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Good morning everyone


With temperatures currently at -8 in Gloucester, I think it's safe to say it has been the coldest night since December 2010. It's not expected to be as cold tonight, but some snow is expected tomorrow afternoon, though it may turn to rain overnight.



There you are, feel free to tuck in - they're calory free


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Good morning all
It's -3 here apparently and -7 in the night.. The rabbits water bottle needed defrosting this morning, it was solid!

Thanks for the marshmallows el, they look delicious!

Keep warm and safe if you venture out today

Some bunny hot water bottles for your poor wee rabbits, Summer.


I hope you are keeping cosy, it sounds really cold where you are, Squiggle.


Good morning everyone.    I don't know what the temperature is here but it's bitterly cold!!  At least we have beautiful sunshine to brighten the day.


Thanks for the marshmallows.  My grandchildren love toasting them over an open fire (with their dad's assistance of course).


Hope you all have a good weekend, whatever you are doing.  We will be shredding branches from the trees we cut down last weekend.  Lots of lovely mulch for the gardens!!  I just hope it won't be too cold outside.  The forecasters are still saying we might get some snow tonight or tomorrow.  I hope they are wrong. 


Joyron, I hope they are wrong about the snow as well


At 1.45 this morning I was woken up by my car alarm being set off. I went out having put my coat on and turned it off. I checked that my car doors were shut properly as that could have set the alarrm off.


I had to do a bit of local shopping this morning and while I was out I noticed that the light for a door being not closed was on. When I got home I went round slamming all the doors shut, but the light stayed on. Hmmm I thought, it seems that I have a bit of a problem.


Then half an hour later I suddenly had an idea. I went out, checked it out, and I was right. It was the hatchback door at the back

El Loro

Car problems seem to be dominating today, I'm glad yours was easily sorted, EL.

When I went shopping this morning, I could hear a knocking noise coming from the back of the car. I checked and saw that the exhaust is hanging down really low - hopefully, it's just a bracket which has snapped. It's going into the garage tomorrow morning, so fingers crossed it'll be easy to fix.


Joyron, I'd love one of those shredders, although I don't really have enough branches to shred, to justify buying one.


Yogi, I hope it's just a bracket which needs to be fixed rather than the exhaust. Where I live, because of the state of the roads, the quantity of speed bumps,etc, exhausts seem to wear out faster than anything else.


I have a really powerful shredder, but mine is for paper rather than branches - I think it wouldn't like it if I started to try to shred bits of wood


There was a postage due card in my post this morning. So I will go out to the post office depot to pay and to collect it. I don't know what the letter is for other than it's business. It won't be from the Revenue, it's unlikely to be anything from the places I get technical material from as that is generally pre-printed post. So it's junk mail or a letter re a client - there are a couple of cheques from clients outstanding so I'm hoping it's one of those. That's why I rather go and pick it up as I will be in town tomorrow for shopping so if it's a cheque I can bank it then.


The excitement - I can hardly wait - what will it be ?

El Loro

It turned out to be junk mail from an accountancy training outfit - they hadn't put any postage on. I've never used them . So I rang them - there was an answerphone and I left a message telling them to remove me from their mailing list. I doubt if I'm the only one to do this and it's the sort of thing will puts businesses out of business.


Yogi, it's the same in my area with potholes and speed bumps. Gloucester was one of the first places to put up speed bumps. They got a grant and used my area of Gloucester as a pilot scheme so put in rather a lot. There's one road where there are so many in a short distance that it's rather like being on a roller coaster.

El Loro

El, the roads around here are in a terrible state. A couple of years ago, I had a tyre ruined due to a massive pothole. I did make a claim against the council and was successful - because it had already been reported and hadn't been properly repaired. My poor son had to replace two tyres due to a huge pothole, but wasn't reimbursed because the council claimed to have no prior knowledge that the pothole existed. 


How annoying that your letter was junk mail.

Sweet dreams squiggle & yogi

Hi skylark hope you've had a good day x

I tried to pop in this afternoon but kept getting thwarted!
Yogi I hope all goes well tomorrow with your car, my old one was a devil for the exhaust breaking i replaced every section of it at one time or another.
Thanks for the bunny hot water bottles too- I LOVE them
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi and bye, Summer, off to chill , got ballet in the morning. Not me , nana says she not used to girls as she has three boys. Dont believe it, for one minute, but she is trying, so i am doing the same. Havent seen my granddaughter in her tutu, so it will be nice seeing all the 3 year olds dancing around 
Goodnight everyone x


Good morning everyone


Skylark, there I was thinking for a moment of you dancing in a tutu . I hope you have an enjoyable morning watching your granddaughter and the orther children.


I hope everyone is able to stay warm today and that the snow doesn't cause problems for anyone. According to the weather forecaster yesterday, it's going to be powdery snow and useless for snowballs and snowmen.


I now need to brave the elements and do my shopping.I am just going out. I might be some time.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, I too had a lovely mental picture of you doing ballet Skylark Ooh I wish I could see through your eyes today I would love to see all those little ballet dancers.


I hope your exhaust is cheaply and easily fixed Yogi, be careful when you are out and about EL and home safe and take care too Summer, Skylark and Joyron and Ros.


Its really odd here there is no frost at all but if you step on the grass it is all crackly and icy down at the roots and the pond is frozen over.  I am not venturing out because I think there would be ice on the roads too.

Good morning I hope everyone slept well and is keeping warm this morning. No snow here but it's expected this afternoon.. I awoke looking at our new curtains & poles, I love them! All potential damage to the plasterboard has been done so I can now go crazy with polyfiller and paint Aw I bet skylarks granddaughter is such a picture in her ballet outfit
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, that's a brilliant picture


Summer, have fun going crazy with polyfiller and paint - I wonder if Skylark's granddaughter could help you out once she's done her ballet, due to her artistic talents


Although I had to do a bit of frost scraping on my car, it didn't take too long. There hasn't been any rain for a few days, so there was no ice anywhere on the roads, and it didn't seem to be quite as cold as yesterday. So I got back from my shopping without incident.


It's cloudier here than it was first thing  It's expected to start snowing early afternoon, and will continue to snow until around 8 this evening when it starts to turn to rain. I'm not intending to go out again until I go to church tomorrow morning, so I am hoping to see that the snow has gone from my area.

El Loro

Cheltenham managed to stay at the top of Division 2 even though their match was postponed because of the weather. The only match played in that division 2 was Plymouth who are almost at the bottom of the division against Southend who would have gone top but blew their chance by only drawing.


It has been snowing here for the last couple of hours but it looks as if it's closer to sleet now.

El Loro

I'm glad your football team is doing well EL.  I bet it will feel really good to get cracking with that bedroom Summer.


I found this site today which is very helpful to readers looking for new authors - its called Who Writes Like Whom which is self-explanatory and I found some good new authors I had never heard of. Good luck fishing through it I hope it is helpful to you.

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