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good morning I've been awake an hour I'm a snot bag there's a frost to scrape off my car too And, I dared to try out some spray tan on my legs last night lol I wonder what lovely shade I might be when I dare to look luckily no one will see my legs today so if they're orange (which I'm hoping not) no one will know *sets up table of hot breakfasts; full English, porridge, pancakes, teas, coffee, take out soups for later* Stay warm & cheerful everyone
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Thanks for brekkie, Summer - enough to feed an army


Although it's cold today, I think it starts to get a bit warmer tomorrow.


Although some of you might not have seen this, you need to know that the other 2 HMs chosen to be amongst the 4 up for eviction include Harry, so I post this so you can start ringing:

To save Harry, call 090 16 16 17 06 or vote on Facebook

Highlight the above few lines to see the spolier.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Morning all x
Thats some breakfast Summer !
I have had the most infuriating call with the Inland Revenue , after so long getting through to a human, i discovered she was a robot. She wouldnt listen, assumed what my query was before i fully explained. She went off on one,  going down the wrong road altogether. I gave up, wished her a good day and hung up . I shall call back after i have sat in a darkened room for a bit ! What a start to the day
Anyways hope the morning started better for the rest of you all xx 
Hope you are feeling better Summer, have you got a cold ?
As for BB, what a farce its turning out to be !



Skylark, I sympathise with you trying to get sense out of HMRC. Lukily for me, as I am an agent (using HMRC speak) I am able to use the dedicated agent phone number when I need to contact them about a client. That means that I will avoid the long wait before I get through, and then I get through to a more senior tax officer rather than a junior.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a nice morning but definitely colder.


Skylark what a way to start the day, poor you


Thanks for the lovely brekkie Summer


I was so disappointed yesterday, I finally had one of those phone calls where they tell you that they have been receiving error messages from your computer, I thought this should be good so I said 'have you really?' and she hung up immediately, what gave it away that I knew that it was a scam I wonder

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I was so disappointed yesterday, I finally had one of those phone calls where they tell you that they have been receiving error messages from your computer, I thought this should be good so I said 'have you really?' and she hung up immediately, what gave it away that I knew that it was a scam I wonder

If you sound as if you believe them and pretend to go along with them, they think that they are succeeding - you will remember that I managed to string them along for a bit short of 20 minutes. So far, I haven't had them try it out again.

El Loro
I managed to get a BT agent to hang up on me last week He wanted me to confirm my details, and I wouldn't, he spent 5 minutes trying to guess my first name too which was funny. He gave up in the end! My reasoning was, why did he need me to confirm my details?! I wasn't buying anything, I wasn't changing anything, and I how do I know he's actually from BT? Yes skylark I've caught a cold its only a head cold though and not a flu, thank goodness! I'm ok but have a very sore Rudolph style nose :Rudolph: I hope everyone is keeping warm today
~Sparkling Summer~

Good afternoon everyone.

I haven't been kidnapped by aliens, merely hijacked by Mr Yogi and then eldest son.

Skylark, I hope you manage to get someone better when you next phone HMRC. Have a nice afternoon with your granddaughter.

Summer, hope you recover quickly from your cold. Re the fake tan, it's better to be pale and interesing rather than tangoed.

Squiggle, I want one of those scammers to call me, so that I can string them along for a while.

El, I love that you are an agent. I shall imagine you as Harry from Spooks.

Ros, thank goodness the Gruesome Twosome are still up for eviction, I will be voting to save the fabulous Harry.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I managed to get a BT agent to hang up on me last week He wanted me to confirm my details, and I wouldn't, he spent 5 minutes trying to guess my first name too which was funny. He gave up in the end! My reasoning was, why did he need me to confirm my details?! I wasn't buying anything, I wasn't changing anything, and I how do I know he's actually from BT? Yes skylark I've caught a cold its only a head cold though and not a flu, thank goodness! I'm ok but have a very sore Rudolph style nose :Rudolph: I hope everyone is keeping warm today

Me too Summer, if I phone them I will happily tell them who I am, but if they phone me well they should know, they don't like it but I don't care


Hope you soon start to feel better.


Summer, I hope your cold goes away quickly


I think that call from someone claiming to be a BT agent was a scammer. The BBC had a news item about this a couple of years ago - link He would have gone on to ask for your card details saying that your account was in arrears. Either that or someone trying to get you to change phone suppliers without you realising it.


I often get calls from outfits asking about my BT line - as soon as I tell them I'm on Virgin they realise that they are wasting their time and the call then ends. Some of these outfits are probably genuine, but I doubt if all are.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good afternoon everyone.

I haven't been kidnapped by aliens, merely hijacked by Mr Yogi and then eldest son.

El, I love that you are an agent. I shall imagine you as Harry from Spooks.

Ros, thank goodness the Gruesome Twosome are still up for eviction, I will be voting to save the fabulous Harry.

I am glad you hadn't been kidnapped by aliens


I have a horrible suspicion that we are not going to like the ending of Spooks one bit - the Radio Times makes it clear that you will be blinded by tears and will need to be propped up afterwards.


And you are right, there have been really problems with trying to post at all - this posting is the third time I've tried to post.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good afternoon everyone.

I haven't been kidnapped by aliens, merely hijacked by Mr Yogi and then eldest son.

El, I love that you are an agent. I shall imagine you as Harry from Spooks.

Ros, thank goodness the Gruesome Twosome are still up for eviction, I will be voting to save the fabulous Harry.

I am glad you hadn't been kidnapped by aliens


I have a horrible suspicion that we are not going to like the ending of Spooks one bit - the Radio Times makes it clear that you will be blinded by tears and will need to be propped up afterwards.


And you are right, there have been really problems with trying to post at all - this posting is the third time I've tried to post.


Oh no, that sounds like an unhappy ending for Harry. I will weep buckets.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, I hope your cold goes away quickly


I think that call from someone claiming to be a BT agent was a scammer. The BBC had a news item about this a couple of years ago - link He would have gone on to ask for your card details saying that your account was in arrears. Either that or someone trying to get you to change phone suppliers without you realising it.


I often get calls from outfits asking about my BT line - as soon as I tell them I'm on Virgin they realise that they are wasting their time and the call then ends. Some of these outfits are probably genuine, but I doubt if all are.


the funny thing was El, I kept saying to him "i don't know that you really are from BT" and he kept promising me genuinely was, he said he had all my details on the screen in front of him, so i kept telling him that if that was true, he wouldn't need me to say them lol

also, when he kept reassuring me that he was genuine, i kept saying "well that's what a scam caller would say isn't it" 

we went round in circles until he got fed up and hung up on me


thank you all for your well wishes regarding my cold i really do feel alright in myself, just not my head  



here's a nice roaring fire to keep us all warm


~Sparkling Summer~

Once upon a time a very very long time ago when I was very young and still in a cot, we had a coal fire burning away. My mother was in the room and got called away. She rushed back in when she heard me crying and saw that something she had been drying on a stand over the fire had fallen into the fire and was ablaze . She was able to extinguish it without a disaster happening. I can't remember that as I was only a baby.


While I was typing this my neighbour knocked on the door - she had just come back home and found the lights had gone off in the house - she was a bit scared in case someone had got in although it was probably just the tripbox switching the light circuits off. So I got a large torch, accompanied her as she went into the house, I shouted out "Hello", no reply of course, and shone my torch for her whilst she reset the tripbox.


Right, I'm off to get my tea after all that excitement.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Once upon a time a very very long time ago when I was very young and still in a cot, we had a coal fire burning away. My mother was in the room and got called away. She rushed back in when she heard me crying and saw that something she had been drying on a stand over the fire had fallen into the fire and was ablaze . She was able to extinguish it without a disaster happening. I can't remember that as I was only a baby.


While I was typing this my neighbour knocked on the door - she had just come back home and found the lights had gone off in the house - she was a bit scared in case someone had got in although it was probably just the tripbox switching the light circuits off. So I got a large torch, accompanied her as she went into the house, I shouted out "Hello", no reply of course, and shone my torch for her whilst she reset the tripbox.


Right, I'm off to get my tea after all that excitement.

^^^^ That made me laugh, El. What would you have done if someone had shouted hello back to you?


Coal fires can be very dangerous, and need careful monitoring. You had a lucky escape.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Once upon a time a very very long time ago when I was very young and still in a cot, we had a coal fire burning away. My mother was in the room and got called away. She rushed back in when she heard me crying and saw that something she had been drying on a stand over the fire had fallen into the fire and was ablaze . She was able to extinguish it without a disaster happening. I can't remember that as I was only a baby.


While I was typing this my neighbour knocked on the door - she had just come back home and found the lights had gone off in the house - she was a bit scared in case someone had got in although it was probably just the tripbox switching the light circuits off. So I got a large torch, accompanied her as she went into the house, I shouted out "Hello", no reply of course, and shone my torch for her whilst she reset the tripbox.


Right, I'm off to get my tea after all that excitement.

^^^^ That made me laugh, El. What would you have done if someone had shouted hello back to you?


Coal fires can be very dangerous, and need careful monitoring. You had a lucky escape.

Made me laugh too, I would have been out of there like a blue streak


Really tired so I am heading off early, night night everyone.

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