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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Yes, I agree he looked like a young Malcolm McDowell, rather than a young John Thaw.

I do hope they decide to make another one. Good dramas are thin on the ground, atm.

I agree. I may try Public Enemies on BBC1 which starts tonight - it's over 3 nights and stars Anna Friel and Daniel Mays, and was written by Tony Marchant and seems promising. I may record Eternal Life (ITV) on Thursday but that seems very very odd and will be very difficult to pull off. Two angel barristers sent to Earth to help humans - the Radio Times doesn't speak well of it.

El Loro

Good morning everyone its really windy wet and wild out there, glad I don't have to go out.  On Radio 2 yesterday Richard Madeley was talking about Endeavour and said there would probably be a series as the feature-length programme had been very well received.  I hope there is for all of you fans (Morse was not something I ever watched).


Hope the footy match goes well EL


Joyron lovely to catch up on all your news, I am glad the move went well, it sounds like a lot of hard work but worth it, make sure you take time to put your feet up once you are home safely, those winds today are very bad.  The tooth is not causing any pain and I have an appointment on Thursday (when the forecast is a bit better I hope, I wouldn't fancy driving in this).


We had a lovely holiday to Snowdonia Summer many years ago and we did go up Snowdon but I am afraid we cheated and went up in the railway.  Its a beautiful area and we thoroughly enjoyed our holiday although it rained every day we were there, we saw the salmon swimming upriver to spawn at Betwys y Coed jumping up the waterfall, I'm afraid I can't be much help with accommodation or climbing routes but I can tell you its a memorable place to stay.  I bought a map of the places you could see from the summit of Snowdon but when we got up there it was so foggy you had trouble seeing further than about 30 feet


Skylark and Yogi, I hope you are OK in this storm . I see the Met Office has a red warning in form for the wind in your area until noon with gusts up to 85-95 mph.


Here it's been very windy and wet but I think the worst is over now and I can see broken cloud with a small patch of blue in the far west coming this way.


Squiggle, I'm glad your tooth has held out. I've never been to Snowdon myself.


Joyron, well done on sorting out the move.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I haven't gone out yet to see if we have lost any slates from the roof, but I could hear them lifting in the wind. My greenhouse has lost another panel but it didn't break, so my son will be able to put it back in for me.

I hope your slates are intact, but I should wait for the wind to die down before checking - we don't want a slate falling down on you


Here, it's now a mix of sunshine and very blustery showers - the last one was a mix of rain and hail.

El Loro

Evening everyone.

The worst of the gales appears to be over, but it's still blustery and pouring with rain. In my area there are lots of slates have fallen off roofs (or rooves) and quite a few fallen trees, too.

Joyron, glad you've got your power back on.

Summer, I've never been to Snowdon. You'll have to tell us all about it when you go.


I'm glad the wind has died down now and hasn't caused a massive amount of damage, yogi I hope your tiles are alright Sweet dreams Joyron I hope you're settling in to your new home nicely I went walking again today, we chose a woodland walk as its more sheltered and I was actually pleased to get rained on because it christened my new waterproof coat Squiggle, it's nice to hear that you had a lovely time in snowdonia, thank you
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


At present, the weather is a lot better than this time yesterday though the wind is expected to get a bit stronger though not like yesterday. I hope that for everyone here affected by yesterday's storm that the damage is minor


Because of the BBC changing its schedule yersterday evening Public Enemies will noe start tonight and continue until Friday. That means that the first episode of the final series of Hustle won't get shown on Friday - I'm guessing that the BBC will show it on the following Friday.


Joyron, I hope your son is settling down well in his new flat.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, its so nice to have it less windy, I am even thinking of venturing out to clear the leaves that have blown in the pond - nature is very tidy and all the leaves that were left behind when I cleared up the leaves in the autumn have now tidied themselves away in the pond   And no sign of frogs yet, we are normally heaving with them by now, very strange.


I wonder why the BBC has changed its schedule?


Good morning everyone.

I managed to get a look at the roof this morning (from the road) and there are a couple of slates which have shifted and need putting back into place. It will have to wait until the wind dies down properly as Mr Yogi and sons won't attempt to fix them while it's still so blustery.

Big hug for Ros, who is back at work today. I hope you get a chance to settle in gently.

Summer, are you back at work, too? If you are, I hope your colleague pulls her weight.

Skylark, perhaps your granddaughter will be easier to get off to sleep at nights now that your decs are down and she realises that Christmas is over. Fingers crossed for you.

My decorations are coming down tonight, too. The only thing is the room always looks so bare for a day or two afterwards.

I'll try to catch Public Enemies tonight but I've set the V+ to record, just to make sure I don't miss it, El.


Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, its so nice to have it less windy, I am even thinking of venturing out to clear the leaves that have blown in the pond - nature is very tidy and all the leaves that were left behind when I cleared up the leaves in the autumn have now tidied themselves away in the pond   And no sign of frogs yet, we are normally heaving with them by now, very strange.


I wonder why the BBC has changed its schedule?

Good morning Squiggle.

Glad the weather is better for you, it really has been a very windy winter this year.

Will it soon be time for the frogs to get amorous noisy again?


I think the BBC schedule was altered to include a programme about the Lawrence family, following the guilty verdict at the trial.

Morning I haven't ventured up yet but it sounds very still outside Skylark I hope the little one settled and slept well eventually for you Squiggle do you have a net for scooping out leaves? I think I would enjoy that task perhaps the unseasonable weather has affected the frog's breeding pattern. Yesterday I saw several trees with spring buds on them El, I actually took the trouble to log a complaint with the BBC last night, regarding their scheduling of Pan Am. I was mad that they only showed 8 out of 22 episodes and then took it off the air with no explanation or info about a resume date. Their website simply says "more episodes coming soon, keep checking back for more info" I think it's poor scheduling, and it's obviously not the only show they've been doing it to
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Lol thank you yogi I am quite firm with the kiddies, but I do praise them when they're good. As for my colleague, I think she's simply a different breed of people than us, I hope my boss gives her a warning soon

So do I, Summer. I don't think it's fair that you have to do more than your share because she doesn't pull her weight. She deserves a warning.


Yes its time for the frogs to get noisy again they do seem to enjoy themselves though, they must be exhausted afterwards.  I scoop all the leaves out with a net and empty my rainwater box into the pond. 


Now I understand about the TV scheduling, quite right too, there are more to be brought to justice though and credit where credit is due to the Daily Mail, they accused all 5 of the killing on the front page 15 years ago and dared them to sue, they never did. 


Good luck to those returning to work today or tomorrow, hope you get a chance to ease back into it.


Summer, I've just looked on IMDB about Pan Am. As the programme comes from the States, it is quite common for there to be gaps in the showing of episodes there.

Episodes 1 to 8 were shown weekly with 8 being shown on 13 November. Episode 9 wasn't shown until 4 December. Episode 10 isn't being shown until 8 January, 11 on 15 January and 12 on 22 January. I think the gaps are due to Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. So although the BBC could have explained this, they probably aren't at fault.


The same happens with The Mentalist on Channel 5. There were similar breaks in the scheduling in the States and this accounts for the present gap in showing here.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Thank you yogi, I think she likes her drink too much, and with 3 children under 5, I can't approve of her being still too drunk in the morning to come to work. I often dislike having to actually get up but I like going to work, it's satisfying What are your plans today? I've no doubt we'll be out walking some more

It hasn't stopped raining all day, so my plan is to stay indoors. Even the dogs don't want to go out.


Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yes its time for the frogs to get noisy again they do seem to enjoy themselves though, they must be exhausted afterwards. 

^^^^^^ That did make me laugh, Squiggle.

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