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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
evening I'm not watching BB I'm afraid, my summer has claimed the remote and has an idiot abroad on. Idiot the bloke seems to be too If it makes you all feel better, I've indulged in a curly wurly, a Tia Maria and a cadburys trifle tonight

Hi Summer, as long as you enjoyed it, i suppose..... 


Good morning everyone


Just to let you know that I haven't been squashed by any falling satelites and somehow I doubt if any of you have either


It's a lot cloudier today than the last couple of days, but the bulk of the rain is expected to the west of where I live.


Skylark, I hope your son enjoys his holiday in December

El Loro

Good morning everyone, has a quick look round for satellite debris no all seems fine  


Glad your granddaughter is on the mend Skylark, your son will be fine I am sure he's a sensible lad and hopefully with a group of like-minded friends.


Summer its one of my favourite times too  'Twas the Night Before Christmas and All Through House......'


Have a good day everyone


Good morning Squiggle.

I'm on Chapter 18 - it's one of those books you want to read in a day. I am being very self-disciplined (not like me) and sticking to a few chapters each day.


Last night, I was watching TV in bed, with the lights off. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement. It was the biggest spider I have ever seen.

As you may know, I am petrified of the leggy ones and yelled out for assistance. Unfortunately, the only other person at home at that time was youngest son who is also a big scaredycat doesn't like spiders.

However, after giving himself a serious talking to "I can do this! It's only a spider!", he entered the bedroom, armed with a pint glass and a piece of cardboard and persuaded the spider to get into the glass (it was as big as the diameter of the pint glass).

I couldn't let him splat it on the wall, or it would have made a big mess on my cream wallpaper.

We opened the window on the top landing and son threw it out. He felt very macho and pleased with himself afterwards.

I hardly slept a wink all night, worrying that there might have been some relatives of the giant spider still crawling around. Spiders are evil.


Its a lovely book I am glad you are enjoying it, if you're like me its one of those books you will never forget.  Your son was very brave its sounds a huuuge huuuuge spider but the thing I have found (now that I can be a big brave thing with my spider catcher) is that the poor things are terrified, much more scared than we are, so please never splat them just let them go and find somewhere else to live


Morning xx 
Oh Yogi spiders  
I know my son will be fine, i should "chill out" more, as he says  
I have been on the Inland Revenue site for the past hour , looking to see if Medical Retirement money is taxable, all i can say is . Still no further forward, giving it up for now before i get a migraine . 
Glad we all survived the satellite debris 

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Its a lovely book I am glad you are enjoying it, if you're like me its one of those books you will never forget.  Your son was very brave its sounds a huuuge huuuuge spider but the thing I have found (now that I can be a big brave thing with my spider catcher) is that the poor things are terrified, much more scared than we are, so please never splat them just let them go and find somewhere else to live

I tried to click on the quote icon and hit the "report" one instead. Your "don't splat the spiders" post was nearly reported to the mods.


^^^^^ They will have to promise never to darken my door again - and I'll need it in writing.

Only kidding, I'll get Mr Yogi to put them outside - he is well hard.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning xx 
Oh Yogi spiders  
I know my son will be fine, i should "chill out" more, as he says  
I have been on the Inland Revenue site for the past hour , looking to see if Medical Retirement money is taxable, all i can say is . Still no further forward, giving it up for now before i get a migraine . 
Glad we all survived the satellite debris 

I hate when Mr Yogi gets anything from the Inland Revenue - he always passes it on to me to deal with. It's all gobbledygook to me.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yes I'm working today yogi, just having a spot of lunch I'm glad your son plucked up the courage to evict the spider, I'm quite happy to do that now but it took some practise to get used to it lol

Enjoy your lunch and hope you only get nice clients this afternoon.

I don't think I could ever catch and release the spiders, I really am petrified of them.

It's a job for Mr Yogi.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning xx 
Oh Yogi spiders  
I know my son will be fine, i should "chill out" more, as he says  
I have been on the Inland Revenue site for the past hour , looking to see if Medical Retirement money is taxable, all i can say is . Still no further forward, giving it up for now before i get a migraine . 
Glad we all survived the satellite debris 

Skylark, by Medical Retirement money, I assume you mean a pension from the NHS. The standard rules for firms pensions are that you can take out a tax free lump sum at the start of the pension. The ongoing monthly pension is taxable. For typical firms pensions the tax free lump sum can be up to 25%, but that may well be different for the NHS.


State pensions are taxable.


State incapacity benefits are taxable after the first 28 weeks.

El Loro

My mother didn't like spiders either. I don't mind them at all - I just let them scurry into my hand, cover them with the other hand so they don't escape, carry them outside the house, and gently release them. I don't like harming any insect. If a fly or wasp or bee flies into the house into a room, I shut the door, then open the window and wait for it to fly out.

El Loro
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