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Joyron I hope things are better with your fuel consumption now, thank goodness you had your boiler serviced! I've been catching up on Living with the Amish on 4od, I really enjoy that show. Almost 10 years ago my mum & I went to visit some family in upstate new York, who took us to Pennsylvania for the day. We stopped for lunch at an Amish hotel, where I had the tastiest spaghetti I've ever had in my life! Sweet dreams to all who've turned in already
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Rosgirl, the music is on page 370 which may be why you missed it.


Joyron, I hope your oil bills are less in future - your house did seem to be spending an awful lot on oil. I hope your oil tank is kept secure as there has been an increase in the theft of heating oil recently.


The weather forecast has changed for my area and it now seems that instead of getting really strong winds, there will be heavy snow in the early hours, though as my area is only 50 foot above sea level I think it may not stay long.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Summer, I loved the pics of your decorations. It's lovely that so many of them have special meaning for you.

I have also been watching the Ch4 programme Living With The Amish, it's very interesting and I think the teenagers will get something from the experience.

Joyron, now that your boiler has been serviced and the pressure has been reset, hopefully you won't use so much oil this winter. As El mentioned, make sure your tank is secured against theft.

Skylark, the image of you dancing with your granddaughter made me smile.

Squiggle, I have finished The Copper Beech and I really enjoyed it.

El, I hope any snow is light and disappears quickly.


Good morning everyone, I have also been catching up with Living With The Amish, its so lovely to see the joy they have all working as a team and I am glad the teenagers have enjoyed the experience.


Yogi glad you liked the Copper Beech, lucky you you have so many of her wonderful titles to enjoy now.  My friend finished Minding Frankie yesterday and has now gone off to re-read some other Maeve Binchy titles, once you read her books it puts you in the mood for reading more, well that's what I find.


Its flipping freezing here and still windy and heavy downpours, I have no idea when its going to end, I think we are in for more of the same next week.





Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, the Met Office forecast is that temperatures should recover to average in the south of the country by the middle of next week. They say that the weather will settle for a time but then become unsettled again - little chance of you or me getting a white Christmas this time, more of a chance up north.

Thanks for that EL, I am relying on my grocery delivery for the ingredients for the family Christmas meal (we always have a fresh bird, and of course the fresh veggies etc.) and I hate being on pins as to whether they are going to be able to get through.


Good morning everyone.    The sun is shining here but it's bitterly cold and windy.  I've been out to the shops this morning as the forecast for tomorrow doesn't look too good.


I can confirm that our oil tank is securely locked but if someone wants to take the oil I doubt they would worry about that.  We try not to keep too much oil in the tank at any one time to reduce our loss, should that happen!!


Have a great day whatever you are doing. 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
good afternoon Frosty but sunny now here, I've had a very busy start: 17 haircuts so far! I'm ready for lunch now! El I thought of you this morning when I heard snow forecast for your area, I hope it doesn't cause any disruptions. for you all, keep warm

Thanks Summer. The latest Met Office map showing the warnings does show Gloucester right at the heart of heavy snow tomorrow morning. I don't need to go out at all tomorrow, so I'm hoping the roads will be passable by Saturday morning.No doubt tomorrow's news will be full of pictures of this part of the country brought to a standstill.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Yogi I have to chuckle because everyone leaves it as close to Christmas as they can and seemed so surprised when there's a big queue lol I've got me a quiet 5 mins, phew!

It's the same at the dog groomers - we managed to get Keira squeezed in tomorrow, to get her all pretty for Christmas.


A friend from church rang me this afternoon in a mild state of panic - she does her own tax return using the Revenue's own online filing system and was a bit concened it that the results were saying she owed well over ÂĢ1000. So I said I would pop over and have a look at what she had done. No need to got through what she had done, but by the time I had sorted it out, she owes a few pence. So she is a lot happier than she was earlier.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Reminder for Skylark. The second part of Without You is on at 9pm tonight.

Oh forgot again !! Thanks you are a wee darlin 
Going to get my Christmas cards written out, not before time! 
I have visions now of a parrot with a superman outfit
Cant see the image squiggle, it must have flew off ! x 
Edit...its back  

Last edited by Former Member

Good one, Skylark.



Did anyone see BGT winner, Jai McDowell on the Royal Variety Show last night?

I love his voice and when I hear him sing, I get goosebumps.

I've asked youngest son if I can have his album as a Chistmas pressie, he replied, "No, Mother, No!!"

But, I'm sure he'll buy it for me, 'cos he loves his old mum, even if he considers my musical taste to be rubbish.

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