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Are you in the SE Joyron?  I can't remember.  I am in the SW and its not too bad down here but I just talked to my sister-in-law in Essex and she said it was unbearable, there was a wind but it was a hot wind.  I see the Ben moaners are out in force, Ben is the seemingly. With all those others in there it makes me really smile that they think that Ben is the worst 
Hi squiggle, Yogi and Joyron

As with squiggle, here its 23 C and cloudy. And the humidity is so high that I could wring the moisture out of the air.

By the way, that film i mentioned the other day Be Kind Rewind is on again this afternoon at 5.20 on Channel 5. If you can put up with the initial silliness, you might find it a real treat.
El Loro
Yogi, big hug for you too    Perhaps we will catch up more once the madness of BB is done.

Squiggle, I live in Essex and we are obviously having the same weather as your sister-in-law.  I believe the temperature is somewhere around 30 degrees and the wind is really hot.  Would love it to rain so that I can dance naked in the back garden (away from prying eyes)!!  Can you imagine that.  It doesn't really bear thinking about does it? 
Morning everyone.    I'm pleased to say it's a lot cooler here today.  There's even talk of some heavy rain overnight!!

I too am getting thoroughly fed up of all the Ben bashing, both in the house and on here.  However we will stay true to him for as long as he is in the house.  I just wish people would lay off him for a while.

I assume he may well be up this week.  Let's hope he's up against someone who needs to go!!  Hope to catch up later. 
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