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Yogi, I wouldn't be surprised if people decide to visit this country just to see the exhibition. It is unlikely that such a comprehensive collection of Da Vinci's paintings and sketches will ever be on show in one place anywhere in the world for many years. We are not allowed to copy images on the BBC website but if you follow this link you will see a map showing where the paintings and sketches have come from - all over the world - and an article about the work involved in getting the exhibition off the ground.

El Loro

Thank you for the link EL, looks very interesting.  Which reminds me, did anyone go and see the Tutankhamen Exhibition when it came to this country?  Me and my sister went and it was so interesting.  Do you remember when it was on and the there were huge queues?  We were lucky that towards the end of the exhibition you could order tickets for towards the end of the day and we took advantage of that.


Good morning everyone


Yogi, I've been watching The Jury as well. Julie Walters as usual is excellent.


I'll be out this morning at another course - this one is on valuation of unquoted shares. If any of my clients ran a company, wanted to sell the company or transfer some of their shares to someone else, I could be asked to provide a value of those shares. So this course is quite important for me. One method of valuing is to take the average profit of the company and multiply it by a number to get the value. That number is sometimes referred to as the P/E ratio (price to earnings ratio). Another way of looking at that number is if Fred bought shares, how many years would he be prepared to wait before the profits made covered the cost of the shares he paid. The P/E ratio is fundamentally important to valuations, but I would welcome some practical guidance as to how to find out what it should be.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Morning Same here yogi, well from what I can see through the gap in the curtain lol I'm attempting to lay in but I've been awake since 7am, I might just get up! How is everyone this morning?

Hi Summer. It's so annoying when you want to have a lie-in but wake up at the usual time.

I feel a bit tired this morning as I couldn't get to sleep last night.

I'll probably have a nap in the afternoon to recharge my batteries.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Yogi, I've been watching The Jury as well. Julie Walters as usual is excellent.


I'll be out this morning at another course - this one is on valuation of unquoted shares. If any of my clients ran a company, wanted to sell the company or transfer some of their shares to someone else, I could be asked to provide a value of those shares. So this course is quite important for me. One method of valuing is to take the average profit of the company and multiply it by a number to get the value. That number is sometimes referred to as the P/E ratio (price to earnings ratio). Another way of looking at that number is if Fred bought shares, how many years would he be prepared to wait before the profits made covered the cost of the shares he paid. The P/E ratio is fundamentally important to valuations, but I would welcome some practical guidance as to how to find out what it should be.

Good morning El.

I agree about Julie Walters, she is her usual brilliant self.

I hope you enjoy the course, at least it is on a subject which could be helpful to you.

BTW, who is Fred? (Only joking).


Good morning xx
Took some doing to get son to work this morning. The new Xbox game, had something to do with it (Call Of Duty ), he was up half the night playing it  
Enjoying The Jury too  
Saw the Gold of the Pharaohs  exhibition when it came here, it was fascinating, havent seen Tutankhamen one tho 
Off into town before the crowds build up, cant stand busy shops! 
Have a good morning  

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

BTW, who is Fred? (Only joking).

As in Fred Bloggs, a placeholder name like John Doe in the States


By the way, one of the commonest passwords people use on computers is FRED due to the letters being close together in a counter clockwise direction.

I didn't know that ^^^^, but it makes sense when you realise the position of the letters on the keyboard.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Good morning xx
Took some doing to get son to work this morning. The new Xbox game, had something to do with it (Call Of Duty ), he was up half the night playing it  
Enjoying The Jury too  
Saw the Gold of the Pharaohs  exhibition when it came here, it was fascinating, havent seen Tutankhamen one tho 
Off into town before the crowds build up, cant stand busy shops! 
Have a good morning  

Good morning Skylark, hope you are well.

I believe the shops have been really busy with sales of Call Of Duty.

I felt very "down wiv da kids" when I was able to tell my DiL that COD stood for Call Of Duty.


Good morning everyone, its cloudy but we are due a lot of rain later.  I am taping The Jury and looking forward to seeing it when I get a minute (off to the dentist again with my grandson this morning).


That course sounds interesting EL, I never thought before about coming to a valuation on shares in a company but I can see that its an important issue, I wonder if Sid has sold his yet? (old joke British Gas shares???)


Those Xbox and similar games they can really take the time.  I played Ice Age 3 on the PC recently, great fun but so frustrating in places.


Hope you catch up on your sleep later Yogi, its horrible feeling overtired.  Joyron thinking of you.


The Tutankhamen Exhibition was AMAZING, the famous mask, well you just wouldn't have believed it, it looked as though it was made yesterday.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, its cloudy but we are due a lot of rain later.  I am taping The Jury and looking forward to seeing it when I get a minute (off to the dentist again with my grandson this morning).


That course sounds interesting EL, I never thought before about coming to a valuation on shares in a company but I can see that its an important issue, I wonder if Sid has sold his yet? (old joke British Gas shares???)


Those Xbox and similar games they can really take the time.  I played Ice Age 3 on the PC recently, great fun but so frustrating in places.

Hope you catch up on your sleep later Yogi, its horrible feeling overtired.  Joyron thinking of you.


The Tutankhamen Exhibition was AMAZING, the famous mask, well you just wouldn't have believed it, it looked as though it was made yesterday.

^^^^ I remember the Tell Sid, British Gas ads. I found one on Youtube.


I'm back from this morning's course. To say it was heavy going would be an understatement. At least I have the course notes to refer to should I ever need them.


Just to give you a very brief idea as to the heaviness of this, this is a definition from the lecturer and the course notes as to what a share is:


A share is a chose in action "the congeries of rights and liabilties of which it consists is the creature of the Companies Acts and the memorandum and articles of the particular company".        


Congeries are a collection of things or ideas, nothing to do with conger eels

El Loro

Hi xx
That sounds very interesting El  
Summer, didnt see a lot of snowman paper, M&S, and Boots none. Birthdays, the card shop have, dont know if you have one down your way. Poundland have rolls upon rolls, but may not be of the quality you are looking for . Hope you are successful in your search, you would think it would be easy ??? 
Havent seen Joyron for a while, hope she is well x


As Rabbie Burns said 'the best laid plan etc'.  We did not make it to the dentist, the car totally refused to start   Called the AA, he said the battery is dead, got it going and left it running.  I went to our local National Centre, they tested the battery - 78% tested the alternator - all OK said what did I want to do?  Well I thought I had better change it, don't want it happening again so I have a new one (my Winter Fuel Letter came this morning - I thought that will help, but oh no life is what happens when you are busy making plans ) Hey ho, we will try again for the dentist next week - wonder if the car will start in the morning

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from this morning's course. To say it was heavy going would be an understatement. At least I have the course notes to refer to should I ever need them.


Just to give you a very brief idea as to the heaviness of this, this is a definition from the lecturer and the course notes as to what a share is:


A share is a chose in action "the congeries of rights and liabilties of which it consists is the creature of the Companies Acts and the memorandum and articles of the particular company".        


Congeries are a collection of things or ideas, nothing to do with conger eels

I was about to get out the dictionary.

That does sound pretty heavy going, El.


Squiggle, I think you did the right thing getting the battery changed. If it's going dead for no good reason, then it sounds as if it had come to the end of its useful life, and with winter coming, it wouldn't be reliable.


Hasn't the winter fuel allowance been cut from ÂĢ250 to ÂĢ200 this time ? They are also making people under 60 wait longer before they qualify. Although I'm 59, I won't get it until the winter of 2014/15 when I will be 62. It doesn't particularly affect me as I'm not retiring yet and my fuel bills are fairly low compared to many, but I'm sure it will hit some.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

As Rabbie Burns said 'the best laid plan etc'.  We did not make it to the dentist, the car totally refused to start   Called the AA, he said the battery is dead, got it going and left it running.  I went to our local National Centre, they tested the battery - 78% tested the alternator - all OK said what did I want to do?  Well I thought I had better change it, don't want it happening again so I have a new one (my Winter Fuel Letter came this morning - I thought that will help, but oh no life is what happens when you are busy making plans ) Hey ho, we will try again for the dentist next week - wonder if the car will start in the morning

Aww Squiggle, that's not so good. If you have changed the battery, it should start okay in the morning (assuming that's what the problem was - I'm useless with anything mechanical).

How is your grandson's abscess problem, a bit better, I hope?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from this morning's course. To say it was heavy going would be an understatement. At least I have the course notes to refer to should I ever need them.


Just to give you a very brief idea as to the heaviness of this, this is a definition from the lecturer and the course notes as to what a share is:


A share is a chose in action "the congeries of rights and liabilties of which it consists is the creature of the Companies Acts and the memorandum and articles of the particular company".        


Congeries are a collection of things or ideas, nothing to do with conger eels

I was about to get out the dictionary.

That does sound pretty heavy going, El.

If I had had congeries in a general knowledge quiz I would quite confidently have answered that its a group noun for a gathering of conger eels show how bright I am

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

As Rabbie Burns said 'the best laid plan etc'.  We did not make it to the dentist, the car totally refused to start   Called the AA, he said the battery is dead, got it going and left it running.  I went to our local National Centre, they tested the battery - 78% tested the alternator - all OK said what did I want to do?  Well I thought I had better change it, don't want it happening again so I have a new one (my Winter Fuel Letter came this morning - I thought that will help, but oh no life is what happens when you are busy making plans ) Hey ho, we will try again for the dentist next week - wonder if the car will start in the morning

Aww Squiggle, that's not so good. If you have changed the battery, it should start okay in the morning (assuming that's what the problem was - I'm useless with anything mechanical).

How is your grandson's abscess problem, a bit better, I hope?

I'm no good with things mechanical either Yogi that's why I said about the car in the morning.  I know I've had the battery changed but do you know what I mean your confidence goes doesn't it once you have sat there and the car hasn't started, or is it just me?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from this morning's course. To say it was heavy going would be an understatement. At least I have the course notes to refer to should I ever need them.


Just to give you a very brief idea as to the heaviness of this, this is a definition from the lecturer and the course notes as to what a share is:


A share is a chose in action "the congeries of rights and liabilties of which it consists is the creature of the Companies Acts and the memorandum and articles of the particular company".        


Congeries are a collection of things or ideas, nothing to do with conger eels

I was about to get out the dictionary.

That does sound pretty heavy going, El.

If I had had congeries in a general knowledge quiz I would quite confidently have answered that its a group noun for a gathering of conger eels show how bright I am

I'd have thought the same.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

As Rabbie Burns said 'the best laid plan etc'.  We did not make it to the dentist, the car totally refused to start   Called the AA, he said the battery is dead, got it going and left it running.  I went to our local National Centre, they tested the battery - 78% tested the alternator - all OK said what did I want to do?  Well I thought I had better change it, don't want it happening again so I have a new one (my Winter Fuel Letter came this morning - I thought that will help, but oh no life is what happens when you are busy making plans ) Hey ho, we will try again for the dentist next week - wonder if the car will start in the morning

Aww Squiggle, that's not so good. If you have changed the battery, it should start okay in the morning (assuming that's what the problem was - I'm useless with anything mechanical).

How is your grandson's abscess problem, a bit better, I hope?

I'm no good with things mechanical either Yogi that's why I said about the car in the morning.  I know I've had the battery changed but do you know what I mean your confidence goes doesn't it once you have sat there and the car hasn't started, or is it just me?

No, it isn't just you. I had a similar thing happen with my last car.  For weeks later, I always expected it wouldn't start when I turned the ignition. But it did!

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Aww squiggle have a cuddle 

Thanks Skylark, I am sitting here giving myself a talking to 'now come on calm down, yes its been an awful morning but its all OK now' Thank you for the hug

You are welcome x  Make yourself a nice cuppa, and rest for a bit 


Still waiting on my sons passport, what a carry on its been . I had it checked with the Post Office and it was wrong  I can get my money back for the checking cost if i phone some number thats more than likely premium rate. He now has a letter to book an interview , hope he is in soon before office closes.....

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Still waiting on my sons passport, what a carry on its been . I had it checked with the Post Office and it was wrong  I can get my money back for the checking cost if i phone some number thats more than likely premium rate. He now has a letter to book an interview , hope he is in soon before office closes.....

So the PO checking service got it wrong?! No wonder you are annoyed.

Does he need the passport really soon?


He is going to Amsterdam first week in December Yogi, the way its going it will be tight. I am really annoyed at the man in the Post Office, he omitted to tell me to send my birth certificate too. That was another fiver, as i sent it special delivery. Now they have that, he now has to have an interview, as its his first passport. If it goes well, they will send passport out, but no time limit.

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