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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

Hi yogi EL squiggle skylark- Aww EL - sorry to hear you have got a cold - they make you feel miserable well done cheltenham poor mr yogi

Don't feel too sorry for him, Ros. He's been doing his dying swan act all day and I've taken good care of him.

Actually, he says he's feeling a lot better tonight.


I hope you are feeling better, EL.

  glad he is feeling better

Rocking Ros Rose
Collects night owl thank you I got back safely the M1 between Nottingham & Doncaster was bad with rain & surface water/spray so it took me a little longer to get back, but I really don't mind, I'd rather slow down and be safe El I hope you haven't been feeling too rotten today, I highly recommend first defence nasal spray, it wouldn't help you now that your cold is out, but it's worth keeping in your cabinet for future use. I always have some in my bag. Yogi I'm glad to hear mr yogi is on the men's, and I hope you feel better yourself Hugs for skylark & co. squiggle and joyron
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Thanks to you all for your wishes . I had a better night last night than the previous one, so although still a bit sneezy am feeling better than yesterday. Summer, I'll have a look out for first defence though will need to check what's in it to make sure it doesn't clash with any of my medications. This cold came on without much warning - no sore throat.


Looks as if many of us are in for a battering from storms this week - tonight and again Thursday/Friday.

El Loro

Hugs for El and Mr Yogi  Hope the cold doesnt last too long.
Granddaughter is breakfasting in bed with a tray, having boiled eggs and toast soldiers. Will get her ready for nursery then do a bit of Christmas shopping, havent even got the cards yet  

Weather not too bad here at the moment, as long as it doesnt  rain i shall be happy.
Have a good day all  

Good morning it's nippy but a dry, clear and not windy start to the day El I'm glad you had a better night, it's the night times that are the worst with colds *gives el box of balm tissues* Aw skylark, i've cute a very adorable picture in my mind of your granddaughter breakfasting in bed, bless! Yogi, yes thank you, I had a wonderful weekend! I found my cousins house without any wrong turns and we had a huge spread of food on for me and then we watched 2 Xmas movies. In the morning I curled her hair with my straighteners and showed her how to do it herself, then we visited our aunt, had a big Sunday dinner, and my cousin showed me all the personal & special decorations on her tree. She gave me a bauble that was my dad's mum's- I never met her because she died before I was born. Then I drive home.. How are you feeling now yogi?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Good morning it's nippy but a dry, clear and not windy start to the day El I'm glad you had a better night, it's the night times that are the worst with colds *gives el box of balm tissues* Aw skylark, i've cute a very adorable picture in my mind of your granddaughter breakfasting in bed, bless! Yogi, yes thank you, I had a wonderful weekend! I found my cousins house without any wrong turns and we had a huge spread of food on for me and then we watched 2 Xmas movies. In the morning I curled her hair with my straighteners and showed her how to do it herself, then we visited our aunt, had a big Sunday dinner, and my cousin showed me all the personal & special decorations on her tree. She gave me a bauble that was my dad's mum's- I never met her because she died before I was born. Then I drive home.. How are you feeling now yogi?

Thanks Summer. Now I feel even more balmy than ever


You certainly had a good weekend, and well done for not taking any wrong turns

El Loro

Good morning everyone, aww Skylark I too have a lovely mental picture of your wee one with her brekkie in bed.  Summer that sounds a perfect day   I did have to laugh though 'I showed her how to curl her her hair with my hair straighteners"   Good heavens EL from your picture it does seem to be we are all in for it on Thursday and Friday and guess which day I have to go out?  Yeah Thursday   Hope the book is going well Yogi.  Sending love to Joyron, hope your Christmas preparations are going well.  EL I am glad your cold is a bit better, a big hi to Ros.






Last edited by squiggle

I no sooner said i hope it doesnt rain and it did ! 

That ad El, is daft !
Glad you had a nice time Summer, yes how do you curl hair with straighteners  Yes i changed my avi, the tree one i had looked rather dull and dismal, was nice in the Google Images but didnt look nice in the avi.
We are all ready to brave the weather , bye xx

Oh I wish I could see links from iPhone! It is possible, and very effective to curl hair using straighteners, you start as if you're straightening but turn the straighteners 360 degrees as you glide down the hair. It wraps your hair around the outside and it springs curly as you finish at the ends- think how Christmas ribbon curls spring curly when you run the scissor blade down it.. Crikey, we're in for some tough weather at the end of the week then let's hope yogi's greenhouse stays safe
~Sparkling Summer~

Skylark, the mental image of your granddaughter sitting up in bed with her boiled egg and soldiers on a tray, brought a big smile to my face.

Summer, your weekend sounds great. You'll be pleased to know my tree and decs are finally going up this afternoon. I've roped in youngest son to help - actually he and Mr Yogi have been nagging me to put it up for days, which is very unusual for them.

Squiggle, I am halfway through my book and loving it.

I don't like the look of that map, El. I doubt that my greenhouse will survive another battering from the wind.

Ros, I was wondering if your choir have any performances at Christmas time?

Joyron, sending you lots of love.



Good evening everyone.  Sorry I've not been here but I've been feeling low and rather "antisocial" for a while!!  I'm (hopefully) back now but don't be surprised if I disappear again!


I've been reading all your posts so I am reasonably up to date.  Glad you liked the book Squiggle. As I said it's a bit different to some I have been reading but I really did enjoy it.


Sending you all of you my love for the coming days.  Hope you all manage to get ready for the festive season.  I'm not there yet but hope I will be.  Love you all. 


Squiggle, you will be glad to hear that I have found a temporary fix to do with my Youtube video problem (I couldn't watch them on this forum). I found that they come back after I deleted my cookies.


The heavy rain has started here - I'm glad I'm not going anywhere this evening in the dark, rain and wind.


My cold seems to have almost gone now. It wasn't a particularly bad one. I was due to go and see a prospective new client this morning (very very small, and may well be a freebie). I rang her first thing this morning to let her know that I had a bit of a cold and didn't want to turn up on her doorstep particularly as she has breast cancer. She was glad that I did ring her as she is currently having chemo, and, as I thought, this means that she is particularly prone to infections. So we postponed it to next week.

El Loro

Hi Joyron, nice to see you  Try not to stress yourself about Christmas, if it helps i am nowhere near and if people dont understand, well too bad ! When all said and done its only one day and a dinner of some kind! x

Glad you got your internet probs sorted El  and yes your clients immune system will be low so that was good you phoned first 


Nice to see you, Joyron. Don't worry about not being completely organised for Christmas, I know I'm not.

Son and I put up the Christmas tree - and we can't find the angel or the candle arch.

There are only two things which make me go into meltdown mode - one is the chaos caused by decorating and the other is losing things. I will be a mad woman on a mission until I locate the missing items.

El, that was considerate of you to rearrange the appointment, I'm sure the lady appreciated it.

Signing out early tonight, catch up tomorrow.

Hugs for any night owls.

*night owls* Sweet dreams everyone that has gone to bed, sleep well. Joyron, sorry to hear you've been low lately, I understand how you can feel antisocial, I sometimes (briefly) hide myself away from people, and the world, in order to gather my thoughts & emotions. In fact I think that's why I love my yoga anyway, I hope it's temporary for you and that your spirits are lifted soon it's lovely to hear you're still reading even if you're not commenting. Sweet dreams
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


It's been a thoroughly wet night here judging by the pools of water out there, but it doesn't seem to have been exceptionally windy. Forecast is for frequent heavy blustery showers today.


The Met Office has changed its weather warning for Thursday/Friday storm removing most of Scotland from the warning, so that's a bit of good news for those up there.


My cold seems to have gone now and I'm hopeful that I have missed the catarrh and cough.

El Loro

Morning xx
Glad you are feeling better El x
Very cold here today

Anyone help?...I watched the first part of a programme with Anna Friel (sp) , it was about her husband been killed in a car crash and another woman was in the car and she is trying to find out what was going on. Cant remember what it is called, and i thought the 2nd part was on last night but it wasnt. I dont have a  TV mag and cant find out when the second part is on , or even if i have have missed it. Anyone know please? x

Edit...the programme is called Without You  


Good morning everyone, gosh its been so windy and wet here, it still is, I am glad I haven't got any plans to venture out in it, I just hope my recycling box is still there


Skylark I have Googled it, it seems to be on on Thursdays so hopefully you haven't missed it, its on ITV Player for catch-up, it seemed to get rave reviews.






Good morning everyone. Very blustery weather up here.

Skylark, I think Without You is in three parts and, as Squiggle says, is shown on Thursdays.

Glad your cold has gone, El.

My angel and candle arch have not turned up, and there is nowhere else to look. I think they must have been thrown out accidentally, when we floored the loft. I'll need to look for replacements in the next day or two.

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