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Good morning everyone.    Lovely sunny day here today.  Not sure how much longer this good weather can last though.


What a difference a day makes.  No.1 son was rather ill overnight and decided he would be better off back in his own home, so off they all went a little while ago.  We decided to abandon plans to close up the holiday home this weekend (we've got until the last day of the month to do it) and hubby has gone off on his boat.  So I'm having a lovely quiet day on my own now.  What bliss.


I look forward to hearing how the se4rmon went El Loro.  Hope it was good.  Have a great day all my lovely buddies.  Hope to be back later. 


Hi everyone x

Hope your son is feeling better Joyron x
My daughter and granddaughter off home and my son has gone out, so some time to myself, at last !
I saw your post El, infact my daughter and i were discussing it, at some length. She has gone back to the Church, well some time ago, and she wasnt fully aware of this parable. I know my New Testament quite well , so we have had a good discussion! I wish i had said now we were discussing it, and you wouldnt have felt you had to delete it 


Good morning everyone, on this very dark and wet day.

El, I think you should repost whatever it was you deleted - I'm intrigued now.

I thought I was going to have a lazy day yesterday but ended up getting visits from my middle son and his fiancee and then my eldest son and DiL, that's why I didn't post until evening.

I have a few errands to run but will return in an hour or so and hope to hear all about the Reverend Screech's visit.


Good morning everyone.    It's cold here this morning, but very sunny too which is great.


No.1 son is feeling a lot better today.  Sometimes he can eat something and it's fine another time the same thing will upset him badly.  That's just something he has to live with I'm afraid.


I too would love to know what you posted yesterday El Loro.  We always enjoy reading what you have to say. 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back.

Joyron, sorry to hear your son was unwell, I hope he's feeling better today.

Squiggle, I started A Summer Fling yesterday - I think I will enjoy Milly Johnson's books.

Once again, I will try to ration myself to a couple of chapters each day (we know how well that went, last time).

I am saying nothing Yogi

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back.

Joyron, sorry to hear your son was unwell, I hope he's feeling better today.

Squiggle, I started A Summer Fling yesterday - I think I will enjoy Milly Johnson's books.

Once again, I will try to ration myself to a couple of chapters each day (we know how well that went, last time).

I am saying nothing Yogi

When it comes to reading, my self-discipline goes out the window.


Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi x 
Been out and got soaked, weather here is awful.
Glad your son is feeling better today Joyron  x
Enjoy your reading ladies  

Weather is the same over here, Skylark.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
It's getting very dark & cloudy here too, I think I may need my umbrella this lunch time Joyron I hope your son is on the men's now I think I need a good romance novel next, the wilbur smith adventure books are very good but bad things happen a lot..

I love my crime thrillers but they can be a bit dark, if you read them constantly. So like you, I enjoy something a bit lighter or romantic, from time to time.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
It's getting very dark & cloudy here too, I think I may need my umbrella this lunch time Joyron I hope your son is on the men's now I think I need a good romance novel next, the wilbur smith adventure books are very good but bad things happen a lot..


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
It's getting very dark & cloudy here too, I think I may need my umbrella this lunch time Joyron I hope your son is on the men's now I think I need a good romance novel next, the wilbur smith adventure books are very good but bad things happen a lot..

I love my crime thrillers but they can be a bit dark, if you read them constantly. So like you, I enjoy something a bit lighter or romantic, from time to time.

I feel the same as you both.  That's why I hate it when I finish a book, it is vital that my book matches my mood, if I am struggling a little with life I need a light-hearted book, it is only when I am coping really well that I can take on a bit of a thriller.  And I really can't do anything really dark at all.


I am like that too squiggle, although i havent been doing much reading lately  I feel the same with some TV programmes, i cant watch anything dark or depressing unless i feel up to it. I can switch off ,watching Gold , and some light hearted humour ie Dinnerladies, Porridge etc. I have watched some things on TV and tossed and turned all night, thinking ...oh i wish i hadnt watched that !


Son sent me a text. He was off having his lunch and came back to find someone has nicked his hardhat. He was more annoyed that the bag he left it in had his kitkat too that he was keeping for his afternoon break!  
Honestly, some people would nick anything!  He is now wearing a white hat, temporarily, which is the gaffers, and he thinks he is the bees knees ! I dread to think what will happen if anyone is seen eating a kitkat .......... 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Son sent me a text. He was off having his lunch and came back to find someone has nicked his hardhat. He was more annoyed that the bag he left it in had his kitkat too that he was keeping for his afternoon break!  
Honestly, some people would nick anything!  He is now wearing a white hat, temporarily, which is the gaffers, and he thinks he is the bees knees ! I dread to think what will happen if anyone is seen eating a kitkat .......... 

Skylark, that did make me lol.

Mr Yogi would be exactly the same, if someone stole his food.

oh noooooo I'd be gutted too if someone stole my Kitkat!!!!! People really do take anything these days, we don't display hair products now for that reason, we keep them in the staff room and just go get one if someone wants to buy something Yes I think 5 adventure books on the trot has left me calling for a romance break i've just got to finish this one first. Trouble is, the current character we're following is a diamond thief, he's lost his loot, been badly beaten, killed a man and is now associating with communists.. I'm sure it's relevant to the politics in the book but i'm not enjoying it at the moment. I hope it returns to focus on the main characters that I like.. El I'll go read your PM..
~Sparkling Summer~
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