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I'm back


I was going my shopping in Cheltenham and was half way down the stairs in the Regent's Arcade when someone stopped me and asked me if I would do their tax return in future. Now either this was someone I have known for years or I go round Cheltenham carrying a sign saying "The End is Near - Get your tax returns in on time" . I'll leave you to guess which.


Squiggle, I hope you don't have to go anywhere on Monday as 2 inches of rain is expected in your area - it will be wet in my area as well, but presently not as bad.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back


I was going my shopping in Cheltenham and was half way down the stairs in the Regent's Arcade when someone stopped me and asked me if I would do their tax return in future. Now either this was someone I have known for years or I go round Cheltenham carrying a sign saying "The End is Near - Get your tax returns in on time" . I'll leave you to guess which.


Squiggle, I hope you don't have to go anywhere on Monday as 2 inches of rain is expected in your area - it will be wet in my area as well, but presently not as bad.


I'm guessing it was the latter.

Afternoon all Isn't it funny how some people seem to know all about you and you have no idea who they are many times I've had people stop me in the street to tell me how they want their hair, I wish they'd just tell me when they come in to get it done lol Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weather, it's a gorgeous bright day out here too I need to rant if you don't mind; My colleague called in sick, again, sorry but she's a slacker! It's always when we're busy that she drops days and she knows I've got a cold, but thinks nothing of just leaving me to get on with it Ok it's out there and I feel better now, thanks I'm looking forward to home time
~Sparkling Summer~

I don't get random people talking to me as if they know me but wherever I go, I always get people chatting to me and telling me their life stories. Youngest son says it's because I'm always happy to listen and have a natter.


Summer, can't your boss do anything about the slacker? It's unfair on everyone else if she isn't pulling her weight and going sick whenever you are really busy.

I have a worse rant This afternoon I was told by a cheeky 18 yr old that he wasn't allowed to be a porn star because his ***** is too small I didn't even respond to that i simply asked him to leave, he was shocked when he asked why? I told him he was inappropriate and to leave. Luckily, he did, without any fuss, thank goodness! And a lovely family came through the door 2 seconds later, so I had a chat with the dad and he let me calm down before I did the kids hair I was so livid that my hands were shaky!!!! I was cutting hair for a friend of the cheeky lad when this all happened, cheeky himself was just waiting. The haircut lad didn't utter one word, and I didn't speak to him until I'd finished his hair and that was only to ask for the money Ok, apologies for my ranting today, I hope you're all having a better day than I did lol I'm home now, bathed and very much looking forward to the dancing
~Sparkling Summer~
Yogi, it's a tricky thing because my colleague has small children and often says they're sick or the childminder has let her down as an excuse for a day off. There isn't really a lot we can do about that.. Also, my boss has more than 1 shop, and works in a different branch to me, and has the same problem in the other salons, he's too busy to worry about what's going on over my side My former colleague was a lot worse and got the sack, the newer one is much better but isn't as reliable as I'd like. If we did find a way to get rid of her, there's no guarantee that the next person would be an improvement We don't pay her for dropping days though, and she has to give 2 weeks notice to apply for holidays, so at least that's something
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yogi, it's a tricky thing because my colleague has small children and often says they're sick or the childminder has let her down as an excuse for a day off. There isn't really a lot we can do about that.. Also, my boss has more than 1 shop, and works in a different branch to me, and has the same problem in the other salons, he's too busy to worry about what's going on over my side My former colleague was a lot worse and got the sack, the newer one is much better but isn't as reliable as I'd like. If we did find a way to get rid of her, there's no guarantee that the next person would be an improvement We don't pay her for dropping days though, and she has to give 2 weeks notice to apply for holidays, so at least that's something

^^^^^ I suppose it is something that she doesn't get paid for the days she doesn't turn up, but it is rotten that she leaves you in the lurch.


Re the idiot with the small whatsit, why on earth would he want to broadcast it - silly boy!


Summer I thought you handled that situation very well but I do despair nowadays, boundaries seem to be so blurred that I think what is acceptable in company is a foreign concept to many people, especially the youngsters.  I sympathise with you over your colleague who goes missing, I had a similar situation and I know its most frustrating


I was watching the start of Celebrity Masterchef yesterday evening and the music near the beginning of it was quite striking. It's one of those pieces which seems familiar but I didn't know what it was. So I decided to hunt around on the internet and I have found it. Considering that it sounds like baroque music (17th and 18th century) I was surprised to find that it was only written in 1996. It's the allegretto movement from Palladio written by Karl Jenkins. This is one version I found on Youtube but there are others. Originally Jenkins wrote the theme for a De Beers advert for diamonds in 1994 and later developed it.


El Loro
Wow that recently El?! it sounds more classic, beautiful I've calmed down somewhat now I think the cheeky so & so was showing off in front of his friends, I dare say getting thrown our would have been embarrassing for him. I also think he may have had a few drinks, but I'm not sure. Anyway, on with our weekend El, I thought the lad from hollyoaks was good on masterchef!
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Happy snoozing, Summer - you need it after yesterday


It is possible that Karl Jenkins was influenced by some of Michael Nyman's music for the film The Draughtsman's Contract made in 1982. This is a clip of a performance of probably the best known piece of music from that film. The film is set in 1694 which is when baroque music was at its height.


El Loro

Good morning everyone.    It's another lovely sunny day here, but very chilly!!


Off to the hospital this afternoon to visit my sister who has just had the same knee operation as I had six months ago, although on the other knee.  It will be interesting to see how treatment in different hospitals compare.


Hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend break.  I'm one of the lucky ones who does not have to think about getting up for work tomorrow. 


Probably won't be about much today but will catch up with you all tomorrow. 


This is a clip from a 1929 film which I doubt if any of us have ever seen, though you will definitely know the music. Buster Keaton appears for a second, but does his normal stony faced silent bit.

I did find another scene from the film with Buster Keaton, but it's really is not worth posting - embarrassingly bad.


El Loro

I think we all love the Gene Kelly version - I posted the clip more as a curiousity.


My favourite scene from Buster Keaton films is the train sequence in Our Hospitality. The train used was an exact replica of the original Stephenson Rocket. The scene has to be one of the most charming train journeys ever put to film and has gentle humour. I have found this scene on Youtube which was posted there a few months ago. Just beware that there is a rather nasty crackling sound on the clip right at the beginning, and the clip does end before the train finally reaches its destination.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Squiggle, I hope you don't need to go anywhere today, but take care if you do

Although heavy rain is forecast for your area, the real danger is the southerm part of Cornwall and also Pembrokeshire.


I saw the final episode of Spooks but won't give any details as some of you won't have seen it, and Joyron won't for a few weeks. A dignified end to the series. There is a tiny cameo scene near the end which does give the producers the option to reboot the series in the future should they decide to.

El Loro
Good morning My cousin has posted pics on FB of the waves at penzance, it looks like the weather is pretty brutal down in the south west Hope you stay safe Squiggle It's mild and clear up here this morning, although most weather reports predict heavy rain by tomorrow! It's half term here so I may not be able to pop in as much as usual this week but I'll definitely be in when I can El, I'm glad you were happy with the spooks conclusion
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is dry here atm. Not sure whether rain has been forecast for later.

I had recorded Spooks on my V+ and watched it late last night. I agree El, it was a fitting ending - I got a little bit excited at the cameo appearance.

Ros, you have been busy recently. You have done so well with the MM, I don't know how you all do it.


Good morning everyone, well we seem to have had quite a bit of rain overnight but so far its not too bad, not even windy at the moment.  I think you are right EL in that up here on the north coast we might not be as bad as other places.


I am glad that the ending of Spooks was fitting and that you Yogi and you EL enjoyed it. I don't know what MM is? Am I being thick (again ) ?

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