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Good morning everyone its very cold here too but an amazingly clear morning if it was several degrees warmer I would be tempted to go outside and skip around but I will resist the temptation as I could get frostbite


Marvellous that you got your heating fixed so quickly Yogi as they say it's not what you know it's who you know.


I will watch the first bit of the highlight show but I am not watching Denise being cock-a-hoop for too long it would turn my stomach she must have some powerful lawyers or am I just an old cynic?


Have a good day everyone despite the cold.


Morning all x

Cold here too, glad you got the heating sorted Yogi, you need it on today ! 
Liked seeing Robert Vaughan, pity he isnt in Corrie long. The Man from Uncle....oh thats going back, i loved it!
Got the day to myself, son is off at footie, granddaughter with nana, daughter is off walking in Inverness with friends ().  Wonder what trouble i can get up to today ?? 

Morning a bit chilly but bright here, I've been off sync this morning though; I turned off my Saturday alarm last weekend when I was off and forgot to turn it back on! So this morning it didn't go off and I awoke 50 mins after my usual first alarm luckily I allow 30 mins for hitting snooze buttons, so I skipped breakfast and still set off at my usual time. No school traffic on a Saturday means I zoomed to work in time to do my hair and eat a croissant before opening time! Phew!
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, not really sure at the moment where they are walking, daughter did mention Loch Ness, so around that area. Got a quick txt to say they had arrived safely. Will get all the story on her return x

Just been checking the weather there, its not bad, cold but good visibility , so thats good , they wont get lost !

Last edited by Former Member

Skylark, I hope your daughter has a nice walk . The colleague of mine who dies over a year ago had a client who was involved in a very unusual business. He's the man who came up with the idea of having a small submergible for tourists to see if they could spot the Loch Ness monster . That was quite a few years ago though and I don't think the client ever found the monster. Don't ask me how come an accountant in Gloucester had a client based at Loch Ness though as I've no idea. I think the client may at one time lived in the Gloucester area.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I hope your daughter has a nice walk . The colleague of mine who dies over a year ago had a client who was involved in a very unusual business. He's the man who came up with the idea of having a small submergible for tourists to see if they could spot the Loch Ness monster . That was quite a few years ago though and I don't think the client ever found the monster. Don't ask me how come an accountant in Gloucester had a client based at Loch Ness though as I've no idea. I think the client may at one time lived in the Gloucester area.

I want to go see Nessie but not in a submergible, I'm not good in enclosed spaces.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Lol El that's a funny story, rather unusual! Ben Nevis isn't far from Loch Ness, I wonder if they're doing that?! We drove around Loch Ness once, I didn't see Nessie though I'd love to know the real story about that legend!

What do you mean legend, Nessie is real dontcha know?!


Yogi, I'm guessing that earlier today you or your son were doing a search on boiler repairs and Google picked up on that which is why you saw that advert. Google do monitor your search patterns. I posted some time ago that one of the adverts I saw on this forum was for professional indemnity insurance for accountants which proves that. I don't think they pass any information onto supplers etc as that would almost certainly be in breach of the data protection act.

El Loro

An interesting clip EL, I am sure Nessie took off at speed as soon as she saw that thing coming towards her, but I am sure it is an interesting excursion for those who want to go down in it.  I found Loch Ness an eerie place, but not as eerie as my hubby found Glencoe which he was glad to be away from, he felt a dreadful sadness about it.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I'm guessing that earlier today you or your son were doing a search on boiler repairs and Google picked up on that which is why you saw that advert. Google do monitor your search patterns. I posted some time ago that one of the adverts I saw on this forum was for professional indemnity insurance for accountants which proves that. I don't think they pass any information onto supplers etc as that would almost certainly be in breach of the data protection act.

No, we didnt search anything like that. My middle son just phoned a work colleague, who is a gas engineer and he identified the problem and told my son how to fix it (it wasn't anything difficult or dangerous). T'is spooky!

Originally Posted by squiggle:

An interesting clip EL, I am sure Nessie took off at speed as soon as she saw that thing coming towards her, but I am sure it is an interesting excursion for those who want to go down in it.  I found Loch Ness an eerie place, but not as eerie as my hubby found Glencoe which he was glad to be away from, he felt a dreadful sadness about it.

This is why your hubby found it to be so sad:


El Loro

I was thinking that too squiggle, with all that noise Nessie would be off like a shot!

Enjoy your evening Yogi, watching Poirot too, seen them all but nothing else on and they are worth another look. As long as they dont repeat Murder on The Orient Express, not one of David Suchet,s best IMO, found it very dark and depressing. 

Well done to Cheltenham  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yes indeed squiggle, goodnight sleep well 

Off now too nighty nite x

awww night skylark


El glad Gloucester won - my son is a rabid Wrexham fan  + Oh so football is always part of our weekend 

love the Nessie stuff  - OMG no wonder Nessie disappeared have always been fascinated by that legend- + have always wanted to go to scotland but not been yet - I am quite ashamed of that - i remember doing the Glencoe massacre in school and I can imagine it is spooky there -  a bit like the Gresford mining disaster in these parts

yogi - so glad you got your central heating fixed so quickly - i hate being cold and yes Nessie rocks

skylark hope your daughter enjoyed her walk

summer - hope you are  having  a lovely time and enjoying seeing Ava

I didn't enjoy CBB  this time

night you lovely people

Rocking Ros Rose
*night owls* I made it safely to my best friends house after a busy day at work, red bull helped.. Which is why I'm awake still All seems alright here, my goddaughter had a jolly good long nap in my arms, but her poor mama is feeling like a tired new mama.. Skylark I hope you're daughter had a lovely day out and enjoyed the fresh air Sweet dreams and happy Sunday to you all -*wonders if Nessies would eat pancakes..*
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Skylark, I thought it was probably Alastair MacDonald singing as there's an Alastair shown on the title page but I didn't know for certain.


It's cold and cloudy at present. There is a real risk that overnight and tomorrow morning that it will be snowing in my area. Squiggle, although the south west is affected I think you will escape with rain rather than snow. I think I'm the only one of the regulars here who is in the risk area. I've taken the precaution of stocking up on milk and bread so that I won't have to go out again until next weekend. The forecasters admit that there is considerable uncertaintity about this so I may escape with no snow. Certainly the temperature will be the coldest of this winter so far, in my area a maximum of about 3 and a minimum of around -4 - that's expected to be the case for at least the next week.


El Loro

Squiggle, it's quite appropriate for your friend to be baptised today. Today is the celebration of when Jesus aged 40 days was taken to the temple by Joseph and Mary for the Jewish ritual of the redemption of the first born. It tends to be called Candlemas and effectively marks the end of the Christmas and Epiphany seasons. Luke's Gospel is the only one of the four to refer to this and is where the Nunc Dimitis (as used in Evening Prayer for generations) comes from. It's quite possibly the oldest prayer used throughout the world on a daily basis.


Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace : according to thy word.

For mine eyes have seen : thy salvation,

Which thou hast prepared : before the face of all people;

To be a light to lighten the Gentiles : and to be the glory of thy people Israel.

El Loro

Ah yes Simeon, I have always loved that story, to put it into modern parlance "I can die happily Lord now I have seen your Saviour".  And those words for a Jew at that time 'to be a light unto the Gentiles' must have been shocking to those who heard it.


The service was wonderful.  There was Mary, her grandson and another young girl.  Mary who has had throat problems and had virtually no voice for months and months spoke out strongly, the church was packed and hopefully the Lord will have His hand upon others who will hear the testimony and find themselves on the same path.


That's lovely squiggle. In our church, we generally have the baptisms as part of the main Sunday morning service so that the people coming for the baptism can feel part of the wider church community. This is done once or twice a month and there's generally at least 2 being baptised. Generally they are babies but quite often we have older children and some times adults. Fairly recently we had one where the baby, an older boy and the father were baptised together.


The Bishop of Gloucester has started an initiative this year to get churches to encourage more people to become baptised or confirmed. Our church is doing what it can and we are hoping that there will be more than a handful of people who wish to become confirmed.

El Loro

Evening all.

Summer, how lovely that you got to spend some time with baby Ava. Being a new mum is tiring and the sleepless nights do tend to catch up with you but it does get easier as the babies get older. Big hug for your friend.

Squiggle, how lovely for your friend to be baptised along with her grandson.

El, I hope the snow is light and doesn't linger in your area.

Skylark, did your daughter enjoy her walk - or does she have aching muscles today?

I agree with you about Murder On The Orient Express, a very dark episode compared to the others.


I agree with you that The Murder on the Orient Express was grimly dark. I didn't like it a bit.


According to IMDB, the last five Poirots which are being made (and will be the last made) are:


The Labours of Hercules

Dead Man's Folly

Elephants can Remember

The Big Four


And the very last one ever will be

Curtain. I do know how this one ends and it will make The Murder on the Orient Express look like a cheerful light hearted comedy in comparison. The book does bring back Captain Hastings and I am glad to see that according to IMDB Hugh Fraser is returning to that role. I think if he hadn't, the adaptation would have been a travesty.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm sure I read somewhere that Christie's family had insisted the TV programme had to stick very closely to the books. So, if Captain Hasting didn't feature in the book, his character was omitted from the programme.

I'm glad he'll be back for the final episode, I do miss him - and I miss Miss Lemon and Inspector Japp.

Me too Yogi I think their inclusion lends a certain roundness to the plot, a completeness if you get my drift.


Well I'm off to hopefully finish yet another book, sleep well everyone and catch up again tomorrow.

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