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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Sweet dreams squiggle oh I had no idea how much work your poor grandson needs done it sounds painful! Skylark, with all due respect, I think your friend sounds a bit self centred, I would be put out by that. I hope you don't have to attend the 60th party

I so agree Summer, how self centred of her when she knows your son was premature and as you say Skylark it does seem like she is trying to make up the numbers.  I would just 'phone and say sorry I had forgotten we had a prior engagement.


Skylark my grandson didn't take it as being talked down to but as someone really caring about putting his teeth in good order and helping him to get on the right track, so did I. I really must have put it badly because I can see that you too Yogi thought she was being condescending and uncaring, far from it, he was really pleased with her concern.  And of course he would be better off not smoking EL but he is still desperately unhappy and missing his girlfriend and I don't really think this is the best time for him to think about quitting.


Good morning everyone, its a gorgeous morning here and I am hoping it is for YOU too wherever you are

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
El how is your current job going? I hope you get lunch outside in the nice weather

It's early days in that huge job. I had to put it to one side for a few days to do other work and it's only in the last day I've got back to it. I popped round to the client yesterday afternoon to hand over some schedules I'd prepared for them to go through. When I got there, the main bookkeeper was on the phone to their internet service/phone provider as they were having major problems with internet connection. And yesterday was pay day so they needed to have internet access to get the pay details on to the bank's BACs system.


The bookkeeper was going to be a long time on the phone and so I had a word with one of her assistants about my schedules. I also said, as I'm not that far away from them, that if necessary they could come to my house and use my broadband connection. They never came, so I assume that they got their internet connection back,


I've started looking through their purchase invoices checking for correct allocation in their nominal ledger. Each month's invoices is about one lever arch's worth and I'm just about to start month 6. It's a long job and I'm hoping to have done the bulk of it by the end of October.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, that's a mammoth task you have taken on.

It is big, but I won't be working on it throughout October as I will need to do other clients work as well. The book-keeper will be going off on holiday for a week towards the end of October, and that is the only time I will be able to work at the clients premises - some of the work I need to go has to be done there rather than at home, so I will be able to use her computer while she is away.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Thanks for brekkie, Summer


Another warm and sunny day here, but it sounds as if normal service has been resumed up north.


I'm off out this morning at a course - "Update on Finance Act and Topical Issues". That mightn't seem remotely interesting, but there are a couple of "Topical Issues" which I am expecting to get discussed which may have a fundamental effect on accountants if, and this is an if, they are implemented. One of them is the way that accountants and the Inland Revenue interact, and it's difficult to know at present if that will involve more bureaucracy or not.


The other is far more fundamental, but at present is at a government consultancy stage rather than definite proposals. In a worse case scenario, I and all small accountancy practices would find that accounts would in future be prepared on a cash basis for the majority of businesses and would have to be filed in a 12 week period 1 April to near the end of June. The intention would be to simplify accounts so that accountants would no longer be required, and businesses would be able to file accounts themselves.


Fairly obviously, this would not go down well with the accountancy profession, but putting that asides, the main point is that unless a business is a cash based business, a set of accounts produced on a cash basis would be near useless from a business users point of view and would be misleading. For instance, a business which was in serious trouble and making losses would not be able to pay its suppliers on time, so those accounts would not reflect the unpaid bills and could easily show a profit position even though it had really made a loss.


I have already posted a comment on an accountancy website about one thing which other people don't seem to have realised. If a typical non-cash business has say one month's worth of debtors due to it, one month's worth of creditors due by it, and some stock, that resultls in a positive net assets position. At present that is reflected in a business's profit, but would drop out on a cash accounts basis. This means that under the proposals, the tax on that element of profit would get delayed until the following year. Although in tax terms, the tax would eventually get paid, there would be a year's delay and thus in the year of implementation, the Government would find a big drop in its tax revenue from businesses, and frankly, I doubt if they can afford it at present.


Also, if businesses moved to filing the accounts themselves, there would be a much greater risk of businesses fiddling their accounts to get a tax benefit. Accountants do provide a safety net to make sure accounts are reasoably accurate.


I'm not expecting to hear any developments about this today, this is something which will drag on for months, and quite possibly years.



My brother is arriving for a weekend visit later on this afternoon, so I won't be around that much. Have a great weekend what ever you are doing

El Loro

Good morning everyone, another lovely morning here.  Firefox updated itself (again ) last night and then totally refused to load up so I could not come on to with everyone a good night.


I will never understand why governments (especially) have to fiddle with things that are working perfectly well EL.  Enjoy your weekend with your brother.  My daughter and my two grandsons are coming over this weekend for a roast to raise a glass to my darling hubby on the anniversary of his death (I should actually say more accurately from my perspective  his Lord calling him home )


Thanks for the delicious brekkie Summer Joyron hope you are enjoying your penfriend's visit.  Hi to Yogi and Skylark (sorry that you don't seem to have the sunshine up there) and leaving a for Ros to make up for the one I usually leave at night.


Off out in a bit to get supplies for our roast, catch you later. 


Good morning everyone.    Well I'm back in the land of the living at last!!  The weather is great, and has been for the two weeks my penfriend was here (apart from a couple of showers at night when we were in bed).


We all had a wonderful time and did everything we wanted to.  "Les Miserables" was really, really good.  If you get the chance to see it in London then do so.  I can highly recommend it. We had hardly any problems except nearly getting stuck in a lift at the car park just before we were due to go into the theatre!!  Thankfully we got out okay but when we came back to collect the car the lift was still out of order (some 6 hours later).  I'm glad we weren't in there all that time.  It would have been more than disappointing to have missed the theatre!!


 When we were in St Pauls I lit a candle for all my lovely buddies and an extra one for Squiggle for this coming weekend. 


I don't know how many miles we walked but my knee held up.  I was struggling towards the end but I got by.  I slept really well last night and feel "almost human" this this morning.  Now all I have to do is tackle the enormous pile of washing and ironing, but I'll take my time with that over the next few days.


I hope you all are well.  I've glanced back over some of what has been said over the last few days but didn't go back over the whole time I was away so I may have missed some comments.


I'm off to the shops to stock up on food now but will catch up with you all later. 


Good morning everyone. We have some sunshine atm but I know that rain has been forecast for later.

Summer, thank you for breakfast. Can you guess what I chose?


El, I hope common sense prevails and the proposed changes don't go through. I agree with Squiggle and the idea that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".


Squiggle, you have been in my thoughts as I know this is a very poignant time for you.

My eldest son hates the term "anniversary" used with the death of a loved one - he associates the word anniversary with a happy ocassion, so doesn't like it being used in connection with someone dying and the obvious sadness that involves.

However, your description, "his Lord calling him home" makes the word anniversary seem so much more appropriate. I hope you can understand what I mean because I'm not sure I have explained it very well.


Joyron, I am glad you had a wonderful time with your penfriend and enjoyed Les Mis (you lucky lady).

As a sufferer of claustrophobia, the idea of being stuck in a lift - even for a short while - makes my blood run cold.

Hope it doesn't take you too long to catch up with the washing and ironing - that's the one big drawback to going away, the huge pile of laundry after it's over.


Now for a complete change of subject - where have all the bees and wasps gone this year?

I don't want to tempt fate but I don't think I have had a single bee or wasp in the house this year. I wonder if the cool, wet summer has affected them?




Welcome back Joyron, glad it all went so well.  I know you will whiz through that washing and ironing with many happy memories to make the task fly by   As you were saying about Les Mis I had this little fantasy of a group outing for us all going to see it together, wouldn't that be great?


Yogi I thought you put it very well and my thoughts of him are happy because I know for sure that he is now well and happy.


I am really going now.........................

joyron, welcome back I'm very pleased you had a lovely time and that you had good weather Squiggle, I very much think as passing over as going home I believe that that's where we come from and that's where we return to after our life here ends.. What day is your husbands anniversary on? I think having dinner to toast him is a wonderful way to honour his memory Yogi I knew you would choose pancakes!!!! El, good luck on the course today. When I was self employed I used to use an accountant to file my tax return, even though I dealt only with cash. I did my own bookkeeping and was good at it but I just liked having the accountant to make sure everything was in order and the tax return got filed correctly, in case I got it wrong doing it myself Skylark, I hope you have a lovely day I love Fridays
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Welcome back Joyron, glad it all went so well.  I know you will whiz through that washing and ironing with many happy memories to make the task fly by   As you were saying about Les Mis I had this little fantasy of a group outing for us all going to see it together, wouldn't that be great?


Yogi I thought you put it very well and my thoughts of him are happy because I know for sure that he is now well and happy.


I am really going now.........................

Squiggle, I am so pleased you understood what I meant.


I love the little fantasy.

Oh same ^ so much to natter about I neglected that! El, have a wonderful, sunny weekend Yogi, I personally haven't but my former boss did once the client was just dirty, he clearly hadn't washed himself for some time I've refused many times on the grounds of finding head lice, it's against the law to cut someone's hair knowing that they have lice prior to you starting.
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh same ^ so much to natter about I neglected that! El, have a wonderful, sunny weekend Yogi, I personally haven't but my former boss did once the client was just dirty, he clearly hadn't washed himself for some time I've refused many times on the grounds of finding head lice, it's against the law to cut someone's hair knowing that they have lice prior to you starting.

I didn't know that ^^^^, but I certainly wouldn't want to cut someone's hair if they had head lice.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
joyron, welcome back I'm very pleased you had a lovely time and that you had good weather Squiggle, I very much think as passing over as going home I believe that that's where we come from and that's where we return to after our life here ends.. What day is your husbands anniversary on? I think having dinner to toast him is a wonderful way to honour his memory Yogi I knew you would choose pancakes!!!! El, good luck on the course today. When I was self employed I used to use an accountant to file my tax return, even though I dealt only with cash. I did my own bookkeeping and was good at it but I just liked having the accountant to make sure everything was in order and the tax return got filed correctly, in case I got it wrong doing it myself Skylark, I hope you have a lovely day I love Fridays

Summer it does give me a great deal of comfort to know that my hubby is now with his Lord, who he followed.  Without wishing to upset anyone on the forum though I do have to say that it is not something that automatically happens though, you have to have come to know God and to know that His Son Jesus was sent to pay the price so that we can all go on to heaven when we die.  Obviously this is my view but it is one I hold passionately and it would be totally wrong for me not to say that.  I hope you understand and obviously I will respect anyone's differing point of view but because I have a personal relationship with Jesus I am, personally, in no doubt at all.


We will be thinking of him with much love on Sunday, the anniversary of his death, and will raise a glass to him.

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