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Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What a fabulous pic of the pandas, El. Your client is a lucky lady to be looking after those gorgeous animal. As I child, my teddy bear was a panda (not technically a bear), and I had him for years.


Welcome back Skylark, hope the computer is now behaving itself.


Squiggle, your friends are lucky to receive such personal cards. The lovely one you sent to me with the cookbook, is still on display in my bedroom.

That's lovely Yogi, I always take great care with them.  I am a perfectionist and everything has to be just right.  A little secret (I don't tend to tell people much) there is always a couple on the back, its always my hubby and me in my mind, my way of including him.

Aww Squiggle, that makes it even more special now.


Congratulations to Sweet Winter Wonderland


But do we call you Sweet or Winter or Wonderland?


And to celebrate here's:

This is the genuine original version recorded on 31 October 1934. Richard Himber and his orchestra were at the end of their recording session but there was a few minutes to spare. So someone suggested how about this new song to fill in the gap.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, when my client who went to look after the pandas told me, I congratulated her on what she had done. She then said that I was the only person who had complimented her- her friends and familiy hadn't understood her. I suppose they thought she was taking a bit of a risk but the whole point of a sabbatical is rather like a gap year - to take a break from work and to do something which you normally would never do. It's similar to the couple of people from our church - they were in their mid teens - who with people from other schools went with a team of adults during their summer holidays in 2010 to India to a small school there to help paint and decorate the school.

Well, I think it's fabulous - both the lady who is going to look after the pandas and the people who helped renovate the school. What a wonderful opportunity to do something special and memorable.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, when my client who went to look after the pandas told me, I congratulated her on what she had done. She then said that I was the only person who had complimented her- her friends and familiy hadn't understood her. I suppose they thought she was taking a bit of a risk but the whole point of a sabbatical is rather like a gap year - to take a break from work and to do something which you normally would never do. It's similar to the couple of people from our church - they were in their mid teens - who with people from other schools went with a team of adults during their summer holidays in 2010 to India to a small school there to help paint and decorate the school.

Well, I think it's fabulous - both the lady who is going to look after the pandas and the people who helped renovate the school. What a wonderful opportunity to do something special and memorable.

I do agree, its something she (and they) will never forget. We have to do what we can to help and what a wonderful chance to help these lovely creatures.


Lovely clip EL thanks, its quite beautiful and gets us all in the mood for the coming season.  I am having terrible trouble finding christian christmas cards this year, its definitely getting worse.


I sponsor a little girl in Uganda and had a letter from her yesterday telling me she loves me because thanks to me she can go to school. It makes you feel very humble, ÂĢ16 a month is what it costs me.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, when my client who went to look after the pandas told me, I congratulated her on what she had done. She then said that I was the only person who had complimented her- her friends and familiy hadn't understood her. I suppose they thought she was taking a bit of a risk but the whole point of a sabbatical is rather like a gap year - to take a break from work and to do something which you normally would never do. It's similar to the couple of people from our church - they were in their mid teens - who with people from other schools went with a team of adults during their summer holidays in 2010 to India to a small school there to help paint and decorate the school.

Well, I think it's fabulous - both the lady who is going to look after the pandas and the people who helped renovate the school. What a wonderful opportunity to do something special and memorable.

I do agree, its something she (and they) will never forget. We have to do what we can to help and what a wonderful chance to help these lovely creatures.


Lovely clip EL thanks, its quite beautiful and gets us all in the mood for the coming season.  I am having terrible trouble finding christian christmas cards this year, its definitely getting worse.


I sponsor a little girl in Uganda and had a letter from her yesterday telling me she loves me because thanks to me she can go to school. It makes you feel very humble, ÂĢ16 a month is what it costs me.

That's a lovely thing to do, and it's amazing the difference your sponsorship can make.

My sons' primary school sponsored a little boy in Africa. At the end of each term, each child would donate a small sum of money in return for a non-uniform day. All donated money went towards the sponsorship of the boy.


BTW, you would be very proud of my youngest son. You may remember he had inherited his mother's phobia of spiders, but he has become very brave and now captures them with a glass and a piece of cardboard and puts them outside.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well done to your son Yogi, its good to conquer a fear.  My grandsons are terrified of spiders I try to tell them that the spider is much more frightened of them but it cuts no ice with them I have a job stopping them killing them.

I told my son you didn't want him to kill them any more, and since then he hasn't.

I think ever since the night he had to rescue me from the gigantic one in my bedroom, the smaller spiders may now seem less scary .

Of course, the fact that his GF is also scared of spiders, may have encouraged him to conquer his fear - as he wouldn't want to appear a wimp in front of her if there's a spider in her flat.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well done to your son Yogi, its good to conquer a fear.  My grandsons are terrified of spiders I try to tell them that the spider is much more frightened of them but it cuts no ice with them I have a job stopping them killing them.

I told my son you didn't want him to kill them any more, and since then he hasn't.

I think ever since the night he had to rescue me from the gigantic one in my bedroom, the smaller spiders may now seem less scary .

Of course, the fact that his GF is also scared of spiders, may have encouraged him to conquer his fear - as he wouldn't want to appear a wimp in front of her if there's a spider in her flat.

Oh I am really pleased now, its just the way they move poor things.  I am glad he wants to look brave in front of her, bless.


I think its back to The Leprosy Mission site for the cards, I chose them last year and thought I would have a change this year but its getting so hard to find any nice ones.


Off to bed now, sleep tight everyone, hugs for the night owls

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well done to your son Yogi, its good to conquer a fear.  My grandsons are terrified of spiders I try to tell them that the spider is much more frightened of them but it cuts no ice with them I have a job stopping them killing them.

I told my son you didn't want him to kill them any more, and since then he hasn't.

I think ever since the night he had to rescue me from the gigantic one in my bedroom, the smaller spiders may now seem less scary .

Of course, the fact that his GF is also scared of spiders, may have encouraged him to conquer his fear - as he wouldn't want to appear a wimp in front of her if there's a spider in her flat.

Oh I am really pleased now, its just the way they move poor things.  I am glad he wants to look brave in front of her, bless.


I think its back to The Leprosy Mission site for the cards, I chose them last year and thought I would have a change this year but its getting so hard to find any nice ones.


Off to bed now, sleep tight everyone, hugs for the night owls

I hope you manage to find ones that you like, Squiggle.


I'm off to bed, too. Goodnight everyone.

Velvet, Ros and Summer.

Sweet dreams squiggle & yogi Squiggle, I have your card from the recipe book at work with me, the cheery pictures on it make me smile El, I think it very brave & wonderful that your client went to look after panda's, what an incredible experience! People should be praising her not the opposite. You may call me sweet, summer, winter.. Or my elf name "bouncy sparkly toes"
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sometimes the clips I post are ones that I've seen by chance, other times I've looked for them. So as I was looking for Winter Wonderland I first did a google search. If a Wiki article appears in the results I look at that as quite often there is a lot of info there. That's where I found who did the song first. So it's then over to Youtube, do a search on the song title and the performer's name, and the clip is what came up. If there are a number of similar clips I would look through them and post the best quality one. Quite often I come across clips which are so poor quality that it would be a disservice to post it.

El Loro
good morning I'm laying in but not for much longer, I'm off to do something festive with my SIL, she's struggling with Christmas spirit this year. IMO its because she's not speaking to her (only) niece (who is usually the centre of their world), and has re-arranged Christmas family plans around continuing to not speak to her.. I haven't discussed it with her, nor will I, it's not my place. I had hoped they'd make up by Christmas, but it's looking highly unlikely. Then, I'm off to get a much, much needed eye test El, I know what you mean about you tube clips, some are such poor quality that I wonder why on earth they were uploaded! I once spent an entire day looking at border terriers on you tube I hope you all slept well and have a lovely day, I'll pop in when I can
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, its quite cold and grey here with rain expected later


I'm going to try again to get my grandson to the dentist, wish me luck.


2 good films coming up on Saturday The Vernon & Irene Castle Story at  12.05pm on BBC2 with Fred Astaire and Charade with Cary Grant and Audry Hepburn on Sky Classics at 3pm - the chemistry between the two stars is supposed to be electric.


You OK Skylark?


Good morning everyone. Weather frosty and bright today.

I've been to the nurse for my monthly blood tests and forgot to leave the keys for the car Mr Yogi had hired (re work), which should have been collected this morning. I'm in trouble again.

Actually, the company were fine about it and are picking the car up this afternoon. The problem is they can never give you a time for collection (not even am or pm) and it is not the first time I have waited in all day for them and nobody has appeared.

Squiggle, I hope your grandson gets on okay at the dentist today. Is the abscess problem geting any better?

Summer and El, I love the Tom and Jerry vid - Mr Yogi is a big child fan of T&J, I'll show it to him later.

Skylark, good luck with buying the Euros, the exchange rate is pretty awful atm.

Joyron, thinking of you and hope you are back wth us soon.


Squiggle, I hope this time the dental appointment for your grandson takes place and that all goes well


I've never seen the Vernon and Irene Castle film with Fred and Ginger. Although it is supposed to be a good film I do know that this is not a normal Fred and Ginger film and you may need a box of tissues.


Charade is an excellent film and I think it is the best Hitchcock film that Hitchcock didn't do. Charade is one of Stanley Donen's best films as director along with Singin' in the Rain and Seven Brides for Severn Brothers.


Skylark, those Youtube clips can sometimes get in the way for the person making the next post. I find that if that happens, I can move my pointer to the Post Reply bar at the top of the reply box, press the left button and whilst pressed drag the reply box up so that the clip doesn't get in the way.


Good luck with the Euros hunt


Yogi, I hope they don't keep you waiting too long to collect the keys.


And a for Joyron

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Update on the dentist, I went to pick up my grandson and he was asleep and said he wasn't well, I think he has a hangover   I am not a happy bunny, I went and apologised to the dentist myself, I am scrupulous about always keeping appointments and I really feel he has let himself and me down.

A for your grandson and a for you. Providing that it is a hangover rather than flu or something, the expression "tough love" come to mind.

El Loro

Squiggle, I understand your frustration with your grandson. I can't bear to be late for an appointment, never mind miss one.

A for you and a for your grandson.


Skylark, did you manage to get a good deal on the Euros?


I am still waiting on the Car Hire people. It wouldn't surprise me if they don't turn up until tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh squiggle, you tried your best. Up here there is a charge for not keeping dental appointments or not cancelling within 24 hours, usually around ÂĢ20, on benefits or not. Do you have the same system?
I understand your feelings and frustrations

I do hope not Skylark they didn't mention anything, thank you and thank you Yogi too oh and EL too, sorry I didn't see yours, I am still a bit upset.


Yogi that sounds a bit frustrating with the car hire people, Skylark hope you got a good deal on the Euros.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well if there is a charge, get grandson to pay it squiggle 
Sorry you are still waiting for the car hire people, Yogi i hate waiting 
Son,s passport just arrived by courier , thank goodness

Got 350 euros for ÂĢ300 , not bad  

Not bad - the current rate is 1 EUR = 0.8574 GBP so it's spot on

El Loro

I'm off to see a Polish dentist now - I do her accounts and tax return for her, so I'm examining her rather than the other way. Extracting the necessary information should be fairly easy for me as I'm used to the drill by now. I set her fees on a scale rate and I should be able to polish the work off quite quickly. Anyway it's something to get my teeth into.


6 dreadful puns in 5 lines, not bad

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm off to see a Polish dentist now - I do her accounts and tax return for her, so I'm examining her rather than the other way. Extracting the necessary information should be fairly easy for me as I'm used to the drill by now. I set her fees on a scale rate and I should be able to polish the work off quite quickly. Anyway it's something to get my teeth into.


6 dreadful puns in 5 lines, not bad

I think that was well done, El.

*night owls* How coggy has it been this evening?! El, your bad puns were brilliant, throwing that many in is an achievement Skylark I'm glad you did well with your euro's, & I'm pleased the passport turned up safely Yogi I hope you weren't waiting around too long today Squiggle, oh dear your naughty grandson! I hope he apologies to you, that behaviour is unacceptable for you all, sweet dreams
~Sparkling Summer~

Hope you are well x

Yes not a bad deal on the euros, went to Ramsdens . I think thats enough cash to take, the rest can be kept in his bank and he can withdraw money over there.
Yes Yogi, i complained to the Post Office, a lovely woman who took the complaint very seriously, she is sending a claim form in the post and will be contacting the post office i used 


When I saw my client yesterday evening her young daughters were there and she said that at the school there were children from several countries and so they were trying to make a Christmas song using words in the various languages. I now know that the Polish for little star is gwiazdka which seemed to sound rather like gwatzka

El Loro
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