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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, that experience at Tescos was a bit similar to that time at Boots a couple of weeks ago when I discovered that I had been charged for about 9 boxes of toothpaste - the scanner had gone berserk - at least that's what I was told. I did get extra advantage points added to my store card.


I hope yours and Yogi's weather remains decent.

Yes i remember that!  I hope i get my points , Boots do that straight away, Tesco has a different way of working, so i was told.  
Weather is glorious here, hope it is same where you are x  

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:

here's some breaking news for you too..


a friend of ours is currently stuck on holy island causeway, with the tide coming in at him. he's in a big van and has parked it as high as he can. BUT.. he's got a lass with him who not his girlfriend!

i can just see it now, flashing up on the evening news as his girlfriend (and other bits on the side he has spread about) sits down to eat her tea..

I've been over to Holy Island a couple of times and apparently people fail to check the times of the tide and get stuck, on a regular basis.

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Summer , that sounds like a Carry On film  
Its been a lovely day here, long may it continue  

Or one of those dreadful Confessions of A ...films from the 70s.

Ooh yes with that 'orrible guy who seemed to be in all of them, did he have ginger hair and a horrible leer?  Robin someone?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:

here's some breaking news for you too..


a friend of ours is currently stuck on holy island causeway, with the tide coming in at him. he's in a big van and has parked it as high as he can. BUT.. he's got a lass with him who not his girlfriend!

i can just see it now, flashing up on the evening news as his girlfriend (and other bits on the side he has spread about) sits down to eat her tea..

I've been over to Holy Island a couple of times and apparently people fail to check the times of the tide and get stuck, on a regular basis.

Yes, 177 people have had to be rescued since 2000 per this BBC item (make that 179 now)

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:

here's some breaking news for you too..


a friend of ours is currently stuck on holy island causeway, with the tide coming in at him. he's in a big van and has parked it as high as he can. BUT.. he's got a lass with him who not his girlfriend!

i can just see it now, flashing up on the evening news as his girlfriend (and other bits on the side he has spread about) sits down to eat her tea..

I've been over to Holy Island a couple of times and apparently people fail to check the times of the tide and get stuck, on a regular basis.

Yes, 177 people have had to be rescued since 2000 per this BBC item (make that 179 now)

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Summer , that sounds like a Carry On film  
Its been a lovely day here, long may it continue  

Or one of those dreadful Confessions of A ...films from the 70s.

Ooh yes with that 'orrible guy who seemed to be in all of them, did he have ginger hair and a horrible leer?  Robin someone?

Robin Askwith.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Summer , that sounds like a Carry On film  
Its been a lovely day here, long may it continue  

Or one of those dreadful Confessions of A ...films from the 70s.

Ooh yes with that 'orrible guy who seemed to be in all of them, did he have ginger hair and a horrible leer?  Robin someone?

Robin Askwith. I think I saw a bit of one of them on television a few years ago. Rather like a dirty version of a Carry On film, but so preposterously bad that it couldn't be regarded as remotely worth watching by anyone. The only thing you could say was that it did provide work for quite a lot of well known British actors during the collapse of the British film industry during the 1970s.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

No sign of Joyron is she well ? 

Joyron's penfriend is visiting for a couple of weeks, so she mentioned that she probably wouldn't be able to post for a wee while.

I didnt realise it was a couple of weeks, hope she is enjoying herself 

I'm sure she will be.

The friend is safe & sound and on his way home the plot thickens tho.. They had pulled over into a lay-by on the causeway to do the wild thing and by the time they had climbed back into the front of the van, the water was lapping at them! He managed to pulled up onto to a grassy dune as high as possible and luckily they didn't need rescuing. They may need rescuing when they get back though because the lass is a married woman and her husband will be home from work before she gets in!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
The friend is safe & sound and on his way home the plot thickens tho.. They had pulled over into a lay-by on the causeway to do the wild thing and by the time they had climbed back into the front of the van, the water was lapping at them! He managed to pulled up onto to a grassy dune as high as possible and luckily they didn't need rescuing. They may need rescuing when they get back though because the lass is a married woman and her husband will be home from work before she gets in!

Looks like someone may be in big trouble then.


Summer, I had a visit from my son and DiL this afternoon, and they brought my DiL's mum's puppy. He is a Shih Apso, which is a Lhasa Apso and Shih Tzu crossbreed. He is three months old and sooooooo cute. For a little pup, he is so brave and very cheeky. Keira wasn't sure what to make of him and tried to get away - at one point he was chasing her around the dining table, it was really funny. She did put him in his place when he started barking at her to play - she gave a loud woof and he ran away.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:


My son said Harvey was scared of the pup when they took him to their house. He kept hiding in corners, to get away from him.

It's hard to believe that a labrador and a retriever were feart of a wee tiddler.

I know , bless 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Everyone has their limit don't they Have you both had a good day? This weather is wonderful isn't it

Its been lovely Summer, have you been stuck indoors? I was strolling around today with cropped jeans , T-shirt and flip flops. Hard to believe we are to have snow soon, apparently 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:


My son said Harvey was scared of the pup when they took him to their house. He kept hiding in corners, to get away from him.

It's hard to believe that a labrador and a retriever were feart of a wee tiddler.

I know , bless 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Everyone has their limit don't they Have you both had a good day? This weather is wonderful isn't it

Its been lovely Summer, have you been stuck indoors? I was strolling around today with cropped jeans , T-shirt and flip flops. Hard to believe we are to have snow soon, apparently 

Oh no, you said the S word.

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