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Squiggle, at present your grandson may be depressed with what has been happening in his life. Just keep an eye on him in case this becomes clinical depression - some signs are not sleeping well or sleeping too long, not eating enough or eating too much, cutting oneself off from normal social activities, thinking he's not worth it or that what is happening is some sort of punishment.


Here's to the wonderful world of duvets . I have a summer one, which I am still using, and I have a thicker one for colder weather. I can clip the two together if I really needed to, but I haven't yet needed to resort to that, not even last winter when temperatures outside were exceptionally cold.

El Loro

Hello everyone. Weather is bright with the odd shower.

Been to the nurse to get my bloods checked and done the weekly shopping.

El, you are a hardy one, sleeping with a summer-weight duvet during last winter.

I remember the days of blankets and sheets - my mum did nursing training and we always had hospital corners, it was a struggle to even get into the bed. And I hate woollen blankets, they make me itch!

Squiggle, I hope things pick up for your grandson soon. I know you'll give him lots of support.

I am really enjoying the book.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I am glad you are enjoying your book Yogi.


I am doing all I can to be there for my grandson, I worry about them both, its not a very nice world nowadays for youngsters.


Blast from the past, thinking of sheets and blankets reminded me, who remembers apple pie beds?

Me! My mum did it on my brother and I.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
What's an apple pie bed?! Yogi I hope your bloody results come back good this week's hello cover is mel b, I do like her enough to read the interview, I'm pleased she's happy at last

It's a bed in which the sheet is folded back on itself halfway down.

It's a practical joke - because unless you are very, very small, you can't get into it.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hello everyone. Weather is bright with the odd shower.

Been to the nurse to get my bloods checked and done the weekly shopping.

El, you are a hardy one, sleeping with a summer-weight duvet during last winter.

I remember the days of blankets and sheets - my mum did nursing training and we always had hospital corners, it was a struggle to even get into the bed. And I hate woollen blankets, they make me itch!

Squiggle, I hope things pick up for your grandson soon. I know you'll give him lots of support.

I am really enjoying the book.

I do use the thicker one in winter, I was referring to the two clipped together which I didn't use - I'm not that hardy

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hello everyone. Weather is bright with the odd shower.

Been to the nurse to get my bloods checked and done the weekly shopping.

El, you are a hardy one, sleeping with a summer-weight duvet during last winter.

I remember the days of blankets and sheets - my mum did nursing training and we always had hospital corners, it was a struggle to even get into the bed. And I hate woollen blankets, they make me itch!

Squiggle, I hope things pick up for your grandson soon. I know you'll give him lots of support.

I am really enjoying the book.

I do use the thicker one in winter, I was referring to the two clipped together which I didn't use - I'm not that hardy

Oops my mistake.

I shall still think of you as hardy though.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hello everyone. Weather is bright with the odd shower.

Been to the nurse to get my bloods checked and done the weekly shopping.

El, you are a hardy one, sleeping with a summer-weight duvet during last winter.

I remember the days of blankets and sheets - my mum did nursing training and we always had hospital corners, it was a struggle to even get into the bed. And I hate woollen blankets, they make me itch!

Squiggle, I hope things pick up for your grandson soon. I know you'll give him lots of support.

I am really enjoying the book.

I do use the thicker one in winter, I was referring to the two clipped together which I didn't use - I'm not that hardy

Oops my mistake.

I shall still think of you as hardy though.

So can I think of you as laurel?

El Loro

Hi everyone x
Still feeling a bit off colour, but there are a lot worse things than the cold x
Hugs for your grandson squiggle.poor lad , just keep a wee eye on him, i know you will anyway 
Not been using the iphone Summer, my son got it just now, will get into it when i get my brain back, if ever !
El. Yogi , Ros  
Hi to Joyron too  

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hello everyone. Weather is bright with the odd shower.

Been to the nurse to get my bloods checked and done the weekly shopping.

El, you are a hardy one, sleeping with a summer-weight duvet during last winter.

I remember the days of blankets and sheets - my mum did nursing training and we always had hospital corners, it was a struggle to even get into the bed. And I hate woollen blankets, they make me itch!

Squiggle, I hope things pick up for your grandson soon. I know you'll give him lots of support.

I am really enjoying the book.

I do use the thicker one in winter, I was referring to the two clipped together which I didn't use - I'm not that hardy

Oops my mistake.

I shall still think of you as hardy though.

So can I think of you as laurel?

That seems only fair.

Considering you and I are always in the middle of "another fine mess" on this thread, it's very appropriate.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x
Still feeling a bit off colour, but there is a lot worse things than the cold x
Hugs for your grandson squiggle.poor lad , just keep a wee eye on him, i know you will anyway 
Not been using the iphone Summer, my son got it just now, will get into it when i get my brain back, if ever !
El. Yogi , Ros  
Hi to Joyron too  

Skylark, take care of yourself and hope you are back to full health really soon.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, thanks x
Grandaughter  got it now  Had my daughter on the phone wanting advice so have sent my son off with some Calpol for her, to get her temp down.
Hope you are keeping well yourself  

Oh no not the wee one hope the Calpol works its magic and that she don't get it too bad.  Glad you are feeling better and I hope fuzzy brain syndrome thing works itself out soon, I hate driving when I've got it I'm convinced my reactions are not what they should be.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Oh Yogi 
Do you have to pay for the visit? With Sky you have to pay for everything 

No, we don't have to pay, thank goodness.

With Virgin, the boxes are "hired out" to you for a monthy fee, and so they are responsible for the repairs etc. With Sky, you actually own the box and that's why they can charge you for repairs and replacements. It's probably the only benefit of being with Virgin.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi squiggle x I dont drive, my gift to the world  But i know what you mean !
Hope you and the family are well this evening 
Granddaughter will be fine, hopefully, as long as my daughter keeps an eye on her temperature. She thinks its funny blowing bubbles from her nose, kids eh? 

That made me smile, takes me back, also the sheer impossibility of getting toddlers to understand the concept of nose blowing   Thank you for your good wishes, a good night's sleep is what I need so I will sign off soon, sleep well.


Hope your dreams are sweet and your sleep is restful everybody, talk to you tomorrow

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi squiggle x I dont drive, my gift to the world  But i know what you mean !
Hope you and the family are well this evening 
Granddaughter will be fine, hopefully, as long as my daughter keeps an eye on her temperature. She thinks its funny blowing bubbles from her nose, kids eh? 

That made me smile, takes me back, also the sheer impossibility of getting toddlers to understand the concept of nose blowing   Thank you for your good wishes, a good night's sleep is what I need so I will sign off soon, sleep well.


Hope your dreams are sweet and your sleep is restful everybody, talk to you tomorrow

I remember it well.

Sweet dreams, Squiggle.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
skylark, you poor thing, I hope you start to feel better soon, and your granddaughter too bless her Sweet dreams all including joyron, I hope you're having a grand time *tries unsuccessfully to fold duvet into an apple pie*

I don't think that will work, Summer.

It's bad news on the viewing figures for BB - Ch5 ought to have listened to the die-hard viewers instead of trying to attract the teenies.

Signing out now, goodnight everyone.


Good morning everyone


Skylark, I hope the colds in your family get better quick . My brother doesn't drive a car either, and neither of my parents did. He did take a few lessons from a friend many many years ago but was so nervous he gave up. When I started giving him a lift, it soon became obvious to me that he has no concept of driver awareness and I never rely on him. I think I may have posted this before, but I remember soon after I had passed my driving test, I went for a drive in the Cotswolds with him. I came to a T junction where we joined a busy road.




I was going right and asked him to keep an eye out to the left. When he said it was clear from the left, I did a quick check to confirm it was before moving on only to see a 50 tonne lorry heading left to right. If I had taken his advice, I wouldn't be here today.


I can't say I'm surprised that the viewing figures have dropped for BB.

El Loro
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