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Sorry I vanished earlier, I got rather busy at work, the afternoon went by in a blink! We followed it with grocery shopping, a kettlebell workout and an impromptu visit from an elderly neighbour. I'm now settling down under my brand new duvet I felt that my old one had lost the ability to keep heat, I can the difference already with the new one! El well done on having a sharp eye regarding your savings, many people wouldn't have noticed and at ÂĢ1 per day, you wouldn't want to miss out! Great news about your cholesterol too, you must be quite relieved Thanks for the I'm off to bed via the bus stop thread, sweet dreams all
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, you seem to have had a busy day yesterday. I have started on that big job now getting the various reports I need out of the client data.


It's cloudy but dry at present. Persistent rain is expected later for much of the day, and take care squiggle, if you have to go out


I watch "Only Connect" and the presenter Victoria Coren can have a rather dry wit. Last night she ended the episode by saying "We have to end the show now before they turn off the lights, lock the doors, and we are forced to eat each other in order to survive" and she can say it in such a way that she can get away with it.

El Loro

Good morning everyone it truly is a horrible morning and yes EL I am really hoping not to have to go out.


I don't watch that programme but I was a great admirer of Victoria's father (Alan's) sense of humour.  As you say a very dry wit but very funny.


Hope you manage to stay dry everyone. How did you sleep with the new duvet Summer, nice and snug I hope


Good morning everyone. Weather is dry atm but rain is forecast for later on.

Sorry I wasn't in the BB thread last night, Ros - I was so tired I couldn't stay awake. I've had a good night's sleep and feel refreshed this morning.

I love having new bedding, how was the new duvet, Summer?

Good luck with the paperwork El, I don't envy you that particular task.

Squiggle, sorry your weather is so bad, stay warm and cosy indoors, if you can.

Skylark, hope you manage to pop in today.

good morning all, it's bright & sunny here at present, sorry here that squiggle has dreadful weather. I agree with yogi & el, I hope you don't have to go out in it at all! I indeed slept cosy & warm last night, I'm very pleased with my new duvet unfortunately I awoke from a nightmare just before my alarm was due, so that spoiled it a bit. I have the oddest of dreams sometimes! I was a little stressed y'day about the failures arrival of a groupon I bought 2 months ago- Long story short, I ordered a canvas print of a photo (the one from Tuscany, with the window) and it hasn't arrived, I accepted there was a huge volume of orders so delays were likely but when I called 3 weeks ago I was assured my order was currently in production and would be with me shortly. Y'day when I called back I was told that in order for my order to be processed I'd have to pay another ÂĢ10! I've already paid extra to have a thicker frame & the edges bled, so I was shocked when they asked for more! I told them they had no chance of getting any more money from me and I wanted a refund! I then got busy.. So this morning between haircuts I've managed to hastily e mail both groupon & the canvas company to politely but firmly complain & ask for my money back. I now have to await responses. It's daft I know but dealing with things like that make me tense, I was mad yesterday about it. Anyway, I've done what I can for now Rant over On the plus side, the leaves are looking gorgeous out there this morning, mr summer & I regularly walk through some woods that are stunning in autumn, I'm looking forward to walking there again soon
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, it's horrible when people let you down, and don't deliver as promised. Even more annoying when they attempt to get more money out of you, in order to fulfil the agreement you already had with them. I get wound up by things like that, so I set Mr Yogi on them.

Mr Yogi has the day off, so we are going out for lunch. Catch you later.

Last edited by Yogi19
Have a lovely lunch yogi it's lovely when the other half has a day off I'd love to set mr summer on the case but he's too fiery for customer services situations, he's end up shouting down the phone.. I hate doing it but I think the calm approach makes the customer service rep more helpful. Let's hope I'm right in this case lol
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I am surprised that the place where you had ordered the canvas print can just decide to charge extra. If you go into a shop and buy something which has the price shown on it, and you take it to the till to pay and they say that the price was wrong and it should be a higher price, they are legally obliged to sell it to you at the lower price.


If this was done online, it's a bit more complicated. You might want to read this rather long article about it


This part seems to be relevant:

Placing of the order

When selling to consumers, when orders are being placed online, you must give shoppers the ability to identify and correct input errors before completing their orders. Also, you must acknowledge receipt of the order as soon as possible by electronic means (though the acknowledgement may take the form of the provision of the service paid for where that service is an information society service, such as a song download).

Note that you are not required to accept the order at this point. It is sufficient – and prudent – to say that "Your order has been received and is now being processed" or words to that effect, rather than "Your order has been accepted."

It is important that you explain fully in your terms and conditions how contracts are formed and your site's procedure for taking payment or refunding payments from customers' credit cards. Otherwise, in the event of pricing errors on your website, you may find that you are bound to sell items below cost. For more on this subject, see our article, How to protect your site against pricing errors.

If the transaction is completed by email (as opposed to being completed on a website), the acknowledgement need not be immediate. Also, in selling to other businesses, the terms and conditions can be worded to vary these rules.

El Loro
Thank you very much el, that's very helpful. It may also come in useful if I need to argue my case. I've kept every e mail sent to me by both groupon and the canvas company, my revisit of order & payment stated the order as "pending" but there's a clear breakdown of what my order involves. I told them in my complaint that I felt they hadn't kept up their end of the deal, especially when they lied to me on the phone, I hope they get in touch!
~Sparkling Summer~

Hope you feel better soon Skylark, I understand why you don't want to log on when you are unwell.


Summer what a cheek that canvas company has, I reckon you are right to favour the gentle approach I am sure it works better.  Its so disappointing when people let you down, I hope you get it sorted out really quickly.


I have had an idea for my daughter's Christmas present.  I may have mentioned that she is still missing her Dad so much.  I thought it would be nice if I did her a photobook with lots of photos of her and her Dad - I am thinking of calling it Daddy's Girl as she always was a Daddy's Girl.  I have lots of photos, some slides, back when she was really small which I know have not been looked at for years and years.  I am going to go through them and sort out the best and get some prints at Sainsburys Photo Shop and also maybe get them to put them on a photodisk for me.   What do you think?


Skylark, I hope you are feeling better soon, heavy colds do get you down


Squiggle, I think your idea of a Christmas present is an excellent idea


It started raining here over an hour ago, and I think it is expected to continue until 4 o'clock - tomorrow morning. I'm glad I went out this morning and don't have to go out again today.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Skylark get well soon, I hope you're able to snuggle up & rest well Squiggle, speaking as a daddy's girl who lost her daddy, I think your Christmas gift idea is wonderful! <3 how long has it been since your husband passed?

Almost exactly 2 years and both his girls (her and me) miss him dreadfully.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Skylark get well soon, I hope you're able to snuggle up & rest well Squiggle, speaking as a daddy's girl who lost her daddy, I think your Christmas gift idea is wonderful! <3 how long has it been since your husband passed?

Almost exactly 2 years and both his girls (her and me) miss him dreadfully.

For you and your daughter, Squiggle.


I think your gift idea for your daughter would be perfect.


I saw on Teletext that Dolores Hope, widow of Bob, has died aged 102

She was a singer and Bob Hope met her singing in a nightclub. They were married for 69 years, which was remarkable, particularly for Hollywood.


She had put her music career on hold during their marriage. She released her first album Now and Then at the age of 83.


Quite remarkable.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I saw on Teletext that Dolores Hope, widow of Bob, has died aged 102

She was a singer and Bob Hope met her singing in a nightclub. They were married for 69 years, which was remarkable, particularly for Hollywood.


She had put her music career on hold during their marriage. She released her first album Now and Then at the age of 83.


Quite remarkable.

Remarkable indeed El x

Originally Posted by squiggle:

So glad you are feeling a bit better Skylark.


I wonder whether that is a record for a Hollywood marriage.

I don't know, squiggle. I know I posted some time ago about Kirk Douglas's marriage having been long - 56 years and they are both still alive, but the Hope's marriage of 69 years was longer. It could well be a record for a Hollywood marriage, but generally, we never hear about the long marriages - it's the break ups which make the news.


There are over 100 couples whose marriages lasted 80 years or more The longest recorded were the Bakemans 91 years and 12 days.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

So glad you are feeling a bit better Skylark.


I wonder whether that is a record for a Hollywood marriage.

I don't know, squiggle. I know I posted some time ago about Kirk Douglas's marriage having been long - 56 years and they are both still alive, but the Hope's marriage of 69 years was longer. It could well be a record for a Hollywood marriage, but generally, we never hear about the long marriages - it's the break ups which make the news.


There are over 100 couples whose marriages lasted 80 years or more The longest recorded were the Bakemans 91 years and 12 days.

^^^^ Sadly, that's very true, El.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x
Feeling a bit better, thanks, and my eyes have stopped streaming, so i can see now!

Thats a lovely idea squiggle, i am sure your daughter would like that 

Glad you're feeling better, Skylark.

Thank you  I missed Downton Abbey , slept thru it 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x
Feeling a bit better, thanks, and my eyes have stopped streaming, so i can see now!

Thats a lovely idea squiggle, i am sure your daughter would like that 

Glad you're feeling better, Skylark.

Thank you  I missed Downton Abbey , slept thru it 

I still haven't watched it, I'm saving it until I'm doing the ironing tomorrow. It will help to relieve the boredom.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Skylark the first Downton Abbey episode is repeated next Sunday afternoon, before the second episode in the evening.  I have set it to record then as my grandsons messed up my Sunday evening episode.

Thanks squiggle, guess what i will be doing on Sunday then ? Sorry you missed it too, but we shall catch up 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Skylark the first Downton Abbey episode is repeated next Sunday afternoon, before the second episode in the evening.  I have set it to record then as my grandsons messed up my Sunday evening episode.

Did you stick them on the naughty step?

I didn't have the heart Yogi.  My eldest grandson is trying to get over being cruelly dumped by the girl he gave his heart to, the party was to try putting it all behind him.  He was evidently fancied by loads of girls which I am sure will have helped.  And now he has an abscess and I am taking him to the emergency dentist tomorrow, its like a soap opera here

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Skylark the first Downton Abbey episode is repeated next Sunday afternoon, before the second episode in the evening.  I have set it to record then as my grandsons messed up my Sunday evening episode.

Did you stick them on the naughty step?

I didn't have the heart Yogi.  My eldest grandson is trying to get over being cruelly dumped by the girl he gave his heart to, the party was to try putting it all behind him.  He was evidently fancied by loads of girls which I am sure will have helped.  And now he has an abscess and I am taking him to the emergency dentist tomorrow, its like a soap opera here

Aww, no naughty step then, just a big hug.

An abscess is so painful, I hope he gets it sorted tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hope you feel even better tomorrow, Skylark. Goodnight.

Me too Skylark, sleep well sweet dreams, I'm off too so hope you feel much better tomorrow.  Night Yogi, thank you both for your good wishes for my grandson, he has not had the easiest life and he needs all the cuddles he can get


Hugs for all the night owls


PS the order for the cookbooks has just gone in, so not too long now

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hope you feel even better tomorrow, Skylark. Goodnight.

Me too Skylark, sleep well sweet dreams, I'm off too so hope you feel much better tomorrow.  Night Yogi, thank you both for your good wishes for my grandson, he has not had the easiest life and he needs all the cuddles he can get


Hugs for all the night owls


PS the order for the cookbooks has just gone in, so not too long now


I've finished my book tonight, so I'll get started o the David Baldacci one tomorrow.

Goodnight, sleep well.

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