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Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I haven't had the chance to pick up today's paper yet but I'm hoping to see some snow pics from America, although from radio reports, I gather it's dangerous in some parts

Around 17 inches in several states including Conneticut.

Thats a lot of snow   Bet they still cope better than we do !!


I've just had a phone call from an American trying to get me to buy shares in an American company. He spent several minutes praising this company talking about how it had grown over the last few years, was rapidly moving into other areas and its shares would continue to rocket.


He was wanting me to sell some of my share portfolio and use the money to buy shares in this company. By doing this through him, I would save on commission.


I was put off him as he was using the most intense high pressurised selling I have ever experienced, and I told him as such. In the end I told him that I was cutting off his phone call as I did not trust him, and terminated the call.


Apart from some free Halifax (now Lloyds) shares which are worth a couple of hundred, I have no shares. Even if I did have a big portfolio, I would be very wary about buying shares from an unknown person in a different country over the phone. I would have no way of verifying whether he was genuine or a crook. I'm always suspicious of when something sounds too good to be true.


The company whose shares he was promoting is genuine, and the data he gave me is probably true, and the company is likely to continue to prosper but with one caveat. The company's driving force and figurehead died on 5 October, so who knows what will happen in the future.


You don't need to me to tell you which company he was promoting as it's the obvious one.


"Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!"

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Genuine or not, the hard sell would be put me off, it usual stinks of desperation, and i certainly wouldnt do any business deals over the phone. I find if something is too good to be true, it isnt!



And when I start to think about it, if he is trying to sell shares in this company, he must have them available if he's genuine, so someone else must have sold them, so why did that other person sell them?


A couple of years ago I had someone ringing me to get me to buy shares in I think an oil company in the Far East - that one really seemed to be one of these boiler house scams which one hears about. I doubt if this was a boiler house scam as those are generally near worthless shares or totally bogus and that was not the case today. But today's caller's selling techniques were just what I would expect a bolier house scammer to use.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Genuine or not, the hard sell would be put me off, it usual stinks of desperation, and i certainly wouldnt do any business deals over the phone. I find if something is too good to be true, it isnt!

Me too, and why would they be pushing this particular company so hard?  It wouldn't seem to need it would it?  Unless they know something we don't, hm.................


*usually" ...the l and y mysteriously vanished there!

I am getting to the stage now i wont answer the phone unless i know the number, or at least if it looks "normal". The other night the phone rang and the number looked very odd, so didnt answer. 

As for pushy sales people in general...oh dont you love them !  


I had a pushy double glazing salesman around last week.  If I had known what it was I wouldn't have bothered going to the door.  I have double glazing everywhere except my back door which I shall have done when I can afford it.  I have always used a local firm and he argued the hind legs off a donkey about giving me a quote, he said he was local yada yada yada, I had to be quite firm and practically shut the door in his face in the end.

I have HUGE (well tiny actually) news!!! My best friend has had her baby! She wasn't due til dec 10th All I know is, she was born by emergency c-section at 2.05pm, is 5lb 2pounds and both of them are doing well- apart from mama has a broken ankle! I have no idea what happened or how, I just got a text from papa as I was leaving work. I can't wait to hear more!!!!! Her name is Ava Audrey
~Sparkling Summer~

Oh no Summer, I bet that hurt.  Maybe put a cold flannel on it to keep any swelling to a minimum?  That's a bother about the Yoga class, could there be another one locally to you?  I am sure Yoga is still very popular despite the Zumba.


I'm off to read now, speak to you all tomorrow.  Thinking of you Yogi, have a great time and really relax.

I've spoken to my best friend, she was in a car crash on her way to work A car pulled out across them (she lift shares) and the seat belt caused internal bleeding.. That's why they gave her a c-section. Her partner got to the hospital in time for the birth though, phew! She's going to need an operation on her ankle and maybe another to investigate some possible internal bleeding, but i'm so grateful it wasn't worse and that I got to speak to her. thank god they survived! The baby is in NICU and is doing well, she'll be there a few weeks most likely. I'm shocked, and feel a bit helpless. Just going to focus on the fact that they're alive, doing ok and in a very good hospital Sweet dreams all
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, I hope your best friend and baby do well At 33 weeks and just over 5 pounds, baby should be fine though may need help breathing to start with, and help eating until she gains weight. That's why she is in NICU.


I hope your swelling eases fast. I could understand why zumba might have an impact on aerobics groups, but yoga is somewhat different.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.


Summer that could have been so much worse thank goodness that she was far enough along in the pregnancy that they could take this action.  I do send my good wishes for a swift recovery for her, and no more bad news.  I have asked the Lord to keep the baby in His loving care and I am sure He will

Morning Thank you all for your kind wishes El, you are right, at that weight and age, there's no reason why the baby shouldn't be just fine, they'll just need to monitor her and feed her up a bit I'll keep you posted on any news, I spent all evening crying, probably the shock of the situation, but now I've calmed down I'm concentrating on the fact that my best friend is a mum we'll just need to help her get better for now
~Sparkling Summer~
Thank you Mama is waiting to find out when they'll operate on her ankle, and they think the internal bleeding has stopped, which sounds good. She's very sore from seatbelt burns and internal bruising in the chest & ribs, and is feeling very sad that she can't see or hold the baby.. I'm hoping that they could let her see the baby at some point today, it would cheer her up for a while. How is everyone's day going?
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, this morning I went to see that big client I've been working on over the last month to go through my queries with them. The bookkeeper will have to come back to me with some of the answers, but the end is in sight. I also had a good constructive meeting with one of the directors.


I hope your day is going OK and your customers are behaving themselves.

El Loro

Summer, I will be pleased when I have finished that huge job, more pleased when I can bill them, and unbelievably extremely ecstatically pleased when I get paid


I'm glad your clients have been behaving themselves. I get my hair cut at the same place as the colleague of mine who died a year ago used to use many years ago. He used to do the accounts for the man who used to run the place and told me that he based his fees at the equivalent of 100 hair cuts


Velvet, Yogi is due back tomorrow from her break.

El Loro
Hi velvet I miss yogi too! I think I jinxed myself earlier when I told you my clients were lovely, i had to deal with a cheeky little 7 year old who could use a lesson or two in manners, if only his mother had it in her to see to it, I suspect she was stoned, I can't believe anyone would naturally be as dopey as she appeared I hope you're all having a lovely evening, I felt odd not being at yoga. I did buy some gorgeous "trumpette" ballerina baby socks for Ava tonight, I'd previously thought them a bit extravagant but considering she could have died yesterday I thought I'd buy them anyway, they are beautiful. They're baby socks that look like little shoes, apparently the Americans are going crackers for them..! Don't tell anyone that I've gone soft
~Sparkling Summer~
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