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Good morning everyone


My Virgin broadband connection suddenly slowed to a snail's pace at a bit after 6.30. It happened once before for a couple of hours so I thought I would leave things until this morning and the connection now seems back to normal. I checked on their support forum and saw that they had posted an alert about nationwide problems, and a couple of hours later saying that it had been sorted out.


A lot milder today. It had obviously rained over night. There's a small depression in the middle of the road outside my house, and it always gets water in it if it has rained. It's now very cloudy and the forecast today is for some mist and fog.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. Weather is windy, with a very dark, grey sky.

Mr Yogi was online between 6-7pm last night and was also experiencing some problems, El. We are also with Virgin.


Good news about Sherlock, El, there's to be another series.



Yes, the writer of the series admitted in the last day or so that a third series of Sherlock had been commissioned at the same time as the second. It will be interesting to see how Sherlock comes back from having apparently fallen to his death from a height in front of dozens of onlookers. I'm sure there's lots of theories floating about. The only clue I picked up was that he had asked Molly to do whatever he asked her to do to help him out.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Looking at the Met Office longer term forecast - they haven't a clue what it will be. They say that either it will be relatively mild but wet particularly in the west, or very cold with snow particularly in the east - whichever it is, they expect it to be like that well into February.

Where's my bit of seaweed?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Looking at the Met Office longer term forecast - they haven't a clue what it will be. They say that either it will be relatively mild but wet particularly in the west, or very cold with snow particularly in the east - whichever it is, they expect it to be like that well into February.

Where's my bit of seaweed?

I'm sure your predictions would be more accurate than the met office.

Just back from walking the dog and the rain has now started, looks like I timed it well.


Summer, enjoy your day off.


El, I have no idea how Sherlock survives, I'm just incredibly grateful that he does.



Yogi, from what I've read, the next series of Sherlock takes place a year later and Watson has married in the mean time. In "The Empty House", which is where Conan Doyle brought Holmes back, there has been a three year gap but they probably realised that we wouldn't want to have to wait three years.


They can't use the same trick as in The Empty House of bringing Holmes back as in Sherlock they have to get over the small problem of seeing his lifeless body. In the Conan Doyle version, Holmes has fallen to his supposed death in the waterfall and his body presumed to have been washed away.

El Loro

Well done Summer I have to rest in between hoovering the whole house. 


Joyron I know just what you mean about the damp, it annoys me that just when I have cleaned the bird feeder it rains and gets clogged at the bottom again, you would think they would make them a bit more waterproof somehow.  Hope you are well and maybe planning a nice break to have something nice to look forward to?


Thank you for the Sherlock info, El. It will be interesting to see how Steven Moffatt explains Sherlock's return.

Summer, I take my hat off to you. I tend to hoover the rooms on the ground floor, then do the rooms upstairs an hour or so later on. You've got a lot more stamina than I have.

Joyron, it has been dark and dismal up here, too.

Squiggle, i noticed the blue tits and coal tits hadn't been eating from the niger seed feeder today and now I'm wondering if the tiny seeds have got stuck due to the damp weather. I'll check it out in the morning.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Thank you for the Sherlock info, El. It will be interesting to see how Steven Moffatt explains Sherlock's return.

Summer, I take my hat off to you. I tend to hoover the rooms on the ground floor, then do the rooms upstairs an hour or so later on. You've got a lot more stamina than I have.

Joyron, it has been dark and dismal up here, too.

Squiggle, i noticed the blue tits and coal tits hadn't been eating from the niger seed feeder today and now I'm wondering if the tiny seeds have got stuck due to the damp weather. I'll check it out in the morning.

I would be surprised if the niger seed feeder had got clogged, the holes are so tiny but in the main feeder (I feed kibbled sunflower hearts which all the birds seem to love) the rain blows in and it doesn't take long before it rots away as soon as it gets damp and goes solid and gets smelly.  I have an easy clean feeder but its still quite a job.


Signing out early tonight heading off to read early.


Good morning everyone. I had to scrape the ice from the car windscreen, before I could take son to the station this morning. It's actually quite a nice, bright morning.

My internet has been playing up this morning but seems to be okay atm.

I have some errands to run and the weekly grocery shopping to do in a wee while - and I need to go to the tip recycling centre, as my garage is overflowing with plastic bottles because I forgot to put out the recycling bag.

Hope you are all well this morning and your weather isn't too bad.


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