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Squiggle, I hope all goes well for your grandson today at the dentist, and I hope the news isn't too bad on the abcess and the work which will need to be done on his teeth.


Skylark, computer mice can be awkwards beasts. I have an optical one which lives on batteries. The battery level shown on Windows control panel is not reliable as it will show good even if the mouse isn't responding in the way it should. Sometimes when the battery is low, the pointer just goes round in circles on the screen for no apparent reason. Other times, the mouse buttons just don't work as they should. So at that point I just replace the batteries even though the control panel says they are still good.

El Loro

All went well with the dentists although it didn't sound pleasant, she sort of filed it out in order to encourage full drainage and put some drying powder in there.  He came out looking very ill as he has picked up some sort of bug in which his ribs hurt, and it was painful for him to be stretched out that long.  I don't know whether its flu, there has been something going around, but I have made him promise he will go and see the doc.


Squiggle, I hope that dental treatment  will clear the abscess problem quickly for your grandson . It sounds as if your grandson has picked up a chest infection from somewhere, not necessarily flu. You are right to egg him on to see his doctor who may prescribe antibiotics, but I could be wrong as I thought he was already on them for his abscess. With what's been going on in his life, he's likely to be fairly run down which would explain why he's prone to things like abscesses and chest infections. Someone who is in good health would have better resistance to these infections. Has he recovered from his hand operation and the bone graft from his hip?

El Loro

He is recovering well from the broken wrist, although his surgeon doesn't want him working for another 2 months or so, the wrist is bound to need to strengthen with the pin in it.  He has had a lot of negative stuff going on in his life, one of which you know of course about his girlfriend being found in bed with another guy, and there doesn't seem any end to it.  We are just battling through.  Thank you EL and Skylark for your concern, I don't know how I would cope without my faith and I know life is very tough for my grandson, no wonder he is run down.


I really hope things get better for him soon squiggle, i can understand how you worry. I was at my wits end with my daughter, every day it was something else, but she has turned her life around, and i am sure your grandson will get his life and health back on track 
Do try to get him to the doctor tho, i know thats easier said than done , but he needs his chest looked at 


Good evening everyone.

We got back this afternoon and I'm now catching up on the washing and ironing.

We had a lovely relaxing time, even though the weather could have been better - but the scenery was so beautiful, I didn't mind the weather too much.

I've had a quick read back and saw what has happened to your friend, Summer. I know you will be concerned about baby Ava being so premature, but I hope you can take comfort when I tell you that Mr Yogi was eight weeks premature and weighed 3 pounds. After a very shakey start, he ended up a strapping, healthy six footer. I will be thinking of Ava and her mum ( and dad too) and will say a prayer for them.

Squiggle, your grandson has had such a time of it recently, I really feel for him. I hope he takes your advice and gets himself off to the doctor.

To Squiggle, Skylark, El, Summer, Ros, Joyron and Velvet, thank you for missing me and it is sooooo good to be back.


As today is the 75th anniversary of television broacasting, I thought I would post this clip which is in 2 parts. There's virtually nothing left of the original programmes shown on 2 November 1936, but this does survive as it was made on film. If you watch it, near the end of the second part, you will get the entire "Television Song" sung by Adele Dixon - little bits of it have been on the BBC news today.


El Loro
Squiggle I do hope your grandson's luck turns around soon, I should think he'll not be sorry to welcome in a new year in 2 months from now. His dental treatment sounds horrendous I'm sure just having you there is a great comfort to him Skylark, I had no idea about your daughter's drug problem I can't imagine what you as a mother must have suffered & still do, but I know my mum can; my brother has been the same since the age of 15 too, it's heart breaking to see someone you love disappear into the world of addiction. I wish you all the very best and hope that there's a brighter future there for her El, doesn't 75 years of tv broadcasting seem like so little? And yet so much has been accomplished in that time! Joyron, I hope you are feeling better now too Yogi, wow 3lb is so small! Thank goodness mr yogi survived Baby Ava is doing well, and her mum had her ankle operation today. That means she'll be able to eat now, which will help her recovery and hopefully be allowed to be wheeled into the NICU
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks for the clip El, well was it a Scot or not ??  Steven Fry says no ! x

Skylark, I think this is what you are referring to, but Fry's reference to Logie Baird is so fleeting I don't think he says who he thought invented the television. Looking at Wiki, there seem to have been several people around the world trying to develop television, but in terms of who first publicly demonstrated working television, there seems to be little doubt that it was Logie Baird.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, after the rain the skies have cleared and its quite nice now.


Wonderful news about mother and baby Summer, hope they go from strength to strength.  I would love to see the scene when your friend gets to hold Ava for the first time.


Its a very interesting fact that Yogi Bear invented the TV and did Boo Boo have a hand in it too?   (Oops keep that naughty step warm for me Yogi)

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, after the rain the skies have cleared and its quite nice now.


Wonderful news about mother and baby Summer, hope they go from strength to strength.  I would love to see the scene when your friend gets to hold Ava for the first time.


Its a very interesting fact that Yogi Bear invented the TV and did Boo Boo have a hand in it too?   (Oops keep that naughty step warm for me Yogi)

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, after the rain the skies have cleared and its quite nice now.


Wonderful news about mother and baby Summer, hope they go from strength to strength.  I would love to see the scene when your friend gets to hold Ava for the first time.


Its a very interesting fact that Yogi Bear invented the TV and did Boo Boo have a hand in it too?   (Oops keep that naughty step warm for me Yogi)

I think we might have to widen the step El, looks like we've got company.


Good morning everyone, hope you are all well.

Off shopping this morning, will be back later.

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