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Squiggle, a girl after my own heart! I have a big box of memory keepsakes stashed with the Xmas decorations, included in it are; Journals I've written since age 15 Toys from Xmas crackers from childhood xmas's A watch I gave my dad on fathers day not long before he died A cute bunny my childhood best friend stitched one Easter Photos Holiday souvenirs Our pet dog's dog tag A very long nail I grew for a long long time, eventually smashing it off playing badminton (yes I know that's disgusting) A lock of hair I cut off as a child A collection of safari cards from inside cereal boxes (weetos) Many other things I forget about
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning It's a lovely but cool day here I hope we all get the mini Indian summer as promised Last night mr summer & I decided to pop out for tea, he really fancied sushi. Yo sushi is delicious but it's definitely a treat tea because it can be quite pricey. We decided that with it being a 5 week month, we could afford to just do it! So, imagine our surprise when we got there, to discover that it's "Blue Monday" That means that there's 50 dishes available, all on blue plates- the cheaper option! Many dishes that are ÂĢ3-5 normally, were all ÂĢ2.30! we usually have a ÂĢ40 budget.. Last night we got almost twice as much food for the same money! i'm still thrilled about it now
~Sparkling Summer~

You may have heard on the news this morning that just over 1000 people in the Navy will be losing their jobs on Friday. I was a bit concerned for my neighbour as he is in the Navy and they are still in the process of selling their house next door and moving into a new house. So I've just asked his wife and it turns out that he signed a 5 year extension a few months ago, so he is exempt from these redundancies. Also, for the particular work he does, there is a shortage of people able to do it, so he is one of those who is safe.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning It's a lovely but cool day here I hope we all get the mini Indian summer as promised Last night mr summer & I decided to pop out for tea, he really fancied sushi. Yo sushi is delicious but it's definitely a treat tea because it can be quite pricey. We decided that with it being a 5 week month, we could afford to just do it! So, imagine our surprise when we got there, to discover that it's "Blue Monday" That means that there's 50 dishes available, all on blue plates- the cheaper option! Many dishes that are ÂĢ3-5 normally, were all ÂĢ2.30! we usually have a ÂĢ40 budget.. Last night we got almost twice as much food for the same money! i'm still thrilled about it now

That sounds like Mr Yogi's idea of a bargain, he loves food sushi.

Whenever my sons or I tell Mr Yogi we have a present for him, his first question is always, "Can I eat it?".

Originally Posted by El Loro:

You may have heard on the news this morning that just over 1000 people in the Navy will be losing their jobs on Friday. I was a bit concerned for my neighbour as he is in the Navy and they are still in the process of selling their house next door and moving into a new house. So I've just asked his wife and it turns out that he signed a 5 year extension a few months ago, so he is exempt from these redundancies. Also, for the particular work he does, there is a shortage of people able to do it, so he is one of those who is safe.

I'm glad your neighbour is not going to be affected by the cuts, El.

It's a difficult time for a lot of people, atm.


It's now noticeably warmer this afternoon, so I think the indian summer is almost with us. Here's an authentic Indian Summer dance I found on Youtube - I don't think there are many such clips on Youtube so choice is limited. The camera is in a fixed postion I think, and you may need to turn your volume down as the drumming is loud.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, its a lovely morning here too.


What a way to start the day   There was a phone call whilst I was still upstairs, an automated call from my bank's fraud service asking me to call as a matter of urgency.  I had no pen or paper to make a note of the number so I finished off some things and dashed downstairs.  I phoned the number and the automated voice read out some transactions, 2 of which I recognised and one transaction had been declined in Barnstaple.  Well I didn't go to Barnstaple yesterday so I thought oh oh.  Anyway I went through all the options to get to speak to a real live person and in the end it turns out that the transaction declined was for my grocery shopping due to be delivered this morning.  So then I had to get on to my internet grocery people, again more phone calls, more options to get the transaction re-submitted so my groceries would come.  My heart rate is settling down again (I had visions of fraudsters making huge cash withdrawals somewhere) and I will try to calm down and get on with the rest of my day.


That is the last thing you need at present, squiggle . The important thing is that it turned out to be a genuine transaction rather than a crook.


Over the years, my credit company has stopped transactions twice and rung me. The first was a genuine transaction which they wanted to check due to its size and the second might or might not have been a genuine one but they cancelled my card immediately so nothing got charged to me and they replaced it. Luckily I have two cards, one I use for business and one for personal, so if one of the cards is frozem I can always use the others.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

It is possible re squiggle's credit card headache today, that if you had the 3 transactions appearing all around the same time, and normally you only have one every few days, that the apparent change in use might have seemed to the credit card company as if someone had pinched your card details.

Actually El that makes sense, something similar happened when we used our Debit Card a few times in the same day (which was an unusual occurence with us, as we normally withdraw money from the bank and pay cash).


Hi all x
Lovely day here , got the summer sandals and tops back out !
Glad you got all that sorted squiggle.
I had a bit of a carry on with Tesco,s a couple of weeks ago. I paid with my debit card, the girl said i had put my pin number in wrongly so i did it again. it was only later i realised that the amount had been taken out twice. I got it all sorted out but it was very stressful , luckily i had kept the receipt. Will be more careful in future. Tesco,s insisted that couldnt happen, but it did!! They are adding some points to my clubcard as an apology, but havent got them yet...

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Skylark, it is good to have the sun back again.

Hopefully, we'll get enough sun in the next two weeks to ripen the last of my tomatoes.

Make sure you contact Tesco if you haven't been credited with the Clubcard points in the next week or so.

Hi Yogi, yes i will x
We are to have sun for a few days so hopefully that will help your tomatoes along .
Off to take the dog for a daunder as its nice out . Bye for noo

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Skylark, it is good to have the sun back again.

Hopefully, we'll get enough sun in the next two weeks to ripen the last of my tomatoes.

Make sure you contact Tesco if you haven't been credited with the Clubcard points in the next week or so.

Hi Yogi, yes i will x
We are to have sun for a few days so hopefully that will help your tomatoes along .
Off to take the dog for a daunder as its nice out . Bye for noo

Me too, see you later.


Skylark, that experience at Tescos was a bit similar to that time at Boots a couple of weeks ago when I discovered that I had been charged for about 9 boxes of toothpaste - the scanner had gone berserk - at least that's what I was told. I did get extra advantage points added to my store card.


I hope yours and Yogi's weather remains decent.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning all. Weather is bright, with a slight breeze today.

Squiggle, I'm glad you got the credit card problem sorted out, although it must have been worrying at the time. Did the CC company give you an explanation why they had declined that particular transaction, so that you can avoid it happening again?



It was my debit card Yogi and the bank that called me.  I think I know what it is, I topped up my mobile phone yesterday and I get the feeling that its one of the first things thieves do when they steal a card, I think it flags up as maybe dodgy and then they check every transaction.  I thanked the bank and I am very grateful for their vigilance but it was a very odd way to start the morning.


here's some breaking news for you too..


a friend of ours is currently stuck on holy island causeway, with the tide coming in at him. he's in a big van and has parked it as high as he can. BUT.. he's got a lass with him who not his girlfriend!

i can just see it now, flashing up on the evening news as his girlfriend (and other bits on the side he has spread about) sits down to eat her tea..

~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:

here's some breaking news for you too..


a friend of ours is currently stuck on holy island causeway, with the tide coming in at him. he's in a big van and has parked it as high as he can. BUT.. he's got a lass with him who not his girlfriend!

i can just see it now, flashing up on the evening news as his girlfriend (and other bits on the side he has spread about) sits down to eat her tea..

Oh dear (sorry but it IS very funny - but not for him)

Oh it is funny squiggle! As long as they get out safely it'll be absolutely hilarious he's 47 and has 4 or 5 women on the go most of the time, honestly his life is better than a work of fiction! Last year he snuck out of a woman's bedroom window and shimmied down the drainpipe as her estranged husband slept in the bedroom down the hall!
~Sparkling Summer~
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