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Good afternoon everyone.    It was really frosty here this morning but at least we've had sunshine all the time.  I started to watch Edwin Drood but soon decided it was not for me, although of course we all have different tastes so you all may really enjoy it.


Squiggle, I'm glad you are enjoying the book.  I hope you get what I meant when I said there was a connection between the secret that comes out and something which was said on here several months ago.  I'll just have to wait and see when you reach the end of the book.


I too hope skylark is okay.  Come back soon, we miss you. 


Good morning everyone


The coldest morning yet here - currently -4 C, so lots of car scraping to do as I'm off to do my shopping, then off to the monthly coffee morning at our church hall. I check the church Mothers Union/Ladies Group accounts for them. The treasurer stopped me in the road yesterday and said there was a difference in the cashbook. She wants to talk to me about it this morning and she is expecting me to be there at the coffee morning. It's not safe for me to venture out of the house without being accosted by people wanting me to advise on tax or accounts etc


See you later

El Loro
Morning It's frosty and cold but sunny & bright here Sunrise was very pretty this morning I hope everyone slept well last night *leaves eat-what-you-want-Saturday buffet of pancakes, waffles, muffins, pastries and cereals* Say el, would you be a lamb and look at my books for the breakfast budget? I may have overspent on pancakes this month
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, slight frost this morning (our first) but soon melted away.  And I thought it was just doctors that got bothered by everyone when they were off duty but EL and Summer I know you are such lovely patient people that you take it all in your stride.


Have a good day everyone, hope your 'puter is fixed soon Skylark we miss you, Joyron that book has been just perfect to read in the winter, takes you away from the grey skies over to the blue ones of the Med.


Good afternoon everyone. It's a bit dull and damp weatherwise today.

Mr Yogi and I have been visiting middle son and his fiancÃĐe this morning, them hubby went into the charity shops on his quest for more cookery books. He managed to get me a lovely one for 50p - a bargain!

Skylark, it's so good to have you back. I'm glad your computer has been nursed back to health.

Love to everyone.



Skylark, welcome back - I'm glad that it was just your computer rather than anything else


I duly went to the coffee morning after shopping and gave some advice about the difference in the cashbook, and how to improve the way the cashbook is written up to reduce the risk of differences in the future.


Summer, I've just checked your books - did you really spend ÂĢ123,456-78 on pancakes last month ? That's a lot of pancakes, or maybe you bought some of these:


"Edible gold is one of the most important ingredients to garnish expensive delicacies all over the world. The latest delicacy to get the royal touch of gold is the famous Indian food, called Dosa. The staple food of South India, dosa is a pancake made of rice batter and lentils. This year a restaurant called Raj Bhog in Bangalore (South India) has unveiled a 24 karat gold Dosa ( a south Indian dish) for the rich foodies to relish."

El Loro

Squiggle, while I was at the coffee morning, they had various second hand books for sale. Most of them would have zero interest for me (Danielle Steel, Mills & Boon, etc) but I did buy one paperback which you were reading a year ago - "Lost for Words" by Deric Longden.


When I got home and had another look at the cover I was a bit puzzled and checked up on it. It is an old edition but there is a very serious error on the cover. It says between "Deric Longden" and "Lost for Words" "Now the BBC Television Drama Wide-Eyed & Legless", then there's a photo of Jim Broadbent as Deric and Thora Hird as his mother.


As you know "Wide-Eyed & Legless" was based on Deric Longden's earlier book "Diana's Story". The book was published in 1989 and "Wide-Eyed" was filmed in 1993. The book does involve his mother, but it is mainly about his wife.


Lost for Words was published in 1991, and the edition I bought was published in 1993. The film wasn't made until 1999. Of course both film adaptations starred Thora Hird, but as you know, in Lost for Words, Pete Posthlewaite replaced Jim Broadbent as Deric Longden.


The publishers clearly made a big mistake on the cover. Of course, more recent editions show Pete Posthlewaite on the cover. I'm sure publishers have made mistakes in the past, but this is a glaring one.

El Loro

Squiggle, I remembered you liked the book so when I saw it I thought I would buy it.


I must admit I find the idea of wealthy people in India eating food with edible gold leaf repugnant considering that nearly 30% of Indians are living below the national poverty level for that country. Another statistic - 75% of Indians live on less than the equivalent of 2 US dollars a day. Wiki statistics

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I remembered you liked the book so when I saw it I thought I would buy it.


I must admit I find the idea of wealthy people in India eating food with edible gold leaf repugnant considering that nearly 30% of Indians are living below the national poverty level for that country. Another statistic - 75% of Indians live on less than the equivalent of 2 US dollars a day. Wiki statistics

I agree EL do they have no compassion for others?


Gold leaf has been used in food and drink for a long time in many cultures, but I can't see that it has any sustenance value. It seems to be either just for a show of wealth or for colouring.


A bit of trivia - gold has an E number - E175. So does silver - E174. Aluminium E173. Sulphuric acid E513.


Ethanol E1510 (that's alcohol to the non-scientists)

El Loro

Thanks all x
Computer working so much better, even the colours are brighter, really should invest in a new one but when i get the money together, something else crops up !

Son had a lovely 18th, just had a buffet at home as he and his friends all working. He has gone out tonight tho, all dressed up. He has ID now so probably clubbing it !
Hope you are all well  

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