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Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Just getting all the news now Yogi, he is skint, happy and wanting a nice dinner ! No change there then 

And with a big bag full of washing?

'fraid so squiggle !  

I'm sure you are relieved he is back safe and well though.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Just popped in to say goodnight. That sounds a good book 

Granddaughter, daughter and son are all snoring away in my bed ! So i am off to the balcony with a sleeping bag  
Only kidding! Too tired to read, going to watch telly in sons room.
Goodnight all  

You had me going there, for a minute.

Goodnight Skylark.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Squiggle, I have just finished Call Me Mrs Miracle.

I couldn't put it down, I've read the whole book today - I loved it!



I knew you would love it, isn't it just the greatest Christmas book ever!

It is! I will read it every December, from now on.

good morning I hope you all slept well I'm still reading the thread when I can, even if I'm not posting! I'm loving call me mrs miracle, I'm on chapter 5 Also I bought the festive tv times yesterday and I see that channel 5 are showing two films during Christmas; mrs miracle, and mrs miracle 2 (something something manhattan) The 2nd I believe is the "call me mrs miracle" story I'll pop back with times, but I think I'm just going to have to watch them both!!!
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, its cold and cloudy here.  I'm afraid that you won't enjoy the film as much as the book girls the film version of Call Me Mrs Miracle is called Miracle in Manhattan, thank goodness you are reading the book first.  They change the story all around so it makes no sense at all and Mrs Miracle is played by Doris Roberts who always seems very grumpy to me.  My friend in Canada and I have discussed this and decided that Betty White would be perfect to play Mrs Miracle but unfortunately for me the actress is not right for the role.  I thought I had better warn you in case you thought it would be as good as the book.


Safe home EL, I hope the road conditions are good and you don't meet any idiots on the road


Summer can you check your messages please?


Oops nearly forgot my Christmas picture






Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning x

Cold and icy here  , no snow tho 
Safe journey El x

Busy day, will catch you all later  

Catch up with you later.


Squiggle, thanks for the warning about the film. I will keep my expectations low, to avoid disappointment.

I also think Betty White would have been perfect as Mrs Miracle.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I tell you Yogi you will be so disappointed when you see how they muck about with the plot when you see that film   Why do they do that?  They buy the book and then completely change it around so it makes no sense.

IMO, it's very rare that a film matches up to a book, but sometimes they get it sooooo wrong, it beggars belief.


I'm back from seeing my client in Nailsea. An uneventful journey, though I did see a van ahead of me starting to move into the fast lane just as a car was level with the van. Luckily the van spotted the car in time so an accident was averted.


Another nice Christmassy picture, squiggle , Slightly reminiscent ot that scene in ET:


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Was it my imagination or has erinp changed her avatar in the last few minutes?

I didn't notice but it wouldn't surprise me. Erin likes to change her avatar, a lot.

, I think it changed from something like a reindeer because it had antlers.

I'm sure you're right.


Good morning everyone

It's been wet here as well, blustery showers are here for the day. Very strong winds are threatened for south west Scotland early evening tomorrow - gusts 80 mph.


I'm shortly off to see my client who told me about my seriously ill client (no response to my letter or phone message yet). I'll let you know if I get any more news.

El Loro
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