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Originally Posted by Skylark24:


Just been checking my emails and apparently i have ÂĢ10m waiting in the Bank of Nigeria, all i have to do is send off my bank details. Great eh? 

Hope you all well this morning x

Have a nice day Summer x 

I wonder if people in this country still get taken in by this scam - there's been so much publicity about it that I would have little sympathy for anyone falling for it.


Summer, I hope your day goes well.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, full cloud cover here too but no fog.  Unfortunately there are some people who fall for those cons more's the pity.  I have someone who's been emailing me regularly for the last 6 months, usually it comes through as spam but sometimes not, I never open them so you would have thought they would have got a bit tired of it by now


I have seen The Shawshank Redemption but can't remember a thing about it so it would most definitely not come in my personal top ten.  The Green Mile made much more of an impact on me if we are talking prison dramas.  I agree Its A Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street etc much more my thing and I loved the big musicals Oklahoma, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, South Pacific, The King & I.


Although I am not usually one for graphic scenes I have watched both films.  The Green Mile was so moving and unforgettable.  I could not say that I enjoyed The Passion Of The Christ but somehow felt that I had to watch it, because it was true.  I watched it through a waterfall of tears but I am glad that I did watch it.  It brings it home to you the agony that was endured for my sake, and yours too.  However of course I respect your decision not to watch it and indeed many of my Christian friends feel the same.

Originally Posted by squiggle:



I have seen The Shawshank Redemption but can't remember a thing about it so it would most definitely not come in my personal top ten.  The Green Mile made much more of an impact on me if we are talking prison dramas.  I agree Its A Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street etc much more my thing and I loved the big musicals Oklahoma, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, South Pacific, The King & I.

Good afternoon everyone.

I also love all of those films, Squiggle.

Skylark, did they say how you come to have ten million pounds in the Bank Of Nigeria - was it a long-lost, rich relative who left you a fortune in his will?

Summer, have a nice time with your MiL. I hope she is feeling well, atm

El, I've never watched The Green Mile, for the same reason as you.


I hope that for all of you celebrating Burns Night tonight have a good time.


I've just returned home from the visit to the dentist for the deep filling and a lot of scale & polish. For some unknown reason, the plaque had built up a lot more in the last 6 months than on previous times. The dentist advised me to change the mouthwash I use to see if that helps. At least it's over for the time being.

El Loro

Hope you are ok . El, is your mouth all numb?

I stopped using mouthwashes a long time ago, it not only takes bad bacteria away, it takes the good ones too. 
My son , and my nephew too had terrible mouth ulcers . and we pinpointed it down to mouthwashes. the leading brand too. 
Personally i dont think they are necessary, if good oral care is taken with old ways of brushing teeth regularly and taking care. Says me terrified of the dentist!! But i do go when dragged, and i am almost phobic about my family,s dental care.
Soap box rant over ! 


The numbness in my mouth has almost gone now you will be glad to know


When my dentist did an X-ray a couple of years ago she found that one of my upper molars on the left hand side is dead. Eventually she will have to extract it but she had advised me to use mouthwash on a regular basis to delay the need to take it out.


I only use non-alcohol based mouthwash so that I shouldn't have the risk of mouth ulcers. So I had been using Boots own sensitive but the dentist has advised me to go over to Corsodyl Alcohol free mouthwash.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The numbness in my mouth has almost gone now you will be glad to know


When my dentist did an X-ray a couple of years ago she found that one of my upper molars on the left hand side is dead. Eventually she will have to extract it but she had advised me to use mouthwash on a regular basis to delay the need to take it out.


I only use non-alcohol based mouthwash so that I shouldn't have the risk of mouth ulcers. So I had been using Boots own sensitive but the dentist has advised me to go over to Corsodyl Alcohol free mouthwash.

Glad the numbness has gone, it's a horrible feeling.


Good morning everyone


Skylark, I hope your day goes well


Colder than recent days but sunny at present here - showers expected later.


Although I haven't seen it La Regle du Jeu (1939) is on Film 4 starting at 11 this morning. I've got the DVD to see some time. As you can guess from the title and age it's French with subtitles and in black and white. It's one of those films which tends to be thought of as a contender for the greatest film ever made. It's directed by Jean Renoir (son of the painter) and is a serious comedy looking at relationships between the wealthy aristocrats and their servants. It does contain huting scenes. It wouldn't surprise me if Julian Fellowes was influenced to some extent by this film.

El Loro
Good morning Cold but bright here, although I'm not so much this morning lol; I got 5 mins from the house this morning and realised I'd left my hairdressing scissors in the kitchen Thank goodness I realised then and that I leave early, i still arrived at work before opening time! Whatever else I forget doesn't matter because there's other tools at the salon, but if I don't have my scissors I can't do any work! El that French film sounds good, let us hear your review after
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone quite cold and lots of black clouds and wintry showers this morning.


That sounds wonderful the styling you did for your MIL Summer, she is lucky to have you.  Do let us know what you think of the film EL I have never watched a film with subtitles, I always feel it will irritate me and I am still not sure about watching The Artist.


Good morning everyone. Had to scrape the car windscreen this morning, although the temperature does seem to be rising now.

Summer, that would have been a bit of a disaster if you'd left your scissors at home, good job you realised in time.

El, did you once post another little film by Jean Renoir for us, or am I getting mixed up?

When I was a teenager, French was my favourite subject and I used to watch French films with subtitles, (which were shown on BBC2) just so I could practice my French.

Got some errands to run and the weekly shopping to do, see you all later.


Although I've got La Regle du Jeu on DVD to watch it may be some time before I get around to watching it


Yogi, you are right, I did post Jean Renoir's Partie de Campagne, his incompleted film from 1936. Well remembered


I too saw lots of those foreign films which BBC2 used to show. If I remember correctly they were shown at the weekend in the afternoon. It's quite possible that I saw La Regle du Jeu then, but I was young so I doubt if I would have been old enough to appreciate it.


I've always been able to scan text quickly, useful for my line of work, so reading subtitles has never been a problem for me.


Squiggle, ss far as The Artist is concerned I think that the use of dialogue is minimal and that it uses title cards rather than subtitles. In the days of silent films it was the normal practice to use title cards rather than subtitles. This is a comment I've seen on the IMDB website:


"I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the dialogue. If you can read lips, so much the better, but having other ways of conveying what is being said: through intensity, emotion, nuances, meaningful looks, will all transport you well beyond what mere words could have achieved.

Part of what the film brings is the beauty of the silent era, and how the assault of sounds confuse and distract. When you see the film for yourself, consider how silence is a useful filter that gets you to notice other details, of which there are plenty. The title cards are few, so you actually have to bring your own attention and intellect to the action to follow the plot."


End of IMDB comment

I've mentioned Sunrise before. That is a film which the same can apply. Having seen Sunrise I can say that after a few minutes I forgot that there was no voices heard. If you ever saw a Greta Garbo film, she was able to convey her inner thoughts through just her expression and her eyes.

El Loro

If there is the option to see a foreign film with subtitles or dubbed, I prefer the subtitled version. One reason is that unless the dubbing is very carefully done, it becomes obvious that the mouths of those speaking are not in sync with the spoken words. Another reason is that the tonality of the original voice is missing.

El Loro

Yogi, I hope the snow isn't causing problems for you


I've just returned from seeing the client who has been extremely ill. He's back home now. His wife had brought me up to date so I knew what to expect. He's down from 11 stone to 8 stone and has lost much of his strength so he has to use walking sticks to get around. He's hopeful that he will recover his strength but it is going to be a long job. He's also lost his hair probably due to stress rather than medication. It's starting to grow back though.

El Loro
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