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Originally Posted by Skylark24:

He is going to Amsterdam first week in December Yogi, the way its going it will be tight. I am really annoyed at the man in the Post Office, he omitted to tell me to send my birth certificate too. That was another fiver, as i sent it special delivery. Now they have that, he now has to have an interview, as its his first passport. If it goes well, they will send passport out, but no time limit.

Where is your nearest Passport Office?

We had to get a passport for youngest son - with two days notice - and I took him up to the Passport Office in Glasgow. We didn't have an appointment and had to queue for an hour or so but still managed to get the passport later that day.

The Travel Agent had forgotten to inform us that son would need a separate passport for Dominican Republic - even though under 16's were able to travel to most places on their parents passport at that time. Luckily, I had something niggling at the back of my mind and checked it out.


Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle and Yogi, when I got back home I had to look up what congeries were as my immediate thought had been the same as yours. The lecturer pronounced it with a soft g which made it sound as if it was a French word.


And so I've just checked it and congeries is the French for:




I hope that isn't an omen!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

He is going to Amsterdam first week in December Yogi, the way its going it will be tight. I am really annoyed at the man in the Post Office, he omitted to tell me to send my birth certificate too. That was another fiver, as i sent it special delivery. Now they have that, he now has to have an interview, as its his first passport. If it goes well, they will send passport out, but no time limit.

How utterly irritating for you and for your son. Let's hope they can get it sorted out in time


I checked the procedures for passport application and it does confirm this for a first passport application:

If you were born in the UK before 1983, IPS needs to see your birth or adoption certificate.

If you were born in the UK on or after 1 January 1983, IPS needs to see your full birth or adoption certificate. This has to show your parents' details. They also need to see one of the following:

  • your mother's UK birth certificate, Home Office certificate of registration or naturalisation, or her passport that was valid at the time of your birth
  • your father's UK birth certificate, Home Office certificate of registration or naturalisation, or his passport that was valid at the time of your birth and your parents' marriage certificate


But the man in the Post Office should have been aware of this and has no excuse.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle and Yogi, when I got back home I had to look up what congeries were as my immediate thought had been the same as yours. The lecturer pronounced it with a soft g which made it sound as if it was a French word.


And so I've just checked it and congeries is the French for:




Are you totally sure that your lecturer was a real lecturer EL


Skylark what a nightmare for your son! That guy at the Post Office you shouldn't be left any further out of pocket for his ineffeciency.  I hope you can get it sorted out really fast with no further worries.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle and Yogi, when I got back home I had to look up what congeries were as my immediate thought had been the same as yours. The lecturer pronounced it with a soft g which made it sound as if it was a French word.


And so I've just checked it and congeries is the French for:




Are you totally sure that your lecturer was a real lecturer EL


Skylark what a nightmare for your son! That guy at the Post Office you shouldn't be left any further out of pocket for his ineffeciency.  I hope you can get it sorted out really fast with no further worries.

I sincerely hope so considering that I pay to go on these courses


Squiggle, did you know that the word squiggle was first used in 1804 as a verb and in 1902 as a noun. It is probably a blend of squirm and wriggle.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle and Yogi, when I got back home I had to look up what congeries were as my immediate thought had been the same as yours. The lecturer pronounced it with a soft g which made it sound as if it was a French word.


And so I've just checked it and congeries is the French for:




Are you totally sure that your lecturer was a real lecturer EL


Skylark what a nightmare for your son! That guy at the Post Office you shouldn't be left any further out of pocket for his ineffeciency.  I hope you can get it sorted out really fast with no further worries.

I sincerely hope so considering that I pay to go on these courses


Squiggle, did you know that the word squiggle was first used in 1804 as a verb and in 1902 as a noun. It is probably a blend of squirm and wriggle.

Sounds like what I do when I'm tickled <<<<< me being tickled


Well son got his interview sorted. its in Edinburgh on Saturday.  
Thanks El, yes thats correct and surely the guy in the Post Office should have known that  I went to the PO and showed him the letter i got and he said he is only human and never made a mistake before ! I gave him the envelope with my birth certificate inside and asked him the best way to send it quickly and safely. It cost me ÂĢ5.40. I said for him to make sure it got there. I tracked it to make sure. I am not so much concerned about the money, its the fact that it has caused a 3 week delay because of his incompetence . Infact i am out of pocket by about ÂĢ14. I am sure the passport office will be in touch with him, they dont have the time for this, thats why the PO does this service.

 Yogi, not sure where the passport actually comes from, but forms were sent to Durham, and letter telling him to get his appointment arranged came from Liverpool. As i said appointment is in Edinburgh xx
Signing out now, going to lie down in a darkened room !  No, going for bath and settle to watch The Jury . Goodnight and love to all xx


Thanks Summer I used to drive a Mini back in the day.  It was notorious for suddenly losing all battery charge.  It once happened to me in the entrance to a car park, I had paid my entrance fee, the barrier went up and I couldn't re-start the car, embarrassing!  Also I had to drop my daughter at her bank and wait for her, I dare not turn off the engine and I felt like a get away driver   Ooh it was that same car my daughter and two friends were off to camp, they got in the car with all their camping gear, I rolled it down the little driveway we had and you guessed it  They had to get the bus.  Cars eh!


Night night everyone, sleep tight and leaving a hug for any night owls, especially you Ros


Good morning everyone.

Weather is dry and bright up here, atm.

Summer, that is wonderful news about baby Ava. How is her mum doing with the ankle injury?

Skylark, your son should ask about a refund for all the extra expense he has incurred due to the error made by the PO checking service guy.

Got some shopping to do and need to find a birthday gift for son's GF.

Even though I have stopped watching BB, I shall send some votes in Aaron's direction tonight and tomorrow.

El, I love that advert and I want talking bluebirds and chaffinches in my garden!

My soup went cold oh well I'll think of the calories saved Yogi my best friend is struggling with her broken ankle & other injuries plus the c-section but she does have her partner home on paternity leave and I think just being at home instead of travelling to hospital will give her a better chance to get recovered Squiggle how is your tooth since the new filling? I'm so hungry right now
~Sparkling Summer~

I think my tooth is OK thanks Summer.  Because its the last back tooth on the bottom and the inner wall has broken away he has put pins in for support and I can see one of the pins sticking through which makes me nervous that it might make my tongue sore.  But OK so far and I can see his point that without support the filling will just come out again, so I'm a bit like a motorway bridge with reinforced concrete   Have a little snack, I've been there and before you know where you are you end up eating too much because you're so hungry


I'm glad you are taking it further Skylark, I think you need to, its their mistake and you shouldn't end up paying for it.


Skylark, I agree that you should seek compensation for the money youv'e lost as a result of the passport error.


Summer, I think you are right about your friend receovering better at home particularly as Ava is there so she will feel as if they are starting to rebuild their lives with a new life there with them.


Squiggle, presumably with it being the lower back tooth having the pins, your tongue shouldn't get close to the pin unless you push your tongue to being against the tooth. I think the tongue tends to be closer to the teeth at the front rather than the back.



El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I agree that you should seek compensation for the money youv'e lost as a result of the passport error.


Summer, I think you are right about your friend receovering better at home particularly as Ava is there so she will feel as if they are starting to rebuild their lives with a new life there with them.


Squiggle, presumably with it being the lower back tooth having the pins, your tongue shouldn't get close to the pin unless you push your tongue to being against the tooth.I think the tongue tends to be closer to the teeth at the front rather than the back.



*wonders how many buddies started wiggling their tongues around to see if El was right *


Summer, I hope you were able to get some lunch.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I agree that you should seek compensation for the money youv'e lost as a result of the passport error.


Summer, I think you are right about your friend receovering better at home particularly as Ava is there so she will feel as if they are starting to rebuild their lives with a new life there with them.


Squiggle, presumably with it being the lower back tooth having the pins, your tongue shouldn't get close to the pin unless you push your tongue to being against the tooth.I think the tongue tends to be closer to the teeth at the front rather than the back.



*wonders how many buddies started wiggling their tongues around to see if El was right *


Summer, I hope you were able to get some lunch.

That could be an idea for a new poll:

A Does your tongue wiggle against your front teeth

B Does your tongue wiggle against your back teeth

C You don't have any teeth

D Your tongue has a life of its own and wiggles all over the place

E Your tongue has escaped from your mouth, wriggled across the floor desparately looking for somewhere to hide

F It's none of your business what I do with my tongue, you naughty person


Now that really would get tongues wagging.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I agree that you should seek compensation for the money youv'e lost as a result of the passport error.


Summer, I think you are right about your friend receovering better at home particularly as Ava is there so she will feel as if they are starting to rebuild their lives with a new life there with them.


Squiggle, presumably with it being the lower back tooth having the pins, your tongue shouldn't get close to the pin unless you push your tongue to being against the tooth.I think the tongue tends to be closer to the teeth at the front rather than the back.



*wonders how many buddies started wiggling their tongues around to see if El was right *


Summer, I hope you were able to get some lunch.

That could be an idea for a new poll:

A Does your tongue wiggle against your front teeth

B Does your tongue wiggle against your back teeth

C You don't have any teeth

D Your tongue has a life of its own and wiggles all over the place

E Your tongue has escaped from your mouth, wriggled across the floor desparately looking for somewhere to hide

F It's none of your business what I do with my tongue, you naughty person


Now that really would get tongues wagging.

Option F had Mr Yogi and I LOLing.


Good morning everyone. Dry and cloudy up here.

El, you have started something with your tongue wiggling poll.

Squiggle, love that kitten pic, it made me laugh.

Skylark, have a good day with your granddaughter. Do you have anything planned?

Summer, at 11am, I will be remembering all those who have given their lives for us.

Joyron, haven't seen you around for a wee while, I hope you are okay.


You know these adverts which appear on the right side of these forum pages. There is one I've seen which is for professional indemnity insurance for accountants. I had assumed that these adverts were not aimed at specific people, but that advert would appear to be aimed at me alone - I would be interested if any of you see the same advert anywhere on this forum - the advert is from Aon.


Professional indemnity insurance is mandatory for accountants who run their own accountancy practices, so the advert would only relate to a very small number of forum members, quite possibly just me.

El Loro
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