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I'm glad you had a nice relaxed morning Summer, I've just got back from the hairdressers myself so I am looking smart - does a twirl


That ex-client of yours sounds like a real chancer EL, I reckon you're better off without him, sorry to hear you had such a huge tax bill to pay Joyron but you were very sensible, and you too Summer.  Sounds like your hubby works very hard Joyron it must be exhausting, I hope you are planning a nice holiday.


I'll probably watch The Mystery of Edwin Drood. It's in two one hours episodes on BBC2 at 9 tonight and tomorrow.


This was Charles Dickens' last book and he died when it was only half done. As normal with his books, it was published in instalments. Various attempts have been made over the years to provide an ending both in book and film/television. This is the latest attempt.


Edwin Drood is played by Freddie Fox (who is the son of Edward). John Jasper is played by Matthew Rhys. There are other well known actors such as Alun Armstrong and Julia McKenzie.


I'm not expecting much from this, unlikely to be in the same league as the major Dickens adaptations. I expect this to be a very dark story with no happy endings. I think the main reason for making this drama is because of 2012 being Dickens' bicentennial of his birth.

El Loro

Good evening everyone.    Yes, Squiggle my hubby does work far too hard.  I want him to retire but unfortunately (with two sons to keep afloat) he cannot do that until we sell this house.  I had hoped to put it on the market this year but hubby is dragging his heels with the jobs that need doing before we can sell.  In all honesty I don't think he wants to move on, as he built this house and has real ties to it.


I am recording The Mystery of Edwin Drood El Loro but if it turns out to be as you expect, dark with no happy endings, then I'm not sure if I want to watch it!!  I'l wait to see what you have to say after you have seen it.


Probably won't be back again tonight but will catch up with you all again tomorrow. 


A film recommendation in advance.


Went the Day Well (1942) is on Channel 4 on Thursday at 1.20 pm. If you have never seen this, it is well worth watching.


It is a British war film which is unlike any other. It shows a Nazi invasion of a small village in England and is remarkable when you consider that this was released right in the middle of the war. Some of the sudden acts of violence are quite startling. Although there are some humerous touches, this is far removed from Dads Army. What people in 1942 made of this film though when they saw this film would be fascinating.

El Loro
I got caught with an after school rush! Lol Squiggle I hope you enjoyed getting your hair done, I love that freshly cut feeling Joyron I can understand your husband being reluctant to move home too, he must have worked very hard building it. I'm sure he will know when the time feel right to put it on the market, it'd be lovely if he could retire soon though I'm heading out to try a new yoga class, the venue looks lovely so I'm hoping I like the teacher and her style.. Sweet dreams to everyone who will have gone before I get back
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, I would find your yoga class quite offputting with people not speaking to each other. I would just break the ice to see what happened. People might start talking then.


Cold snap starts Thursday night and could last several days. Typical temperature of a high of 5 C and a low of -1 C. Possible sleet or snow showers.


I'm glad I don't live in Alaska - 10 foot of snow in a week in Cordova, a lack of heating oil in Nome with temperatures typically -18C. BBC article

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

It's dry and quite mild up here - much milder than Alaska, brrrrrrrrrrr.

Sweet Easter Bunny is a great idea - love the pic, Squiggle.

Squiggle, I think you would have been proud of me this morning. As you know, I am scared of spiders (understatement!) and this morning I found a huuuuuuge one - well it was pretty big - in my hall. Instead of splatting it with a heavy book, which I used to do, I thought of you and got a pint glass and a card and caught it. I then took it to the end of the garden and set it free.

Well done yogi you should be very proud of yourself! I partially enjoyed my walk; the people & the route were lovely but they took 5 hours to walk 8 miles! I've not objection to walking for 5 hours but I wasn't expecting it, I thought I'd be home shortly after lunch and instead my day off has vanished. Least I had a day of fresh air and have 1000 calories left to eat whatever I want- it'll be a good tea tonight I hope everyone has had a good day
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, this is what Rambling Pete has to say about walking:


Almost everyone can do it, some quicker than others. You don’t have to be A1 fit to do a long walk, but it helps if you are a regular walker. Just read the accounts of how many people complete the C2C and you’ll see the whole spectrum of ages, and preparation etc. I do enjoy getting out and about, and find it so relaxing.

I’m a great believer of looking around and observing things when out on a walk, not head down to make progress. So I tend to ramble along and take a little longer than some would when out and about. Take your own time and enjoy the experience. An average speed would be around 2.5 mph, you speed up if its raining hard, and going up a steep hill would slow you down to around 1.5 mph.

The fastest you will romp would be around 4 mph. A word of warning for you – if you feel unsure about walking up some of the more difficult routes don’t go so far that you cannot turn around to retrace your route. Also if you are frightened of heights then don’t go up steep ridges! Just use your commonsense and enjoy yourself.


So your walk of 8 miles in 5 hours = 1.6 mph which is fine if the whole walk was going up a steep hill, but as you know, they weren't speedy.


You might like to look at Rambling Pete's website about the walks he has done. There's a link there to Walking Places' website which I think you would find lots and lots to look at.

El Loro
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