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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
That film sounds amazing, I'm going to look it up I do apologise if I've offended anyone regarding the beating, I failed to register the actuality of it, I was just thinking of the walk! Crikey, they are going to shoot birds aren't they

Aw I sympathise Summer   I haven't replied because I didn't want to run the risk of causing offence but we get a lot of pheasants around here and I think they are lovely birds.  They are so slow and they tend to panic if they are in the road and you are coming at them in a car - very very slowly so they will get the idea time for me to fly now   I think the whole notion of rearing birds and then scaring them into the air to be shot by silly old buffers with nothing better to do is horrible.  Can you sort of shoo them in the opposite direction?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Me too yogi! I might sabotage their sights!

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
That film sounds amazing, I'm going to look it up I do apologise if I've offended anyone regarding the beating, I failed to register the actuality of it, I was just thinking of the walk! Crikey, they are going to shoot birds aren't they

Aw I sympathise Summer   I haven't replied because I didn't want to run the risk of causing offence but we get a lot of pheasants around here and I think they are lovely birds.  They are so slow and they tend to panic if they are in the road and you are coming at them in a car - very very slowly so they will get the idea time for me to fly now   I think the whole notion of rearing birds and then scaring them into the air to be shot by silly old buffers with nothing better to do is horrible.  Can you sort of shoo them in the opposite direction?

I like both ideas, ladies.


Good morning everyone. It's pouring with rain atm, I don't think I'll be going far today.

Squiggle, I had a look at some Maeve Binchy books last night and have ordered one.

I need to get organised and get some Christmas shopping done - so far, I have bought cards, wrapping paper, gift tags and two gifts. I need to get a move on.


Good morning everyone


Although the night was colder than recently, there's no sign of any frost here this morning.

And it's fairly sunny but not clear blue sky,


If any of you have seen today's Google homepage, there is a wierd black and white video which you can play. At the end of the video, you can then click on bits of the picture and it looks as if you can do very simple adding up.


It's to do with Stanislaw Lem's 60th anniversary of his collection of short science fiction stories called The Cyberiad. Unless you are a science fiction reader, the name will mean nothing. He was the best known Russian science fiction writer - the only one of his books which you are likely to have heard of is Solaris. That was originally made into a Russian film by Andrei Tarkovsky back in the early 70s, and then more recently an American version was remade starring George Clooney.

The Russian version is extraordinary. It's is very slow moving, but does contain some of the most lyrically beautiful scenes ever filmed. I know this clip is shown out of context to the rest of the film, but I found this scene particularly haunting.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, a nice morning cloudy and cold but not dreary if you know what I mean.  EL I will try and check out that clip later


Yogi I am shocked Maeve Binchy is by far my most favourite author, she is Premier League compared to anyone else.  No-one can construct a story and make you care about the characters in the way that she does.  Each of them are good and they are the only ones I will read twice.  Evening Class was one of my favourites, I wanted to join.  Oh you are in for such a treat, I would be totally surprised if you didn't love her too.  You have read Rosamund Pilcher I hope? And I love Marcia Willett too but Maeve Binchy is the master.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, a nice morning cloudy and cold but not dreary if you know what I mean.  EL I will try and check out that clip later


Yogi I am shocked Maeve Binchy is by far my most favourite author, she is Premier League compared to anyone else.  No-one can construct a story and make you care about the characters in the way that she does.  Each of them are good and they are the only ones I will read twice.  Evening Class was one of my favourites, I wanted to join.  Oh you are in for such a treat, I would be totally surprised if you didn't love her too.  You have read Rosamund Pilcher I hope? And I love Marcia Willett too but Maeve Binchy is the master.

*hangs head in shame*  I'm sure I will love Maeve Binchy books and I have already ordered one - so am I forgiven?

I have read a couple of Rosamunde Pilcher but not Marcia Willett. Am I in trouble again?


Feels ashamed now I have made Yogi feel guilty   No no no I love Maeve Binchy books and I want you to enjoy them too.  I am pretty sure you will like Marcia Willett books too, although they are not in the same league as Maeve Binchy but they are written by a Devon author and all set in Devon, there are some interesting stories and of course all these make a nice change from the more 'edge of the seat' books that we both like to read from time to time

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Feels ashamed now I have made Yogi feel guilty   No no no I love Maeve Binchy books and I want you to enjoy them too.  I am pretty sure you will like Marcia Willett books too, although they are not in the same league as Maeve Binchy but they are written by a Devon author and all set in Devon, there are some interesting stories and of course all these make a nice change from the more 'edge of the seat' books that we both like to read from time to time

No! Don't feel guilty. I am grateful to you for introducing me to some new authors and you are very good at recommending books that I like.


Cold and windy here 
Just been to get more euros and had a chat with the travel agent. My son is going through Thomas Cook and a bit of a worry. All seems fine at the moment tho, touch wood . 
I like Maeve Binchy too  
Not seeing clips at the minute El,  getting the plug-in not responding message again 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Cold and windy here 
Just been to get more euros and had a chat with the travel agent. My son is going through Thomas Cook and a bit of a worry. All seems fine at the moment tho, touch wood . 
I like Maeve Binchy too  
Not seeing clips at the minute El,  getting the plug-in not responding message again 

Keeping everything crossed that your son's holiday goes off without any problems.

As Squiggle says, who is a safe, bet if not one of the big travel companies like Thomas Cook?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope your son is going to be OK Skylark, Thomas Cook in danger, wow if they are not a safe bet then who is?


Yogi which Maeve Binchy book did you order?

I have ordered The Lilac Bus.


Aha short stories if I remember right (its years since I read that one).  I hope you enjoy it and will then want to order a longer book where she can really build the characters.  I don't know of another author who makes you feel as if the characters are real and you could go and meet them, you really care about their lives.


I read one at work, was it Copper Beech? Not sure if thats the right title offhand, but it was very good. Have read others cant remember titles, my memory is getting worse!

Re Thomas Cook, yes we thought it the best company to book with. Especially as they are young lads and if any problems there are always reps at hand. Who would have thought ?? I can understand their losses tho with the world being as it is at the moment. People just dont want to travel to countries that are unsafe.  Son says as long as he gets there, he isnt bothered if he cant get back!!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I read one at work, was it Copper Beech? Not sure if thats the right title offhand, but it was very good. Have read others cant remember titles, my memory is getting worse!

Re Thomas Cook, yes we thought it the best company to book with. Especially as they are young lads and if any problems there are always reps at hand. Who would have thought ?? I can understand their losses tho with the world being as it is at the moment. People just dont want to travel to countries that are unsafe.  Son says as long as he gets there, he isnt bothered if he cant get back!!

Typical lad!

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope your son is going to be OK Skylark, Thomas Cook in danger, wow if they are not a safe bet then who is?


Yogi which Maeve Binchy book did you order?

I have ordered The Lilac Bus.


Aha short stories if I remember right (its years since I read that one).  I hope you enjoy it and will then want to order a longer book where she can really build the characters.  I don't know of another author who makes you feel as if the characters are real and you could go and meet them, you really care about their lives.

Any titles you would like to recommend? I'll take note but won't buy any more (for a week or two).


Not very well Yogi, i dont know what to get either. I seem to end up with the same things year after year ! Have got selection boxes and some smellies, jammies for my daughter, thats about it ! 
Got a lovely party dress for my granddaughter, but she is more happy in her jeans and wellies! Its lovely tho, seeing her dressed up 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope your son is going to be OK Skylark, Thomas Cook in danger, wow if they are not a safe bet then who is?


Yogi which Maeve Binchy book did you order?

I have ordered The Lilac Bus.


Aha short stories if I remember right (its years since I read that one).  I hope you enjoy it and will then want to order a longer book where she can really build the characters.  I don't know of another author who makes you feel as if the characters are real and you could go and meet them, you really care about their lives.

Any titles you would like to recommend? I'll take note but won't buy any more (for a week or two).

They are all good Yogi, but Evening Class which I mentioned before, The Glass Lake. Copper Beech I re-read about a year ago, warmly recommended Light A Penny Candle


Good luck with the Christmas shopping ladies, I hope inspiration will strike.  Its never an easy job is it?  For me my grandsons want cold hard cash and for my daughter I am doing that Photobook and have got some of her favourite perfume.


The bit about your son and his holiday made me laugh Skylark, what are they like?


Sorry, I went off to do some cooking.

Squiggle, thank you for the recommendations, I'll note them down for later.


Skylark, I can sympathise with you. It is so difficult to buy for my lot now they are adults. We are giving them all some money but I still want a couple of little gifts to give them, too. Middle son says he will give me some ideas for his fiancee and himself, when we are out shopping at the weekend, so that will be a help.

I bet your granddaughter will look a picture, in her new party dress.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Sorry, I went off to do some cooking.

Squiggle, thank you for the recommendations, I'll note them down for later.


Skylark, I can sympathise with you. It is so difficult to buy for my lot now they are adults. We are giving them all some money but I still want a couple of little gifts to give them, too. Middle son says he will give me some ideas for his fiancee and himself, when we are out shopping at the weekend, so that will be a help.

I bet your granddaughter will look a picture, in her new party dress.

I know, i do miss the excitement of them opening their prezzies on Christmas morning . I am giving son and daughter money too, but still like them to have something to open on the day

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Sorry, I went off to do some cooking.

Squiggle, thank you for the recommendations, I'll note them down for later.


Skylark, I can sympathise with you. It is so difficult to buy for my lot now they are adults. We are giving them all some money but I still want a couple of little gifts to give them, too. Middle son says he will give me some ideas for his fiancee and himself, when we are out shopping at the weekend, so that will be a help.

I bet your granddaughter will look a picture, in her new party dress.

I know, i do miss the excitement of them opening their prezzies on Christmas morning . I am giving son and daughter money too, but still like them to have something to open on the day

^^^^ Me too. I loved when they were small and still believed in Santa, their excitement was contagious.


Yesterday morning I tried to ring the wife of my ill client. No answer but I did leave a message on their answerphone.


I've just come back from seeing the other client who knows the ill client. Over the past 18 months or so, the ill client was found to have sky high blood pressure (I think something like 200 systolic), he has been losing his hair for no apparent reason, immune system not working properly, doctors found he had blood clots so was put on warfarin, shingles,pancreatitis and bruises very easily (which is why they checked for leukaemia). And there may be other things, but that is what the other client was aware of.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yesterday morning I tried to ring the wife of my ill client. No answer but I did leave a message on their answerphone.


I've just come back from seeing the other client who knows the ill client. Over the past 18 months or so, the ill client was found to have sky high blood pressure (I think something like 200 systolic), he has been losing his hair for no apparent reason, immune system not working properly, doctors found he had blood clots so was put on warfarin, shingles,pancreatitis and bruises very easily (which is why they checked for leukaemia). And there may be other things, but that is what the other client was aware of.

Poor man, I hope they get to the bottom of it soon, El.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yesterday morning I tried to ring the wife of my ill client. No answer but I did leave a message on their answerphone.


I've just come back from seeing the other client who knows the ill client. Over the past 18 months or so, the ill client was found to have sky high blood pressure (I think something like 200 systolic), he has been losing his hair for no apparent reason, immune system not working properly, doctors found he had blood clots so was put on warfarin, shingles,pancreatitis and bruises very easily (which is why they checked for leukaemia). And there may be other things, but that is what the other client was aware of.

Oh wow! The poor guy, I wonder what on earth is the underlying cause.  Could it possibly be the same thing causing all the symptoms!  How awful for him and his family.

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