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Good morning everyone


So far there has been no snow here, but there is still a threat over the next couple of hours.

Certainly it's going to be a cold week - Wednesday night looks to be the coldest in Gloucester at -4.


Agatha Christie wrote Curtain in 1942, some 30 years before she wrote her last book. She realised that she might not survive WW2 so wanted to write the book as a precaution. She had the book locked away in a bank vault and only authorised its publication in 1975. Miss Lemon and Inspector Japp don't feature in the book as far as I know.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a cold and cloudy day, cold week ahead so I am planning to stay put as far as poss.


Hope your visit with your son goes well Yogi.  I loved Agatha Christie books, cleverly plotted, like solving a puzzle, no gory bits , great atmosphere.


I was talking to a friend in church yesterday who was actually a nurse in the times depicted in Call The Midwife (and before then too she is now in her 90's) and she says it is really accurate.  She is actually the very picture of someone you can imagine wearing the old uniform of a ward sister.  At the time when she was a young girl there was the Great War and of course many young men of that generation were killed so she and her sister (who died shortly after Christmas) were never married.  She said that a clergyman friend of theirs described them as 'two unclaimed treasures' which I thought was charming.

Good morning *puts extra log on fire* I think we'll be needing that! I didn't know that agatha christie had written her final book all those years in advance, how fascinating. It'll be a bit sad when the tv series ends Yogi I hope you enjoyed your themed evening, I absolutely love doing that, especially if mr summer is away somewhere and I have the house to myself. Skylark I too hope your daughter felt ok after her walk El, well done Cheltenham Squiggle & joyron I hope you both had a lovely weekend too Last nights drive home was problematic; one road was closed and I got stuck in diversion traffic queues, and I felt sleepy half way home so had to pull over for a cuppa tea and a rest break. That was very effective and I got home safely, albeit stiff and tired. I did sleep very well last night though, which was a big help. I think I'll be doing the same tonight too
~Sparkling Summer~

According to the Met Office, the coldest weather will be on Wednesday and Thursday and becoming less cold by Friday. There's an amber alert for cold across England  - the alerts aren't available for Wales or Scotland but I think the same would apply to Wales, but for once Scotland looks to be slightly less cold.


The Met Office says that on Wednesday and Thursday nights, the temperature could be minus 6, and that day time temperatures no more than 2 or 3.


No snow has fallen here, so that's some good news.

El Loro

In recent weeks there have been reports in the local news about animals such as deer being killed by possibly big cats. Currently, tests are being carried out to see if this is the case. These attacks have been in the Glouceshire countryside but the most recent one has been at Coopers Edge hill which is near Brockworth on the outskirts of Gloucester and is about 4 miles away from where I live


Someone has written a book about big cats in this country. He reckons that there are 2 or 3 big cats in the wild for every 100 square miles. He's obviously taking advantage of the local news stories as he is coming to Gloucester to promote his book.


This does remind me of something I saw about 10 years ago. I was walking home from my parents and suddenly I saw a black animal sprint across the road in front of me. There used to be an area of undergrowth between the Plock Court playing fields and it seemed to come from there. It was black, the size of a retriever, but cat shaped rather than dog shaped. I didn't think anything more of it at the time, but I do wonder whether I did spot a big cat. A small black panther is about 3 foot long.

El Loro

I do believe there are big cats living wild all over the UK.  I know some have been spotted on Exmoor and I think the sightings are too often to be just put down to someone mistaking a domestic cat for a puma or something similar.  I think there was some legislation in about the 80's where they had to register if they were keeping cats in the wild and someone mentioned on our local radio station that some owners just released them into the wild rather than register them.


At the start of Doctors (BBC1) today, there was a bit of music played during the intro scene. I knew immediately that it was from one of Beethoven's symphonies and that it would be from the start of the second movement from one of them. The second movement in his symphonies are always slow. So it didn't take me long to work through his symphonies and found that it was the start of the 7th.


In this episode was a guest appearance by a very elderly Edward Petherbridge (he's 75 now). He was Lord Peter Wimsey in the Dorothy Sayers adaptations back in 1987. In those adaptations, his girlfriend Harriet Vane was played by Harriet Walter who nowadays is a regular in Law and Order. My father was a great admirer of Dorothy Sayers' books. He regarded her as the only detective story writer who could be considered to be a fine writer (in terms of comparing writers with the likes of Dickens etc). It's many years since there were any adaptations of her books either in film or television.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Well done on figuring out which symphony it was, El. I wouldn't have had a clue.

I like Harriet Walter as an actress, she's very good. I love Law & Order UK, although I only discovered it during series 4.


I wouldn't have had a clue either Yogi so I am full of admiration EL.  Funnily enough Harriet Walter was in a lovely film I watched yesterday, Time After Time, a ghost story but not at all frightening rather heartwarming instead.  With a good cast, Timothy Spall, Maggie Smith and that extremely good-looking young man who was in the latest version of Great Expectations, Douglas Booth.


Well I'm off to read, have a good evening everyone, speak to you all tomorrow.


Oh your post and mine must have been at the same time Summer, I hope you feel better in the morning, sleep well


Good morning everyone, another really cold day today.  Summer I hope you slept well and are feeling a bit better this morning


I have given up on watching Midsomer Murders but the cast that you mention EL does sound intriguing.  I never think of The Champions when I hear the name William Gaunt, as I have mentioned before I always think of that Victorian detective series ages and ages ago where he played the sidekick, showing my age


Squiggle, that film you saw a couple of days - I tracked down the film with Harriet Walter you saw. Oddly enough it's written by Julian Fellowes - he seems to be everywhere . On s small point, it's called From Time to Time. There is another film called Time after Time made some years ago with Malcolm McDowell, so I thought I'd mention that to avoid confusion. The Malcolm McDowell one is where he plays the part of H G Wells and uses his time machine to go after Jack the Ripper (played by David Warner).

El Loro

Good morning everyone


I don't know if any of you have noticed but it's cold out there. At least it's not like Russia and that part of the world. On the radio this morning they said that it had dropped to something like -43 C in north west Russia. Over 60 people have died so far there due to the freezing conditions.


Big for everyone and I hope you are can stay warm.

El Loro

I've just been out delivering letters to a couple of local clients. The temperature is about 0, but with the wind chill it felt like -4. I was wrapped up and walking briskly but am glad to be back home.


Squiggle, the Met Office don't know how long this cold snap will last. There's a battle between some warmer but wetter weather from the west and this huge area of cold high pressure acrosss Europe. This country is in the area between. It depends on which side wins - if the warmer weather wins then we will see it warmer by Saturday, if the cold weather wins then the cold will remain and many of us could see a fair amount of snow over the weekend. Even if the weather does get warmer, it is likely to be temporary with a return to possibly even colder weather which is likely to be here throughout February and into March with snow in many places.

El Loro
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