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Morning Buddies, lovely to see so much activity after I had toddled off to bed, did I tell you I think you are all lovely?   Wow its all ups and downs from the look of this thread, look forward to catching up later and just hope that Ben is not being brought down by the huge raincloud that is JJ.  Which incidentally is starting to make Shabby's raincloud of doom look like a tiddler   Hope to chat later
Afternoon everyone.    Just got back from taking the grandchildren for a day trip to the seaside as a treat for receiving such great school reports.  Had fish and chips on grandad's boat but it was too windy to go our for a ride.

Not seen last night's HL show or any LF.  Seems as though JJ has been his obnoxious self again!!  Really wish we could get rid of him.

Probably won't be back again today but will try and catch up with you all tomorrow. 
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