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Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:


  love it

"faster than a speeding pullet"



Good morning everyone


Although it's cold and grey out there and it rained during the night, there is no snow here though I can see snow on the top of Coopers Hill and Crickley Hill, so the A417 from Brockworth to the Air Balloon could be problematical. That's always the first road to get snow problems as it is very steep.

El Loro

I had to pop out to get a box of A4 paper (2500 sheets) from the local Staples store and was slightly surprised when I paid for it that it only cost ÂĢ5-18.


When I got home I checked on the Staples website and found that what has happened is that the store had stuck the price label for a single ream (500 sheets) on the box. The proper price is ÂĢ20-99, so that has to be the bargin of the year


I did ring the local store to tell them so that they can check their other stock just to cover myself.

El Loro

Hi everyone. We had approx. 6 inches of snow in the village this morning.

I had managed to get an appointment at the groomers for Keira this afternoon (they squeezed her in for me), but at 9am this morning, they phoned to ask if there was any possibility of me taking her in in the morning instead. So, it was a bit of a hectic rush but I made it. I did manage to get some shopping done while waiting for her to be beautified.


I bet the shop appreciated you pointing out the pricing mistake, El. It could have proved quite costly to them, if other batches had also been under-priced.

good morning *early birds* I hope everyone slept well I'm just waking so can't comment yet on today's weather, I am looking forward to the shortest day light day and for the days to begin drawing out though I'm excited (again lol) because this time next week will be Christmas eve! My favourite day of the year *leaves platter of pancakes, waffles, cereals, and breads with condiments, on a beautiful tablecloth of snowmen pattern*
~Sparkling Summer~
Haha I love the "oh great a flat" pic Yogi, I would guess pancakes for you! I'm just grabbing a sneaky cuppa at work, it's been busy! Tomorrow I'll be baking some lebkucken biscuits to hang on our tree, I've never done it before and will use the Betty's cook book recipe.. I have no idea about black treacle though can I get it in the baking aisle of the supermarket?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon buddies - hope we're all in good spirit 


All done bar the turkey  

Hi Velvet, I'm impressed!

I've got a few gifts to pick up on Monday, then hopefully that'll be the last of the gift shopping.

On Wednesday or Thursday, I'll be doing the big grocery shop.

Mr Yogi will do the food prep on Christmas Eve while I finish wrapping the pressies, then we both share the workload on Christmas Day.


I've done the majority of my shopping for Christmas apart from the food I need to get closer to the time, though as it's just myself and my brother I probably have less to do than for most of you.


No church Christmas dinner this year. The people who had been organising it for the past few years felt that the time had come for someone else to do it. Although a note was put in the church magazine a couple of months ago, no-one came forward to volunteer. A pity, but I can understand it as it is a very big job. The churchwardens did say that they may have something in January instead, but I haven't heard anything yet.

El Loro
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