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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I'm so pleased with myself for remembering the other Renoir film. It shows I'm not quite as dotty as I thought.

Summer, I am exactly the same as you - whatever I am thinking or feeling is written all over my face. I'm not good at masking my feelings.


Edit to add, we've got lots of snow here.

I was very impressed Yogi


EL I hope your client manages to recover his strength soon, sounds like he's been through a terrible ordeal.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I'm so pleased with myself for remembering the other Renoir film. It shows I'm not quite as dotty as I thought.

Summer, I am exactly the same as you - whatever I am thinking or feeling is written all over my face. I'm not good at masking my feelings.


Edit to add, we've got lots of snow here.

my feelings always show in my face as well - i just cannot tell lies

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone, EL your snow cat looks like Garfield and exactly how a cat would look if left out in the snow


Its quite a bright morning here, makes a change from yesterday they forecast a dry afternoon and every time I went to get out of the car or go to the car the heavens opened with wintry showers


The things you see on your bird table, obviously the birds must have cleared the flat top bird table (I will refill it later) so the clever woodpecker was perched on the bird feeder this morning.  I don't know how he did it clever thing

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I'm so pleased with myself for remembering the other Renoir film. It shows I'm not quite as dotty as I thought.

Summer, I am exactly the same as you - whatever I am thinking or feeling is written all over my face. I'm not good at masking my feelings.


Edit to add, we've got lots of snow here.

my feelings always show in my face as well - i just cannot tell lies

 Snap. I'm sure that's supposed to be a good thing.

Good morning chilly but bright again, snow predicted for later. I'm loving the snow dogs & cats! such fun! El, thank you for the PanAm info, I had an e mail from my SIL telling me too, but if neither of you had told me I would not have known! I had series linked the sky+ but with a gap like that, the link ends, so it wouldn't have recorded it. I'm very much looking forward to the show, I feel like I'm on holiday for the time it's on
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I'm so pleased with myself for remembering the other Renoir film. It shows I'm not quite as dotty as I thought.

Summer, I am exactly the same as you - whatever I am thinking or feeling is written all over my face. I'm not good at masking my feelings.


Edit to add, we've got lots of snow here.

my feelings always show in my face as well - i just cannot tell lies

 Snap. I'm sure that's supposed to be a good thing.

One thing's for sure we will never make poker players will we?


Also I can't play chess because I am such an optimist that I see all the good moves coming my way and then am totally broadsided when the opponent's good moves wipe my players out


I am very lucky I get both sort of woodpecker, the green one as well although he tends to peck at the lawn more.  But the other woodpecker this morning, the feeder is smooth plastic not netting for him to grip onto and the perches are tiny for the little birds like bluetits.


Loving the snow dog Yogi I wonder whether he was having fun.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Squiggle I love that you have woodpeckers! I think they're fascinating and beautiful creatures, I saw my first one during a walk last year

I had never seen any until I came to live down here.  They are such funny birds, sort of like Mr Bean of the bird world because of their upright stance and serious faces, they both make me smile, and I freeze when the green woodpecker comes and pecks at the lawn right in front of me.


Advance warning of very cold temperatures particularly in the southern half of the country from the Met Office well into February. There's a huge area of high pressure over Russia and Scandinavia and the result is that we get the cold from there. Looks as if this will be the coldest weather of the winter. I just hope the temperatures don't get as low as December 2010

El Loro

Is this the future for manned space exploration


While America is running down its manned space programme - further north - two Canadian students have shown that flying into space does not always have to be rocket science.

Matthew Ho and Asad Muhammad used a weather balloon to carry a camera and a toy lego man high above the clouds.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh had a bit of a vertigo moment there El, my own fault for looking 

Very cold here got the heating on full blast !

Robert Vaughan in Corrie, had to look twice ! 

Napoleon Solo in Corrie, who'd have thought it?!

I'm showing my age, aren't I?

Me too Yogi


Signing off now, enjoy the eviction everyone, speak to you tomorrow.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
I can play chess, I don't really think ahead though, I'm a one move at a time kind of player. I do enjoy Ludo more though We have a friend who just called- he's in the peak district, stuck in snow! He's waiting to get towed

Poor man!

We have some snow lying on the gardens and pavements, but the gritters have been out so the roads are pretty clear.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

But of course ! 

I spotted you in the thread. Who do you want to win?

I don't care too much, as long as Denise doesn't win.

I'll be happy if Gareth wins but I don't think he's in with a real chance.

Oh sorry just saw this, bit late now !! 

Off to bed, nite nite everyone  


Good morning everyone


Cold but dry at present.


Although I don't watch Corrie I seem to remember some months ago hearing that Robert Vaughan was going to be in it. According to what I've read he's appearing over the next 3 weeks so it's not a permanent role. It's strange to have him in Corrie and also in Hustle on the same evening. Maybe he developed a liking for working in the UK whilst on Hustle.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Its absolutely freezing up here, so my day got off to a bad start when the central heating wasn't working when I got up.

Luckily, middle son was able to phone a gas engineer work colleague, who was able to diagnose the problem over the phone and told him how to fix it. I now have heating and my teeth have stopped chattering. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Hope you are all warm and cosy where you are.


Maybe Robert Vaughan likes it over here now.


Yogi, I'm glad that your central heating problem got sorted out quickly - this isn't the kind of weather where you can do without heating.


I've since found out that Robert Vaughan has been working on a film in this country and during that time was approached by people from Corrie.


He's making a film called The Magnificent Eleven. It's a comedy very loosely based on The Magnificent Seven, This time it's about a struggling amateur football team called The Cowboys. Robert Vaughan must have jumped at the chance to be in The Magnificent Eleven as he was one of The Magnificent Seven.Considering that The Magnificent Eleven is written by Irving Welsh who wrote Trainspotting I very much doubt that it will be a family film.



El Loro
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