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Originally Posted by squiggle:

That was a lot of very hard work EL, enjoy the fruits of your labours are you going to treat yourself?

I happen to know that The Artist is being shown in Gloucester at the Guildhall in Gloucester for a few days at the end of this month so, hopefully, I intend to treat myself by going there

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

That was a lot of very hard work EL, enjoy the fruits of your labours are you going to treat yourself?

I happen to know that The Artist is being shown in Gloucester at the Guildhall in Gloucester for a few days at the end of this month so, hopefully, I intend to treat myself by going there

It will be interesting to see what you think of it, enjoy it when you do go

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

That was a lot of very hard work EL, enjoy the fruits of your labours are you going to treat yourself?

I happen to know that The Artist is being shown in Gloucester at the Guildhall in Gloucester for a few days at the end of this month so, hopefully, I intend to treat myself by going there

It will be interesting to see what you think of it, enjoy it when you do go

I will let you know what I think of it. The Artist is due to be shown at the Guildhall just after the Oscars. As it is tipped for Best Picture, I think I may book in it advance rather than just turn up. Quite often the film which gets Best Picture has a boost in attendances.

El Loro
good evening all Very busy day; I got up early and took my MIL to her hospital check up, it was very busy and took ages, both for her appointment and at the pharmacy after.(I have no phone or Internet coverage there, which is a shame because I could have been here and there ) Then I dropped her off, bought curtain poles, got the car washed, did laundry, cleaned out the rabbits, skyped my mum while testing the curtains on their poles and now I'm finally sitting here I yawned a lot, all day El, I'm pleased you got paid for that big job, well done I hope you're all keeping warm and having a lovely day
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Thanks yogi & squiggle I've got my feet up on the coffee table I just need a bath or shower & get my pj's on and I'm settled for the evening Have you both had a good day? I can't wait to see the artist for myself, I have a friend who will love it so I'm hoping we can go together

^^^^ That's what I'd like to do but I need to pick up son from the station later, so my PJs will have to wait.


Hubby saw that I was a bit tired tonight and kindly went for son for me. He'll get Brownie points for that one.

Sorry your book is a bit boring, Squiggle. It's not great when you want to get a book finished - but not for the right reason. Goodnight, sweet dreams.

Summer, son did take driving lessons and was ready for his test, then he gave up.

He intends starting again as soon as the weather picks up.

Not sure if I want him driving - he'll be borrowing my car all the time.


Good morning everyone


As Yogi says, it's freezing out there - minus 3 at present. At least it's sunny. At present, the forecast is that during the course of Saturday it will start getting a bit warmer from the west, but that as it hits the cold weather to the east there will be snow. In the west, the west will start off with snow but this turns to rain. In the east there is a risk of some significant snow later on Saturday and into Sunday, but eventually it will turn to rain.


Even though it will be less cold, it is likely that temperatures will remain below average for quite some time - the huge area of cold high pressure over Europe is expected to stay well into February.

El Loro
Good morning everyone
I thought it felt a little milder today, let's see what the day brings. People seem to be expecting snow this weekend

I fell asleep early again last night, and feel like I'm pretty much back to my normal self again this morning I don't quite fancy doing vigorous cardio tonight but I'm up for some yoga!
Mr summer has suggested he might put up our new curtain poles tonight though..

Squiggle I hope your book improves, I dislike the ones that get dull

Yogi what a shame about your sons driving test I hope he does decide to take it (and buys his own car ) and mr yogi was very sweet to go pick him up for you
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.    Feeling a little brighter today, I'm pleased to say.  It's really cold here this morning, but lovely and sunny.


Last weekend we cut down two trees, a willow and a eucalyptus, both over twenty years old.  We planted them when we moved here but they were becoming far too big and somewhat dangerous, so they had to come down.  The amount of extra light now getting into the house is amazing.


Squiggle, I finished reading "The Copper Beach".  It was okay although not as good as a lot I've read, sadly.  Perhaps I just wasn't in the right frame of mind when I read it!!  I've just started "Hens Reunited" by Lucy Diamond and I think I'm going to enjoy this more.  I read one of her other books, "The Beach Cafe" and found that very good.  I'll let you know how it goes.


El Loro, so pleased to hear your received that HUGE payment for all the hard work you put in on that account.  Yogi I hope all is well with you and your family.  It was good of hubby to do the taxi run for you last night.  As you say, lots of brownie points building up!!  I hope Sklark is okay.  Not seen any postings from her recently.  Love to all of you.  Have a great day. 


Good morning everyone, I love your ice cube smiley Yogi I've pinched it.  Well done to Mr Yogi and it is a catch 22 situation with your son isn't it?  Lovely if he can drive himself but not so good if he wants to borrow the car all the time.


Summer glad you are feeling better   Nice to hear from you Joyron, it's a shame that Copper Beech didn't hit the spot but at least you are reading again.  I hope you continue to feel brighter and I hope the new book is just the ticket.  Maeve Binchy never fails for me but we are all different.


There's ice on my pond so I am not intending to go anywhere.  Its very difficult to get out of the village when its icy as on both roads we have drainage from the fields which freezes and is like a skating rink.


To keep you all warm if you venture out 

Mmm thanks squiggle tasty! Joyron, its lovely to see you're feeling brighter, I think as much light as possible in a house is good I used to live in a little cottage that I loved, but the living room was very dark and felt gloomy, so I chose to watch tv in my bedroom more often than not. I frequently ate my dinner up there too lol
~Sparkling Summer~

Good to see you back with us and feeling a bit brighter, Joyron.

Glad you're feeling better, Summer. I made a nice curry for dinner last night, it certainly helped to heat us up.

Squiggle, that hot chocolate looks delicious - just what is required on freezing cold days.

El, if the snow arrives as forecast, I hope it is light and doesn't lie too long.

Off to visit my mum and dad this afternoon, will be back later.


Thanks for the weather update, El. Looks like I might escape the worst of the snow.

Sorry for those in the SE who may get the worst of it.

Love that fire, there is something quite hypnotic about a real fire.


As I mentioned earlier, I went to visit my parents today - and what a scare my mum gave my dad and I.

When I entered the house, my dad was upstairs and mum was sitting on the sofa and seemed to be asleep. I called out "Hi Mum" a couple of times and got no response. I called louder and still nothing. I raised my voice and shook her arm gently - and still got no response. To be honest, I feared the worst.

My poor dad, who had heard me call out, came downstairs and called my mum's name loudly and shook her arm, but she never moved. He then shook her arm really vigorously and at last she opened her eyes.

Do you know what she said to us? "I must have been in a deep sleep" - talk about understatement!

My poor dad and I were in a right state, but mum just wanted a cup of tea.


Oh wow Yogi your heart must have been going like a trip hammer   I agree about the fire - lovely   Me and my brother used to toast bread over the open fire and we liked to watch the shapes that appeared.  Our mum used to say that when the sparks fly upwards it was a soldier going off to war, its funny the things we're told as kids isn't it?


Signing off early tonight, have a good evening everyone.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Oh wow Yogi your heart must have been going like a trip hammer   I agree about the fire - lovely   Me and my brother used to toast bread over the open fire and we liked to watch the shapes that appeared.  Our mum used to say that when the sparks fly upwards it was a soldier going off to war, its funny the things we're told as kids isn't it?


Signing off early tonight, have a good evening everyone.

I have happy memories of making toast using a long toasting fork, on my nana's fire - happy days.

Goodnight Squiggle, sleep well.

Did someone say marshmallows?!
I love fire toasted mallows!
My Bestie actually stabbed me in the ribs with a marshmallow fork once, not exactly intentionally of course, and no serious injury occurred

my giddy aunt yogi! Your mum must have been in a heck of a deep sleep! I hope you & papa yogi have recovered from the scare

Sweet dreams squiggle
Same for skylark & joyron too
~Sparkling Summer~
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