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We were shocked yogi, it happened twice, and on another occasion when I had the needle in me, a donor carer told me to "hurry up" because they needed to pack up to go home! That was ten minutes before last entry, and how could I possibly bleed faster?! It's insane! I hope the shops are quieter for you whether you go today or tomorrow I've got an urge to go shopping, for some new clothes, that's very unlike me but MIL gave me some cash for Xmas, I could get a new pair of jeans and a top or 2
~Sparkling Summer~

Morning xx
Thanks for the advice El, i shall certainly take it on board x
Summer, i am both angry and saddened that you received such terrible treatment at the blood donor centre. It is essential that stocks are kept high, particularly as you are O'Rh neg , not only for transfusions but by products are essential in cancer treatment, as well as other serious illnesses. I would really urge you to complain to your health board. This is a shocking way to treat people 

On a lighter note, i hope you all have a good day 

Good to see you this morning skylark I was wondering how your computer was! I once had a chap fix a problem with my old pc and he told me off for letting the fan get dusty I didn't even know I was supposed to pull the side panel off to Hoover it! I e mailed the national blood service with my complaints on those 3 occasions, they should be aware of what the local staff are like. When I lived in Suffolk the team was fantastic, so i think this area just have a bad bunch
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, comp is hanging for dear life !  The guy who fixed it before has closed his shop till next week so hopefully he can have a look at it then,
3 times you complained and nothing resolved....shocking! Glad i am not in charge, heads would roll i can tell you ! 

Hope you are having an easy day . My daughter has taken tiddles out on her bike for a bit, so couch here i come   and no i dont feel guilty 


Summer, that is very poor of the blood centre people.


I've just taken my brother to the railway station so he is now on the way to London. I've given him half the remaining Christmas cake to take with him (not that there's much left )


And then a few minutes after I got back, the phone rang and it's a client whose records are ready for me to do the accounts and tax. He's emailing me the spreadsheet and is on the way as I post this to drop off the records. It's convenient for him as he will avoid the school traffic this week, and it will give me something to do when I start working again in the New Year.


And I agree with you, Skylark, there is no way in which you should feel guilty

El Loro
Skylark you have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, you well and truly deserve some sofa time I hope you are enjoying yourself, and I hope the girls are enjoying their bike ride El, I hope your brother has a safe journey home and I'm pleased you had a good Christmas together I've been steadily busy with a few good rest breaks today- ideal I'm just debating whether to detour on the way home to pick up a subway, I could just eat one tonight :night:
~Sparkling Summer~

Good evening everyone.

Skylark, enjoy your sofa time. You deserve to put your feet up for a wee while.

El, I hope your brother had a safe journey home, and enjoys the rest of the cake.

Summer, only 54 sleeps until Pancake Day - I'm not waiting that long!

Squiggle, I hope you've had a relaxing day.

I managed to get the grocery shopping done, with a little help from Mr Yogi. Only need to pick up some bread on Saturday, then I'm all set for the New Year.


Good morning everyone


I rang my brother in the late evening as I found something which might have been his (it wasn't) and he had got back home to London without incident


Yogi, I thought the scene in Great Expectations last night where Miss Haversham is consumed in flames was extraordinary in being both horrifying and beautiful at the same time, and Gillian Anderson was able to convey that for a moment, after many years of being cold she felt warm.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


I rang my brother in the late evening as I found something which might have been his (it wasn't) and he had got back home to London without incident


Yogi, I thought the scene in Great Expectations last night where Miss Haversham is consumed in flames was extraordinary in being both horrifying and beautiful at the same time, and Gillian Anderson was able to convey that for a moment, after many years of being cold she felt warm.

El, you have described that scene perfectly.

I thought Gillian Anderson was excellent in Bleak House but she surpassed that performance with her portrayal of Miss Havisham, IMO.


Good morning everyone. Weather is dull and damp today (or, as we say up here, it's a  dreich day).


Good morning everyone, I hope today works out to be a good day Summer, are you off after that for 4 days?


I have managed to break a tooth this morning, good start.  Anyway I managed to get an appointment for next Thursday, just hope it doesn't start to hurt before then.


I will probably catch up with Great Expectations today (I am running a day late as usual) but I have enjoyed it and like everyone else I think Ray Winstone is great as Magwitch.  I just caught a quick snatch of David Copperfield (my favourite Dickens book) on BBC2, a very old version and it had W. C. Fields playing Micawber, I can't think of anyone who looks more like my mental image of Micawber than him.


Squiggle, I'm sorry to hear that you are having more teeth problems and hope that it doesn't start hurting .


I hope you will like the last episode of Great Expectations. There are some differences between the book and this adaptation but not in a way which spoils the adaptation.


I did see David Copperfield, the version you mention, many many years ago. I agree that W C Fields had the appearance of Micawber if not the accent. Hugh Walpole, the writer, adapted the book for the screenplay and had a cameo appearance as the vicar. I think my father liked his books as when I was going through my parents' books I came across quite a lot of Walpole's books. Walpole wanted to be seen as the equal of Thomas Hardy and Joseph Conrad, but I think most people nowadays would struggle to think of a single book written by him.

El Loro

Thanks EL and Summer there would almost certainly be an emergency dentist on duty but as I am registered with mine and as, for the moment, there's no pain, I shall try to hang on and get there next week.  To be truthful the tooth that has broken was more filling than tooth so I am not too surprised but it is a bit depressing when a bit breaks off when you're eating and I try to be so careful too.


Summer, you must be glad to have a break.


I've just seen A Tale of Two Cities, the version with Dirk (raised eyebrow) Bogarde. I hadn't seen it before, I was leaving it for a rainy day, and it's been pouring . Although it's not a bad film, it did seem very ordinary, particularly compared to having seen Great Expectations.


The film of course ends in possibly the most famous last words of a character whether in book or film, and it crossed my mind as to whether Sprout/Nuts will ever use it in one of her goodnight threads


" It is a far far better thing that I do than I have ever done, it is a far far better rest that I go to then I have ever known."

El Loro

Squiggle, sorry you are having trouble with your tooth. Is this the tooth with the little pin in it, or a different one?

David Copperfield is my favourite Dickens' book, too. We really do share similar taste in books.

I hope you aren't too busy at work, Summer. Enjoy your four days off, you deserve them.


Love the quote, El. I hope Sprout gets to use it one day/night.


Yes that's a great quote EL, the only other last lines that I suppose would rival it are Gone With The Wind "frankly my dear I don't give a damn".


Yes we do seem have similar taste in books Yogi, I too must look into more Trisha Ashley books, and its the tooth right above the tooth with the pin so whether the tooth underneath being stronger has caused the tooth to break I really don't know, still the dentist seems very skilled.  Just as well since my last dentist was that one who pretended he had died to claim on the insurance and ran away to Scotland and changed his name he was a useless dentist and there was even talk about him not being properly qualified, he was supposed to have trained in Greece I believe.


Could you watch Great Expectations on catch-up Skylark.


Hope you enjoy your days off Summer, you certainly deserve it.


Hi Skylark, glad to see the computer is hanging on in there.


Squiggle, I remember when it all came out about the dodgy dentist. You had a lucky escape from him - at least your new dentist is competent.


I am listening to my Jai McDowell (last year's BGT winner) CD that youngest son bought me for Christmas, it is beautiful. Don't know if anyone likes Josh Groban's voice, but Jai's voice is similar (and he is untrained).


Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, comp very slow 
Havent heard too much of Jai to say anything about the comparison, he seems to be doing well for himself, good on him , he seems a nice guy too 

I hope he does well, too. Nice guy and lovely voice.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I haven't heard anything about Jai McDowell but I will listen out for him.


Signing out now, sleep well everyone.

Goodnight Squiggle, hope your tooth doesn't disturb your sleep.


Not this year Yogi, i have tiddles so it will be a quiet one. Dont think my friends and family would like to welcome in the bells with tea  Son and daughter going out, not together , she will be doing something in the Church and he wont be 
May go up to my sister,s on New years Day. 
Is hubby working the whole day? 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Not this year Yogi, i have tiddles so it will be a quiet one. Dont think my friends and family would like to welcome in the bells with tea  Son and daughter going out, not together , she will be doing something in the Church and he wont 
May go up to my sister,s on New years Day. 
Is hubby working the whole day? 

^^^^ That made me smile.

Yes, hubby will be working all day, he'll get home around 6pm and we'll all have dinner together when he gets in. He nearly always works New Year, so that he can get Christmas off - they have to work one or the other.

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