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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Squiggle, I have a new game on my iPhone- i'm gradually building a tower building of apartments and shops, each store can be renamed to whatever you want. I just renamed the book store "squiggle's books" because it made me think of you

Love it!!!   And I love those photos too, I am going to upload them to Photobucket because they are sooooo gorgeous.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, lovely photos - very Christmassy.


My scraper is blue, so not to wild


Squiggle, the scraper is tax deductible - thanks for reminding me as I had thrown the receipt away and have now rescued it. I can only claim the proportion of business miles to total miles. I reckon it will save me 26p in tax

You know what they say, "Take care of the pennies and the pounds take care of themselves".


Got the family coming over for dinner, so won't be back till later tonight.

Apologies joyron for stretching the page, let's get us a snaffle ASAP to clear it for you El, blue is perfectly acceptable My scraper is black & red and I had to use it properly for the first time this morning. I then ran out of screen wash whilst driving on the motorway and had to pull over to refill (I keep a spare bottle ready in the boot) I've been..*gulp*.. Clothes shopping! Not a task I enjoy, it's a pain in the backside to be honest! I desperately needed a couple of new tops to wear next week, I've got several dinners out planned and everyone has literally seen everything I've got about 3 times lol It's done now though so no need to do it again for several months! I hope everyone has had a lovely Sunday
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Have a good time Yogi


Originally Posted by El Loro:

I hope you and your family have a nice dinner, Yogi

Thank you both, we did have a nice meal together. They've all gone home now, dishwasher  is on and I'm watching DOI.

Summer, I don't like going clothes shopping either, but it does have to be done. Hope you enjoy all your upcoming evenings out.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Sweet dreams squiggle Yogi I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, how are your family?

Apart from two sons having the cold, everyone is fine, thanks Summer.


When I was out for a walk with Keira this morning, we met a lady with a labradoodle. She was very excited and bouncy, but also very cute (the dog, not the lady).

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Haha the dog not the lady I love the chatty dog owners those labradoodles are much bigger than I expected Hope your sons colds clear up soon, and I hope you don't catch it

I told them I'd prefer them to be selfish and not share it with me.


Going for a quick bath before DOI results show, be back soon.


Good morning everyone


The coldest night of the winter so far for many of us but tonight is the last cold night.


I did see Call the Midwife last night and liked it. Although inevitably tragic in places it is also life-affirming. No sign of Miranda Hart in this first episode - she arrives next week. From what little I've read, she will ditch the persona that she has been known for and will be taking it seriously.


El Loro

Good morning everyone.    Really sharp frost here today and it's very cold!!  Seems as though we all have the same weather today.


I recorded Call the Midwife too and will, hopefully find time to watch it today.  I had an email from my penfriend telling me that she had just bought the first series of Downton Abbey on DVD as part of her husband's birthday present.  They had a real treat in store with that, and the second series to follow plus the Christmas special.  We, unfortunately, will probably have to wait until nearer the end of the year before series 3 arrives on our screens!!


Have a good day whatever you are doing.  I intend staying in the warm. 


The good news is there is a lovely pale blue sky, the bad news is its flipping freezing heavy frost last night.  Like most other peeps I recorded Call The Midwife, I am looking forward to it (it was on BBC1 Summer by the way so should be on the iPlayer).  Like Joyron I am intending as far as possible to stay in the warm today.


Yogi I had such a lovely mental picture of the cute bouncy dog owner


Summer, Call the Midwife is on BBC1 Sunday evenings starting at 8.00. It's on their iPlayer for 7 days - catch it here


I've just popped out to post a letter and it's cold out there. It's now just above freezing. I think squiggle may be the only one of us to avoid the worst of this cold weather


Re Call the Midwife. When I was young we lived in a terraced house in Gloucester near the park. For some years until we moved away, the family who lived next door was a Polish family who were good Roman Catholics. As a result the wife had about 18 children living in the house, not as many as one family in the programme but not far off. Also as I have mentioned before, my aunt is a nun. When her convent was thriving, they looked after elderly women as a care home.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

The good news is there is a lovely pale blue sky, the bad news is its flipping freezing heavy frost last night.  Like most other peeps I recorded Call The Midwife, I am looking forward to it (it was on BBC1 Summer by the way so should be on the iPlayer).  Like Joyron I am intending as far as possible to stay in the warm today.


Yogi I had such a lovely mental picture of the cute bouncy dog owner

Suiggle, she was very friendly - and not a wet nose in sight.


El, I've watched Call The Midwife and thought it was good. Summer, it's definitely worth a look.

My grandparents had an Irish neighbour who was the youngest of 17 children. I thought that was a lot but 24 beats it by a mile.


Skylark, hope you managed to get organised and get your granddaughter to nursery.

Joyron, I think staying in in the warm is the best idea today. Apart from walking the dog, I don't intend to stray far from home, it's freezing out there. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
It's very cold, I think people have wisely put off getting their hair cut- I've only done 3 so far today! I'm not going to complain though, it's been so long since I had a slow day do I'm enjoying it Yogi does Kiera mind the frost on her paws? My dad was one of 14 children, my poor grandma!

No, she doesn't seem to mind the frost and she loves the snow.

She doesn't like the wind and rain very much - neither do I.


14 children must have kept your grandma busy!


Poor Skylark, you are being kept on the hop, today.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Yogi I think you and Keira are very well suited

We are, Summer.


Originally Posted by squiggle:

I just watched Call The Midwife, what a wonderful new show.  It was so moving and, as usual because I'm extremely soppy, I was on the verge of tears.  I don't think even Miranda Hart could spoil it.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one getting teary.

I'm looking forward to next week's episode.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Yogi I think you and Keira are very well suited

We are, Summer.


Originally Posted by squiggle:

I just watched Call The Midwife, what a wonderful new show.  It was so moving and, as usual because I'm extremely soppy, I was on the verge of tears.  I don't think even Miranda Hart could spoil it.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one getting teary.

I'm looking forward to next week's episode.

That premature baby and that lovely family, you couldn't help welling up could you?  Well in fact for all those women managing in those circumstances it was very moving.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Yogi I think you and Keira are very well suited

We are, Summer.


Originally Posted by squiggle:

I just watched Call The Midwife, what a wonderful new show.  It was so moving and, as usual because I'm extremely soppy, I was on the verge of tears.  I don't think even Miranda Hart could spoil it.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one getting teary.

I'm looking forward to next week's episode.

That premature baby and that lovely family, you couldn't help welling up could you?  Well in fact for all those women managing in those circumstances it was very moving.

It was, Squiggle.

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