like that and then being expected to sit there in the dark and the cold while he works   I hope you don't get mucked around any more.  EL I hope your brother manages to make his journey.  The weather seems very unpredictable at the moment.  My boiler has worked perfectly today oh well I will keep an eye on it.

I'm pleased it's sorted out skylark, no need for him to be grumpy is there though! I hope your electric was only off the minimal amount of time Sweet dreams to yogi & squiggle, I hope you're both having a nice evening I made myself exercise tonight even though I didn't feel in the mood, I'm very glad I did it but I feel so sleepy! I think I may even konk before the bus tonight
~Sparkling Summer~

As I woke this morning with a bit of a cold in my stomach, although it's not bad, I've rung my brother to suggest that it might be better if he doesn't come here. I don't want to risk him catching anything which could cause him problems going back on Sunday and working in a library he is in contact with the general public. It makes sense and in any case he is coming here in two weeks time and the weather is forecast for temperatures to be closer to average by then.


Skylark, one of my brother's friends had a contract replacing either gas or electricity meters with National Grid. It came to an earlier end than expected due to the "mild" winter a couple of weeks ago. It may be that the man who came to replace your meter was losing his job which could explain why he was so grumpy, but even so he should still have treated customers civilly.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
El I hope you feel better soon, and I think it's wise to not pass it on to your brother, I have many customers in who are off work ill and it annoys me, well done you for being more considerate and it's good that you have another visit to look forward to in a fortnight

I agree completely Summer, I hate it when people 'soldier bravely on' passing on their germs to all and sundry, it makes me cross.  I hope your delayed visit is a great one and it's nice that you are so thoughtful.

Ooh I keep forgetting to tell you all, my best friend has decided to have a proper christening for her daughter, so I'm going to be an official godmother She's asked me if I'd like to do a reading at the ceremony though and I can either write something, or find something relevant- any ideas anyone?!!! Also, I've decided to *gulp* give up sugar for lent! I think it will be good for me physically, mentally and spiritually I'll be substituting rubbish sugar, for honey & fruit. I usually give up chocolate & cake but end up eating sweets, so I'm just taking the next step really. Am I crazy?! Lol
~Sparkling Summer~

I searched for a bible verse but found it difficult to find one that felt appropriate for a christening.  I did find this in the Common Book of Prayer which I liked, it seems lovely and appropriate, I hope you like it Summer.  I hope all goes well, it's lovely to be chosen for such an important task.


Grow gently, (name of child),
In love of God.
We bless you,
And pray
Christ be near you,
Now and each hour
Of your life

It's the week after Easter (I think) skylark, a lovely time of year. When my Bestie was in A&E after the car accident & fearing for the baby's life, she was approached by a priest who blessed her & the baby. Since everything was fine with the baby, she feels she needs to have her christened and say thank you for her life.. I'm honoured to be chosen as godmother! Squiggle thank you, that's a lovely prayer, I'll make a note of it
~Sparkling Summer~
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