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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Summer, your breakfast trolley was empty by the time I looked a few minutes ago .I don't want to point the finger at the guilty person, but they know who they are . Anyway, I've replenished it so there should be sufficient for everyone else.


Here, at present, it's sunny and the wind is less than yesterday, but hefty showers are forecast.


Squiggle, from what I've read about The Body Farm which starts tonight, it is more gruesome than Waking the Dead. The opening scene shows a room with corpses shown in various stages of decomposition and there are autopsy scenes.

^^^^^ It wasn't me, I only ate one pancake - honest!


The wind is still very blustery but not as bad as yesterday. I hope there has been no serious damage wherever you all are..

I don't want to tempt fate, but the greenhouse is still in one piece atm.

I'll be watching The Body Farm tonight. Although by the sounds of it, I may be watching through my fingers.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I think the wind is due to get worse up your way from 4pm Skylark   I am glad your dog is more comfortable, I can't help thinking she needs some of my 'magic tablets', the doc prescribed me Lansoprazole because I make too much stomach acid, I sympathise with her its most uncomfortable, I said to my doc its like having someone else's digestion.

Yes it was a wild night, no damage as far as i know, tho x
How uncomfortable for you    The stuff the vet gave the dog seems to be working, although trying to get it in her was another story! She has been burping loudly then wagging her tail, so she must be feeling relief x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

And we are back

You must have psychic abilities because the entire Strata and every website which uses them including this one was out of action almost from when you went out and when you got back I don't know what it was, either their servers went down for a couple of hours by accident, or maybe they were doing one of their updates, but there's no warning on their help site.


Glad to hear your dog is getting better - the burping could be a sign that the excess acid is escaping.


Good news that nobody here seems to have had property damaged by the wind


I have to admit that I'm a bit doubtful as to whether I will watch the Body Farm. Apart from Tara Fitzgerald, I don't think anyone else from Waking the Dead will be seen in this series, and I don't really want to see the gruesome content.

El Loro

I'm back and it looks like I missed the site going down, I think one of the hamsters was a little unwell


All safely within budget I am pleased to say, its still very windy here but the only damage (so far) was one of the rose trellises coming down but luckily it was the morning when the gardener was here so he put it up again straight away.


Will your dog have to keep on taking that acid medication Skylark or does the vet think it was some kind of one-off?


Thanks Summer x
Well done on sticking to your budget squiggle
As for the dog, it seems more than a coincidence that just after the Mela Festival we were in the same park and i let her run off the lead. She is always sniffing around and a bit of a scavenger by nature, she may have eaten some food which was lying around, and of course it would be curried, and it has upset her tummy. We are back at vets on Thursday, so see what she says then x


Hello again.    All went well with the tests.  Just have to wait for the results.  The nurse was not going to do the cholesterol test but I told her that as the my medications have been messed about so much this needed to be done so that we have a "base line" as to where things are now.  It will be interesting to see if there is any difference in the results this time round.


The doctor didn't need to do an ECG El Loro.  If he had come on here we would have been able to tell him all he needed to know!!  Glad to hear that you dog is making a good recovery Skylark.  Pleased to hear the greenhouse is still standing Yogi.  Squiggle, you were really good staying under budget shopping in M & S.  It's a good job I don't shop there very often or we would be bankrupt!!


Will try and get back later tonight.  If not I will catch up with you all tomorrow. 

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Joyron, I hope your tests went well


I had my annual medical checkup this morning including a routine 5 yearly ECG and they confirmed that I still have a heart

But we always knew that EL, we could have told them


Joyron I too hope that the tests went well

Son is home again, the cranes not allowed to work under the windy conditions. He wants on HIS computer, the cheek of him  I reminded him who pays the bill and the electricity, he has gone all quiet ........

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Joyron, I hope your tests went well


I had my annual medical checkup this morning including a routine 5 yearly ECG and they confirmed that I still have a heart

But we always knew that EL, we could have told them


Joyron I too hope that the tests went well


Originally Posted by Joyron:

Hello again.    All went well with the tests.  Just have to wait for the results.  The nurse was not going to do the cholesterol test but I told her that as the my medications have been messed about so much this needed to be done so that we have a "base line" as to where things are now.  It will be interesting to see if there is any difference in the results this time round.


The doctor didn't need to do an ECG El Loro.  If he had come on here we would have been able to tell him all he needed to know!!  Glad to hear that you dog is making a good recovery Skylark.  Pleased to hear the greenhouse is still standing Yogi.  Squiggle, you were really good staying under budget shopping in M & S.  It's a good job I don't shop there very often or we would be bankrupt!!


Will try and get back later tonight.  If not I will catch up with you all tomorrow. 

I told the nurse that it was good to know that I still had a heart, I was reasonably certain that I had a brain, all I needed was some courage - luckily she knew what I was talking about


Like Joyron, I have to wait for the results of my blood tests - my doctor will ring me on Monday afternoon, but I've no reason to expect any change from before. All my prescriptions are generic ones and are fairly standard ones, so I've no reason to expect any changes there.


I do much of my shopping at M&S. I doubt if I shopped elsewhere that I would save much money as I'm shopping for one, and shopping for one will always be more expensive than half the cost of shopping for two, and I know that M&S food is good quality and sticks to real ingredients rather than adding chemicals.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi El, yes its very spooky i have been told before i am a bit psychic!

Not sure if i will watch The Body Farm either...................

Or was it psycho? Only kidding, you know I lubs you.


I got the "updating our bionics" message, when the site went down.

What on earth is a bionic?

Reminds me of The Six Million Dollar Man.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi El, yes its very spooky i have been told before i am a bit psychic!

Not sure if i will watch The Body Farm either...................

Or was it psycho? Only kidding, you know I lubs you.


I got the "updating our bionics" message, when the site went down.

What on earth is a bionic?

Reminds me of The Six Million Dollar Man.

I can go off people you know  Although you may be right there


I should have done the multi-quote thing, I'll look like I'm spamming.

Glad it went well at the nurse, Joyron.

Your son doesn't want to be working anywhere near a crane in this weather, glad they decided to send him home, Skylark.

Squiggle, you did very well sticking to your budget in M&S. They have so many delicious foods, it's easy to overspend in there.

Summer, has the bad weather kept the clients away today?

Greenhouse is still standing, in spite of the gusty wind and rain.


Rosemary has just posted this on the Social Strata site (the times are those in Seattle, not here):


We had a power failure at the data center this morning which may have affected your site.  We experienced downtime between 7 and 9am, but actual downtime varied per site.  All systems should be functioning normally now, but please let us know immediately if you are still having problems.  We are sorry for the difficult morning.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I got the "updating our bionics" message, when the site went down.

What on earth is a bionic?

Reminds me of The Six Million Dollar Man.

I think that's just their way of telling people they are doing an update and I think they are deliberately referring to $6m Man

Steve Austin was his name.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Rosemary has just posted this on the Social Strata site (the times are those in Seattle, not here):

We had a power failure at the data center this morning which may have affected your site.  We experienced downtime between 7 and 9am, but actual downtime varied per site.  All systems should be functioning normally now, but please let us know immediately if you are still having problems.  We are sorry for the difficult morning.

  Thanks El.


I do agree EL about the quality of M & S food, you feel a confidence in them.  I know what I want when I go in and I stick fairly rigidly to that, its so easy to get carried away.  I only go once every 6 weeks and freeze food to last me that long so its not really expensive.  And I still love their Luxury Gold teabags, I have not found one to beat it and I have tried Twinings and everything.


Enjoy your visit with your daughter and the wee one Skylark.


I did look rather longingly at the cherries, erm no -  tight budget, I spurned the lemon cheesecake although I would have loved to taste it, it sounds gorgeous, I did buy some of their jam sandwich creams, which are the best ever, but I haven't tried their white chocolate cookies and I haven't yet made the acquaintance of the couscous with roasted vegetables.  I was very very good, well sort of


Night everyone, sleep well, hugs for any night owls.

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