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well I am indeed a night owl tonight I've been banned & unbanned, apologised and been apologised to, quite a night! Long story short, I got back from yoga to discover an e mail informing me I'd been banned from the forum considering I've had a mild case of potty mouth, I understood why and began writing apology e mail. It turns out my ban was a software error and I was promptly (thankfully) unbanned, then apologised to, Lori made me a cake which was lovely I will still honour my promise of never ever having potty mouth again on here, even though it turns out there's far worse language being used, because a promise is a promise I'm just thrilled to be back and I love this forum Squiggle, 2 years is no time at all, yet so long when you miss someone too I really think your gift idea is grand and I think you're great for doing it. My mum has only recently brought pictures of my dad back out in her living room and it's been 16 years bless her. It's lovely to see his smiley face where he belongs <3 Skylark I hope you continue to get better Yogi el Sweet dreams
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, glad to see you are back with us . That must have been a bit of a shock. Just as well they realised it was a bug that caused it and corrected it.


I know that it continued raining here well into the night, but it's now a sunny day - a vast improvement over yesterday.


Skylark, I hope you had a reasonable night's sleep and are feeling better today


Squiggle, give my commiserations to your grandson.

El Loro

I've just seen on the BBC website that James Bolam is leaving "New Tricks"


It's clear that it is his decision, not the producers. The other regulars will stay on and another 2 series have already been commissioned.


He is 75, whereas Dennis Waterman is 62 and Alun Armstrong is 64, so I think he has realised that he needs to ease up and can't commit to full time working during the making of the series.

El Loro

Its very cloudy here so not as nice as where you are EL. Thank you for your commiserations for my grandson, his girlfriend was very cruel and just stopped speaking to him or picking up the phone, turns out she already had a new guy.


Oh Summer that must have been an awful shock for you, thank goodness it was all sorted out.


Yogi if you feel a slight movement behind you its me peeking over your shoulder that sounds a bit stalkerish but you know what I mean.


I am glad your mum brought out your dad's pictures again Summer.  As for me I have 2 pictures of my darling, one directly opposite my chair so I see him all the time and one on the mantelpiece when he was in his 40's and quite frankly absolutely gorgeous.


Skylark hope you are feeling much better this morning.


PS I meant to say sad news about New Tricks.  I understand James Bolam's reasons but all I can say is if Alun Armstrong goes then its all over, I love that guy.  I hope it doesn't spoil the series


I'm not aware that Alun Armstrong is leaving New Tricks, at least not yet.


The producers will obviously need to find a replacement for James Bolam, but they need to be very careful about their choice as they don't want to spoil the dynamics of the group. They would need someone aged over 55 (the current normal retirement age in the police).I wonder if Peter Firth (57) might be approached - a change of pace from Spooks.

El Loro

Good morning 
Feeling better this morning, thanks. Although i was up at 4am with, what sounded like morse code  in my ear, that was after the train went thru! Medication is working, and i feel more "clear" today .
Hope your Grandson got on ok at the dentist squiggle x
Sorry to hear James Bolam leaving New Tricks, but at 75 (he is 75) i understand it. I love him doing the childrens programme Granpa in My Pocket !
Hi Summer  


Good morning everyone. It is pouring down up here.

Summer, when I read your thread, I was like this, I couldn't believe you'd been banned. I ought to have known it was a system error. Anyway, thank goodness you are back with us, where you belong.

Squiggle, your grandson's gf chose a cruel way to end things. I hope he manages to pick himself up and find a nice girl who will treat him well.

Your love for your husband is so strong that I can feel it (if you know what I mean). Love like that is a real blessing and never dies, Squiggle.

El, I was sorry to read that James Bolam is leaving New Tricks but as you say, at 75 he may be finding the schedule a bit tiring.

Skylark, I hope you are feeling better today, and don't have to go out in the pouring rain.

Ros, don't work too hard and will catch up tonight.

I've gone a bit smiley daft again but hugs for everyone.


morning just a quickie for now, i'm off out to meet my bestie and her bump for the day, she's holidaying not too far from here


skylark i'm pleased to hear you're on the mend, i hope you're back to your usual self very soon  

squiggle, aw your poor grandson, i hope his heart mends, it's a rotten thing i always say though, it simply means there's a better person out there for you, so now he's free to meet a girl who will make him 10 times happier!


here's a gift for you all..



have a lovely day and i'll be back this evening

~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:

morning just a quickie for now, i'm off out to meet my bestie and her bump for the day, she's holidaying not too far from here


skylark i'm pleased to hear you're on the mend, i hope you're back to your usual self very soon  

squiggle, aw your poor grandson, i hope his heart mends, it's a rotten thing i always say though, it simply means there's a better person out there for you, so now he's free to meet a girl who will make him 10 times happier!


here's a gift for you all..



have a lovely day and i'll be back this evening

Pancakes and maple syrup, my favourite! *drools* Thank you, Summer.


Thank you Summer, its so true I just know he will meet someone better down the line, enjoy your day out with your bestie.


Yogi thanks, its nice to know you understand.


Ooh lovely pancakes, thank you Summer and yes we would all have been carrying banners declaring 'Bring Back Summer' and marching, oh yes we would


Enjoy your shopping but don't overdo it Skylark


Not good news at the dentist for my grandson.  He has to have 3 teeth out, he has a huge abscess at the front and another one at the back and the dentist said she might even have to send him to hospital, poor love.  He's got to go back next week. Thank goodness he is getting ESA at the moment for his wrist as otherwise they would expect him to pay.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Not good news at the dentist for my grandson.  He has to have 3 teeth out, he has a huge abscess at the front and another one at the back and the dentist said she might even have to send him to hospital, poor love.  He's got to go back next week. Thank goodness he is getting ESA at the moment for his wrist as otherwise they would expect him to pay.

Poor lad, have they given him some antibiotics for the abscess?


Squiggle, I'm sorry to hear about your grandson's teeth problems


I've been working all day on that huge job. I've come across a bit of a problem. I gave them a lot of correcting postings to make last year and they had supposedly posted them. But when I look at what their opening retained profit balance is, it's different to what it should be. They have admitted to me that they didn't check this before they purged their accounts data for that year. They have confirmed that they did keep a back up copy of that, so this means that it will be necessary to reload that, check what entries they did make, and then work out what correcting entries now need to be made to sort it out. One huge task to sort this out. At least it will be possible and of course I will be billing extra for this.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I'm sorry to hear about your grandson's teeth problems


I've been working all day on that huge job. I've come across a bit of a problem. I gave them a lot of correcting postings to make last year and they had supposedly posted them. But when I look at what their opening retained profit balance is, it's different to what it should be. They have admitted to me that they didn't check this before they purged their accounts data for that year. They have confirmed that they did keep a back up copy of that, so this means that it will be necessary to reload that, check what entries they did make, and then work out what correcting entries now need to be made to sort it out. One huge task to sort this out. At least it will be possible and of course I will be billing extra for this.

They are not making things easy for you, El - the workload was already huge.

Increasing your fees accordingly is only fair in the circumstances.

Squiggle, your poor grandson really is going through it isn't he! how is he in himself? El, crumbs that's some work you've got on, I'm a bit surprised at their lack of organisation, how on earth do they keep on track?! Skylark I hope you were alright going shopping, I usually find the first outing after a poorly spell really tiring how are you getting on with you iPhone? Yogi & ros I hope you've both had a good day? Are you enjoying BB?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Squiggle, I have yet to make sense of this job. The plus is that as I have dealt with this client for years I have a good knowledge as to how their accounting systems work. If necessary, I can create a gigantic spreadsheet of the previous year's nominal ledger. As every transaction has a sequential batch number I can then do a search for any transaction with a higher batch number than the last one on my equivalent spreadsheet I did last year and that will show all transactions which have been subsequently posted. So I have a plan I can work to.


Weatherwise, it's bright rather than sunny, and probably dry today here.

El Loro

Good morning everyone its quite a bright morning here.  I am sure you will get to the bottom of it EL but you must have the patience of Job and it sounds an awful faff.


Yogi I hope that means you are really enjoying the book


Summer to tell the truth my grandson is feeling quite down, I can't say I blame him it seems to be coming at him from all sides   Your new duvet must be very comfortable, I love mine too.  I am old enough to remember sheets and blankets when I was a child and the bottom of the bed was always freezing, I much prefer duvets.


I agree about BB they are a fascinating group of people in there and the one thing it shows me is that C4 did not have to keep inflicting those wannabes on us year after year did they?  The icing on the cake would be LF but I think we are wishing for the moon.


Skylark how are you feeling today?

Good morning It's bright & sunny but cold here today, it's time to seek out my gloves Squiggle I really feel for your grandson, being his age is trying enough but he's certainly got extra reason to feel down lately. I hope he's finding something comforting to do to pass the time- favourite movies or time with friends perhaps. I hope something good happens to him very soon I had blankets and sheets as a child, I used to heat the bottom of my bed with my hairdryer before climbing in lol I'm very grateful for my duvet
~Sparkling Summer~
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