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Thanks for the tip Joyron, I am tuning in now, don't know whether I have missed Freddie.  I couldn't agree more about Cameron, I too loved BB4, one of my favourites if not my very favourite.  He IS a Christian and did not put one foot wrong throughout the whole show, lovely guy, and I am told is just the same today.  My friend goes to the same church when in Orkney.
Think you might have missed it Squiggle.  Compared to other times it was a short clip.  I had a feeling you and I would agree about Cameron.  I didn't doubt it but I'm glad BB didn't change his outlook on life etc.  So many people say such bad things about Cameron's year that I don't make any comment but I really enjoyed the series.  (Hope no one comes in here to find out our deadly secret - we actually enjoyed that series)!!!
Steve got a shock today, he was so sure Corin was going to pick him, maybe this is the turn and the Hms will see Steve as the person he is, not his disability
Well said.  Could not agree more.  Signing out for the night.  Will catch up tomorrow.  At least Ben Should get a good nights sleep tonight (at least I hope so). 
Morning everyone.   Hope you are all okay today.  Let's hope it's a good day in the house too.

Yogi, I forgot to tell you yesterday, I've picked the first two tomatoes from my outside pots.  Must be all the sun and heat we've been having.  It's been dull and wet for the past two days so I may well have to wait a little while for some more.

Will catch up with you all later. 
Good morning Buddies.
Joyron, well done with the tomatoes.
Squiggle, the greenhouse crops are doing well. We've been eating the strawberries for a couple of weeks now; the tomato plants have lots of little tomatoes on them but they haven't turned red yet (we don't get as much sun as Joyron); the pepper plant has some tiny peppers growing on it and the chilli plant is growing well too. The herbs have gone mad, I'll need to use them more often.
I only had one casualty and that was the cucumber plant - it died.
Hiya Yogi, that sound the exact replica of my greenhouse lol, exactly the same things growing, our cucumbers have been very fruitful, bloody mahoosive they are we been munching on them for a few weeks now, but our toms are still green too, but have an abundance of them we only bought the greenhouse this year, so we quite pleased with ourselves
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