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Evening everyone.  Signing out for tonight.  Will sleep happy knowing that Ben has another week off.  Not sure how things will pan out for the rest of the week with the nominees.  Seems to be some tension in the house!!!

Love you all.  Catch up tomorrow.   

Oh, by the way we really need to reassure our fellow Corin FMs that Corin will not be going on Friday.  They are very unsettled and concerned about a backlash from JJ "Tweenies".  We must all band together and vote Ife out.  That's the only way Corin will be safe.
Reference: Skylark24
Oh right lol I have managed to confuse everyone. Yes i was thanking you for helping me, sorry got name wrong, must get new specs lol
It's easy enough to confuse Lori and Loro .But we'll never tell Lori that she's taken credit for helping you out - it will be out little secret just between you and me (and Joyron and Yogi and squiggle and 40+ other buddies)
El Loro
highlights was a bad edit again tonight.
and watching live feed i want to pull my hair out. dave is in one of his childish giggly moods, and its driving me mad to be honest. i just find him so fake.
theres tension in the house and i just feel people will take it all out on ben when it all does blow.
steve seems to be stirring something with ife. im losing faith with this show.
Good morning everyone.    Hope you are all well today.

Cannot find anything good to say about BB at the moment.  It seems to be going round in inevitable circles and I'm actually finding it quite boring!!  I never thought I would say that.  HL shows are not worth watching.  They don't tell the true story.  Full of JJ and Jossie.  Nothing about the people who interest me unless it's making them out to be bad.  I know it's always been that way but I'm finding it really annoying this year for some reason.  It seems increasing likely that JJ could win this because of his "tweeny" vote and that would be so wrong.

I just hope our lovely Ben manages to stay the course.  I have read a couple of times that he has considered walking; ie over lack of sleep etc.

Sorry but this rant probably sounds just about as boring as I'm finding the programme at the moment!! 
morning buddies

Joyron, I only get to see the HLs - havent got LF cos i havent got time to watch it really

it is annoying me as well - they seem to choose 1 or in this case 2 housemates and focus on them totally for a whole show - first 2 weeks it was Caiomhe and Shabby, then it was Ben, now it is JJ and Josie - surely the others must be doing something interesting in a day
I agree with you both Joyron and barney.  It all does seem quite manipulated this year.  Perhaps we are noticing it more than other years.  I am fed up to screaming point with JJ and Josie and would be pleased to see very little of them until the end of the series but that is obviously not going to happen as BB seems to be in love with the idea of a romance there - oh pleeeeeease
Hi buddies - it looks from your comments today that as I'm only taking a minor interest in BB and only see odd minutes that I'm not really missing much. The other day on E4, the few moments I saw was just JJ, I think, lying on his bed, saying nothing, doing nothing and I thought how boring this was, and went and did something far more interesting.
El Loro
Afternoon Buddies I agree with everything that has been said above about BB . The HL shows have always been biased in ..IMO...... and seem even worse this year.... so I have stopped watching.  But this was the first year I have had LF and  I was really looking forward to it. However, over  the last week or so I have found that the goings on have wound me up so much that I am now turning it off more that I am turning it on
Hi Joyron - but things could look up on Friday when.......

Tha Talking Parrot flies in - I see from elsewhere that she is being referred to as Davina McCaw

I haven't seen a photo of her yet, so I'm waiting to see what she looks like - will it be love at first sight or will my hopes be shattered . Of course it may be Dave McCaw ()
El Loro
Just caught up with the H/L's (habit more than anything).  It does seem very boring.  I thought that Ife's reasons for nominating Ben were more revealing of the way she thinks than she would have liked.  Reverse snobbery in technicolor IMO.  Joyron may I ask which HM's you would like to see again?  I don't think either Freddie or Rachel would do it, though I could very well be wrong.  Can't think who else I would really like to see.
Hello Buddies, this is my first chance to sign in today
Joyron, I thought it was only me who wasn't finding this year's BB very interesting.
I paid for LF and have hardly watched any of it - normally, I would be glued to LF, around the clock.
I am not even that bothered if I catch the HL shows because I am so sick of the biased editing.
Maybe it's just as well that this is the final one.
Seems we all have the same opinion about this year's show.  Much as I would love it if Freddie or Rachel came back I don't think either of them will.  They are now content to get on with their normal lives.

I'm not sure if I will be going against the grain here but I would really love to see Aisleyne back.  Some people liked her, others didn't.  I thought she was a very brave person the way she dealt with things in the house.  I was pleased when she became the last female in the house, over the likes of Nikki and Grace.

Depending on who else was in there I would probably support Aisleyne to become overall winner.  I also liked Brian from was it BB2 (although he seems to be getting above himself now).  I liked Anna and the black guy with her in that year but I cannot remember his name.  I also liked Alex and Bubbles, and even Cameron.  There are probably others I've forgotton but that's my wish list.  I DO NOT want to see Nikki, Grace, Seazer, Luke, Becky, and so many more like them and it will probably be those types that go in.  If that happens I won't be watching until the end of the series.  I couldn't stand that lot again.

How about you Squiggle and Yogi?  Who would you like to see going back? 
Joyron, I also liked Alex Sibley and Bubbles and I wouldn't mind if Aisleyne went back in. I remember when she entered the house and the mean girls were so bitchy about her. I was really pleased she stayed in longer than that witch, Grace.
I loved Dan from BB5 and Richard from BB6(?), too.
I didn't like any of the ones you didn't like and I hope none of them go back in.
I like Aisleyne as well.  I found her an interesting character to watch.  I felt she reinvented herself in the house, away from that gangsta chic and I really felt I could see a sweet vulnerable girl there.  I never ever understood why so many people detested her.  I liked Dan too but its so hard to think because with the exception of a memorable few, and most of them I don't like, I can't remember them.  I know Cameron would never go back in, I have a friend who visits her daughter in Orkney every year and Cameron is very busy there now.  I need photos really to jog the memory.
So many people disliked the year Cameron won (think it was BB4).  They said it was dull and boring.  I must be one of the exceptions because I was rooting for Cameron all the way through and I was really pleased he won.  I'm sure he enjoyed his experience.  He got the chance to go to South Africa too.  Thought it was really sweet when he said in the telephone conversation with BB before he left to go to the airport to look after his Mum if something happened to him!!  I'm pleased to hear that he is happy and busy in RL back on Orkney. 
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