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Good morning everyone I really do think that JJ needs professional help.  I have rarely seen anyone with such paranoia.  A bit unwise of BB to put him in that house but maybe that's what they were after, who knows?  It would be a travesty if he won imo, that would be the final insult on the years of BB. Is it too much to hope for that Josie decides she has had enough of him and he really does walk?
He is exhausted, Squiggle. That inconsiderate, selfish bunch were making so much noise in the bedroom last night - they woke him up twice
Hi all Ben's buddies, I am very worried that if those selfish gits continue to carry on and deprive Ben of sleep, he will walk.He looks dreadful today. No clothes of his own, lacking in sleep and constant sarcastic remarks from JJ & co. , well its not looking good
Hi again Fairfax I know.... he said something yesterday that he had had a bad day, and had thought about walking
I think the chances of him remaining to the end are very slim sadly. 

I have just caught up with the highlights and I thought he was so lovely when he came out of the Uber Cougar's place and rushed to hug the girls.  I loved Corin applying the lip gloss throughout her task And even though I don't really like her, Josie's remark (and Josie's face too) when they were commenting about Keeley's bottom  something along the lines of she's practically perfect and gorgeous I wish she'd bu**er off! cracked me up. But can someone please explain to me in words that I can understand why on earth is Josie the favourite to win?
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