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Good morning everyone, it was very misty earlier on but has cleared now, still grey and drizzly though.  And the frogs have arrived - how do they know to all come at once?  Its a mystery.


Skylark I do hope the little one feels more comfortable today it's just so awful for a little one like that to be putting up with bowel difficulties my heart goes out to her.


Hope your shopping is successful Yogi and you don't forget anything and you manage to get rid of all those bottles.


Have a good day everyone.








Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Good luck today yogi, it sounds like you're going to be a busy bee today! Squiggle, I think you might like to know that my "squiggles books" store is doing very well within my game, and has the happiest staff of all the 11 businesses that I've opened so far

I am very pleased, so glad that the staff are happy they must be having lots of pancakes


The weather changed drastically whilst I was shopping in Morrisons. I came out to strong wind and heavy rain, which turned to sleet.

I got rid of all the plastic bottles. It took ages because I had to put them in, one at a time.

Anyway, at least they aren't cluttering up the garage any more.

Good to know the frogs have returned - hope they don't become too noisy, Squiggle.

The daffodils in the pic are lovely. I'll be pleased when mine are growing in the garden, and Spring has finally sprung.

Skylark, hope your granddaughter is feeling much better but not tiring you out too much.

El, I bought some Jacob's Cream Crackers with my shopping, they are my favourite crackers to have with cheese.



Hi Yogi, my daughter is here so i have a bit of time to myself. Infact i shall nip to the local shop and get some Jacobs crackers  Fancy some with cheese, and havent any in 

We are lucky that we have large communal recycling bins , so can get rid of stuff straight away. Where i lived before , the motors werent very regular and it was a pain saving the stuff up


It's scary - I'm able to control people's buying habits by thought transference


The weekly recycling collection takes plastic bottles which is useful. Back in 2007 when there were the floods on Gloucester, the water supply became contaminated and we were without tap water for a couple of weeks. During that time people were getting bottled water until the bowsers became available. A neighbour of my mother helped on trying to stop the floods from getting to the power station and was given a substantial quantity of bottled water. He passed quite a lot to my mother, and I had already been getting her bottles. So she landed up by having 60 or so plastic bottles which lasted her well beyond the tap water coming back on.


I had great fun trying to get rid of all of those bottles and my bottles - there was no recycling collection at that time and whenever I went to the supermarkets recycling banks, the plastic bottle banks were overflowing.


I got rid of them eventually, but it took ages.

El Loro
evening I've been without 3G for the majority of the day I blame the weather, it got black & very heavy rain showers pelted down! I'm back home in my cosy warm house with wifi now though El I was going to tell you that your weather predictions this week have been 100% accurate for here I remembered as the first rain shower fell! Yogi I hope you didn't get too wet & cold out there today, and I hope EVERYONE has enjoyed their crackers today I too like them! I'm just putting my feet up while we wait for the sushi rice to cool- we're making sushi for tea that's my packed lunch for tomorrow taken care of
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, thank you for the weather forecast EL, I am standing by with cheese in case of light flurries of Jacobs Cream Crackers


Yogi the frogs do like to ahem party during the day (yes they do seem to get very amorous, although like Frankie they seem to be less than choosy ) and I really don't know at night, there are no lights out there and I don't really have the windows open in the evening when they are here.  They are probably all tucked up in their little froggy beds with their wee mugs of horlicks and their nightcaps on trying to recover.


Squiggle, may be Summer will let you have some of the cream crackers she catches this afternoon, then you can give them to your frogs to have with their mugs of horlciks.


Your post reminded me of that old children's verse with "Hey Ho says Anthony Rowley" in the refrain. I did some Googling and found quite an interesting history relating to this. It's far too long to post it here, so here's a link if anyone is interested.


El Loro

Hello everyone. Mr Yogi has the day off work, hence my late appearance in the thread. I've sent him off to the charity shops to hunt for more cookery books.

El, we've has rain, wind, sleet, hail and sunshine in the last day or two, so I shouldn't be at all surprised if we also got some cream crackers. Summer, I think that umbrella is a good idea.

Squiggle, I shall now think of Frankie, as Frankie The Frog. Skylark, I don't think you should ask what the frogs are getting up to!

Joyron, always good to see you in here. It doesn't matter if you don't have much to say, we still like to have you join us.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hello everyone. Mr Yogi has the day off work, hence my late appearance in the thread. I've sent him off to the charity shops to hunt for more cookery books.

El, we've has rain, wind, sleet, hail and sunshine in the last day or two, so I shouldn't be at all surprised if we also got some cream crackers. Summer, I think that umbrella is a good idea.

Squiggle, I shall now think of Frankie, as Frankie The Frog. Skylark, I don't think you should ask what the frogs are getting up to!

Joyron, always good to see you in here. It doesn't matter if you don't have much to say, we still like to have you join us.

Is this who you mean?


El Loro

Afternoon everyone.  Not doing a lot today Sweet.  Weather is making me feel real down in the dumps!!    Hubby has been away for two nights this week so it's been a bit quiet.  I know I could have come in here to talk but just didn't feel in the right frame of mind!!


Squiggle, I've not been in the mood for reading so I've not started another book as yet.


Hope you all have a good weekend, whatever you are doing. 

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